
What is organizational discipline and what are the violations of organizational discipline? 丨Party discipline learning and education is a lesson every day

author:Shenzhen Longhua
What is organizational discipline and what are the violations of organizational discipline? 丨Party discipline learning and education is a lesson every day
What is organizational discipline and what are the violations of organizational discipline? 丨Party discipline learning and education is a lesson every day

What is organizational discipline and what are the violations of organizational discipline?

What is organizational discipline and what are the violations of organizational discipline? 丨Party discipline learning and education is a lesson every day

Organizational discipline is the code of conduct that regulates and handles the relationship between Party organizations at all levels, between Party organizations and Party members, and between Party members and Party members, and is the basic condition for maintaining the Party's centralization and unity and maintaining the Party's combat effectiveness.

Violations of organizational discipline mainly include the following categories: violations of the principle of democratic centralism; non-implementation of organizational decisions; failure to comply with the prescribed descriptions and reports; engaging in non-organizational activities; Illegal selection of cadres; Seeking personnel benefits in violation of regulations; violating the rights of Party members; illegal development of party members; Violation of regulations on the management of leaving the country (outside the territory), etc.

Chapter VII of the newly revised Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China "Sanctions for Violations of Organizational Discipline" consists of 17 articles, 2 articles have been added and 7 articles have been amended. Article 80 is newly added to provide sanctions ranging from warnings, serious warnings, or even expulsion from the Party, to Party members who have the obligation to testify in accordance with laws and regulations during the disciplinary review of Party organizations, refusing to testify or intentionally providing false information, reaching a more serious or serious level of circumstance; Article 85 is newly added, which clearly stipulates that in the work of promoting the promotion and demotion of leading cadres, there is a good humanism, and there are sanctions such as Party discipline and government affairs to circumvent organizational adjustments, organizational adjustments to replace Party discipline and government affairs, or other acts of avoiding the important and lightening the punishment, corresponding sanctions are to be given in light of the circumstances. Article 86 adds provisions on the punishment of fraud and profit-seeking in violation of regulations in the awarding of academic titles, to promote the creation of a good atmosphere of recognizing, loving, respecting and using talents, and to provide disciplinary safeguards for promoting the evaluation mechanism for innovative talents; Article 91 provides for sanctions for Party members who have been approved to go abroad (outside the mainland) for private purposes but have conduct beyond the scope of approval; Wait a minute.

Source | The website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission

| ZHANG Shan

Audit | Li Shizhao

What is organizational discipline and what are the violations of organizational discipline? 丨Party discipline learning and education is a lesson every day

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