
How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

author:Popular Science Lobby

The United States and the West never dreamed that what they used to smear China would suddenly not work.

Since China opened the "144-hour transit visa-free", more and more foreign tourists have poured into China, except for a few strange things, the vast majority of foreign tourists who come to China are deeply shocked by the China in front of them, because the China they see with their own eyes is completely different from the China they remember.

Here, I have to admire our country's conspiracy, this inappropriate "own great Confucianism to defend me"!

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

1. 144-hour transit visa-free with fire for overseas bloggers

Since November last year, more and more foreigners have come to China to serve as "special forces".

Especially the popular cities in the mainland have been "captured" by foreigners, and we have long been accustomed to things.

On overseas social platforms, videos about traveling to China have also become proper traffic passwords, and the more Chinese watch it, the more confident they are, while the more the United States and the West watch it, the more panicked they are.

Because before these foreigners came to China to see in person, they had few channels to understand China, and for China, they were generally stereotypes, coupled with the deliberate smear and "Hades" propaganda of the United States and the West, all made foreigners feel that China was dirty and messy everywhere, that China was a backward and disorderly country, and that Chinese people were unqualified and impolite.

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

As a result, as foreigners come to China to travel, especially those overseas travel bloggers, through their videos, everyone has seen a completely different China, and even a China that makes them sigh that it is too advanced.

Before many foreigners come to China, they are curious to see how bad China really is.

The results come to a look: you Chinese live so well? Do you have so much high tech in China? You Chinese eat so well?

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

Especially when they see China's clean streets and beautiful scenery in China, they also have to sigh that China is really a great country with great rivers and mountains, and the ancestors of the Chinese are really good at choosing places.

Before these foreigners came, they were worried that they would not be safe, that they would be robbed on the streets of China.

As a result, they found that China is indeed "unsafe", and this "danger" is because China has too many temptations for them, including all kinds of food, all kinds of novelty and fun things, and high-tech that make them sigh.

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

Including China's public security environment, after these foreigners come to China, they will also sincerely sigh that "China is really the safest country in the world".

Such a situation is the last thing the United States and the West want to see, and it is also what they are most afraid of.

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

Because once more and more foreigners, their stereotypes about China are broken, they will think that China is a very good country, and from discriminating against China in the past and being prejudiced against Chinese, to liking China and recognizing China from the heart, in this way, the United States and the West will smear China, not only no one will believe it, but will also make them look like a "jumping clown".

And behind these foreigners coming to China to travel, as the videos of Chinese tourism continue to explode, there are more and more foreigners, not limited to a certain country, they are beginning to reflect, thinking about what their country is not doing well, why it is not as good as China in many aspects.

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

2. Foreigners who come to China to reflect on their travels to China

Yes, you are not mistaken, in the past, many "kneeling people" could not straighten their waists, even if our country has achieved a certain achievement, you can also see some "self-reflection" voices on the Internet, but now it is not the turn of these domestic "kneeling people" to reflect, because foreigners have begun to reflect.

For example, after many Americans travel to China, they will find that China's subway stations are clean and safe, there are no homeless people, no garbage and rats, and self-service ticket purchase is also very advanced and convenient.

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

Therefore, these Americans who have been to China have begun to reflect on whether there is a problem with the operation mechanism of the US government. Otherwise, why is it that the Chinese government is thinking about the people and trying to provide a better life for the people, while the US government is only thinking about political games, thinking about how to fool the people, and then a group of politicians will enrich themselves?

Obviously, this time China's conspiracy is absolutely a fatal blow to the United States and the West, they have smeared and spread rumors about China for decades, but they did not expect that in just a few months, these rumors will be self-defeating, but they have all been counterattacked.

How much is the "144-hour visa-free" worth? Foreign tourists flock to China, only to be shocked by the current state of the country

More importantly, the United States and the West cannot allow their own people to travel to China because of this, after all, they are shouting "democracy and freedom", and since "democracy and freedom", how can they restrict the freedom of their own people?

Obviously, the United States and the West are shooting themselves in the foot, and in one word, isn't this "deserved"?

What do you think about this? Feel free to leave a message and tell us what you think!

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