
Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

author:Popular Science Lobby

Have you been fooled by Musk?

New research has found that the so-called "Martian migration" program is simply unreliable, because the current human body structure cannot withstand the harsh environment on Mars, and if humans want to colonize Mars, unless they have to undergo a major physical modification.

So if that's the case, is there still a need for humans to explore Mars?

Let's find out!

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

1. Unreliable "Martian immigrants"

Although as early as 1962, humans began to launch probes to understand Mars, but ordinary people began to be curious about Mars, which is related to the "Mars Immigration Plan" proposed by Musk.

In January 2009, Musk mentioned in an interview that his SpaceX company's future goal is to help mankind complete "space migration", and Musk's goal is not only Mars, but also other planets that can be immigrated by humans.

Of course, in the solar system, the most likely place for human immigrants is Mars, so "Martian immigration" is also Musk's first goal.

According to his vision, the cost of immigrating to Mars is about $2 million.

Although this money is an "astronomical amount" for many people, there are so many rich people on the earth, so Musk's Mars immigration plan does not seem to lack target customers.

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

It's just that humans can really colonize Mars?

In May this year, Musk mentioned the Mars immigration plan, saying that a human city will be built on Mars within 30 years, which also means that before 2055, human civilization will develop on Mars.

Can this really be done?

Existing research believes that if human beings want to move to Mars, the early transformation time of Mars can be as little as one or two hundred years, and as many as thousands of years, so it is obviously unreliable to immigrate to Mars within 30 years.

For example, the famous Chinese scientist Ouyang Ziyuan once said when referring to Martian immigrants that even after modification, Mars is far from being as migrated as humans imagined.

And a study from the University of London some time ago directly punctured Musk's "lie".

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

To get to Mars from Earth, you need to go through more than 200 days of space travel on the way.

It is not easy for astronauts to reach Mars smoothly while ensuring their health, let alone ordinary people?

Through the collection and analysis of human health data, relevant researchers believe that human kidneys are unable to adapt to more than 200 days of long-distance space travel, even if the astronauts with strong physical fitness, on the way back to Earth from Mars, may also need "dialysis" to return to Earth alive.

Therefore, if you really want to go to Mars, you need to take some drugs or undergo human modification.

In fact, in addition to physical problems, the more than 200-day space journey is also a test of psychological quality and mental state, so it is still the same sentence, if you want to go to Mars, it is not so simple at all.

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

What's more, if you want to build a city on Mars, the existing environment on Mars is not suitable for life at all, as Ouyang Ziyuan said, it will take at least a few hundred years to transform, and how can Musk be able to send tens of thousands of people to Mars within 30 years?

Obviously, Musk's "Martian immigrants" are a hoax.

Of course, only if there is a gimmick will someone invest in him, and he can also take the investor's money to study his whimsy.

So since the existing body structure of human beings is difficult to adapt to the long space travel, does it mean that the "manned landing on Mars" that the mainland and the United States are planning is also unreliable?

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

2. Can humans really land on Mars?

Take the continent as an example, like the lunar exploration project, the continent also has a detailed plan for exploring Mars.

For example, it is announced that around 2030, Tianwen-3 will be launched to Mars to sample and return.

In the future, the continent will also carry out a manned landing on Mars, and a scientific research base will also be built on Mars, just like the construction of a lunar base.

In 2011, the "Mars-500" test, which the mainland participated in at that time, was originally intended to send humans to Mars within 15 to 20 years.

From the point of view of time, that is, from 2026 to 2031, of course, with the exploration and research of Mars in these years, it is actually unreliable for humans to land on Mars around 2030, including the previous NASA plan to complete the manned landing on Mars before 2033, and now it is also postponed to about 2040.

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

Judging from the mainland's Mars exploration program, if Chinese astronauts are ready to land on Mars, it will also be around 2040.

Therefore, in the future, the manned landing of China and the United States on Mars may have to "hit time", which also means that the Chinese and Americans will compete for who will be the first to set foot on Mars and who will become the first country to land on Mars.

Musk's "Mars immigration" plan was slapped in the face! New study finds: Martian immigration is unreliable

At present, it is likely to be China, because NASA's Mars program has been greatly delayed, and it will be difficult for NASA to complete Mars sampling and return to Earth before 2040, so it is even more impossible to land on Mars manned. What do you think about this?

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