
The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

author:Spring Rainy Season I

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about a bizarre story that happened in our northeastern border. This matter, we have to start from the place called Taoyuan Village, our village, the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the scenery is infinite, but what we want to talk about today is not this natural scenery, but a strange fate in the village.

It is said that in this Taoyuan Village, there is a young man named Li Xiaoyao, who looks like a handsome, both civil and military, and the girls in the village are looking forward to him being able to take a fancy to him. But this Li Xiaoyao is not taking the usual path, he just fell in love with a widow in the village, named Qin. Qin's family, she lost her husband in her early years, and she was pulling a baby alone, although she was a widow, she was handsome and had a good heart, and the people in the village praised her as a virtuous and virtuous woman.

But the identity of this widow makes Li Xiaoyao's father and mother feel uncomfortable. His father and mother are both authentic croppers and are very conservative. They felt that if their son married a widow, it would be a shame to come home. So, the old couple didn't agree with the left and the right, so they had to let Li Xiaoyao marry a yellow flower girl. But this Li Xiaoyao is determined to marry the Qin family, he knelt in front of his father and mother, and said earnestly: "Father, my son will not marry the Qin family in this life." Although she was a widow, she was kind-hearted and dignified, and she was a hundred times better than those girls who were empty of beauty. If her son marries her and enters the door, she will definitely be able to live in harmony and prosperity in her family. ”

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

When the old couple heard this, they were so angry that they blew their beards and glared, but they couldn't do anything about this stubborn son. In the end, they had to sigh, shake their heads, and say, "That's it, we can't control you with your stubborn temper." If you insist on marrying the widow, we will not stop you, but if you have a bad time in the future, don't blame us for not reminding you. In this way, Li Xiaoyao ignored the opposition of his parents and insisted on marrying the Qin family.

After the two got married, the days were getting sweeter and sweeter, and the Qin family not only kept the house in order, but also helped Li Xiaoyao to manage the work in the fields. The two worked together, and the days became more and more prosperous. But the people in Taoyuan Village still inevitably point fingers and make irresponsible remarks behind their backs. Some say that Li Xiaoyao's brain is in water, and he doesn't marry so many good girls, but marries a widow; Some said that the Qin family was scheming, and he must have used some means to confuse Li Xiaoyao.

These words reached the ears of Li Xiaoyao's parents, and their hearts were even more panicked. But after a long time, watching their son and daughter-in-law live better and better, they gradually let go of their prejudices in their hearts. They began to believe in their son's vision and felt that the Qin family was indeed a rare and good daughter-in-law. In this way, the days of Li Xiaoyao and the Qin family became more and more flavorful, and they became a good story in the village. Hey, in our small village, there's really a strange thing that makes people scratch their heads. That night, it was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and a group of uninvited guests, with something in their hands, broke into our village. One by one, they searched from house to house, scaring the villagers as if they had lost their souls, and they were running around. But let's Li Xiaoyao, that's a tough guy, he took the lead, took the young men in the village, and did it with the robbers. Tell me, after this vicious battle, we just beat those bandits away. The villagers gave a thumbs up one by one and praised Li Xiaoyao as a hero.

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

No, Li Xiaoyao and his daughter-in-law Qin have become nails in their eyes. Why? Li Xiaoyao is strong in martial arts and a good person, and everyone in the village listens to him. Although Qin is a widow, she is smart and capable, and she is well organized at home and outside. These two people are simply the patron saints of Taoyuan Village. The people of the Netherworld Sect saw that this was not going to work, and they had to find a way to get rid of these two mouths. So, they began to plot secretly, preparing to be ruthless to Li Xiaoyao.

That night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, and it was a good time to do bad things. Taking advantage of the night, the people of the Netherworld Sect quietly entered Li Xiaoyao's house. They thought that they could solve Li Xiaoyao unknowingly, but how did they know that Li Xiaoyao had expected it a long time ago and made preparations in advance. As soon as they entered the house, they felt that something was wrong, it was quiet, and there was not even a ghost. Looking around, I found a pot of wine and a few side dishes on the table in the hall, and the aroma of wine made people's mouths water. They thought to themselves, Li Xiaoyao was too careless, and he didn't even know that there was a thief in the house. So they sat down with a great swagger and began to eat and drink. But how did they know that this wine had already been drugged. After only a few sips, I felt dizzy and tired. At this time, Li Xiaoyao suddenly rushed in from outside the house, holding a long sword and pointing directly at those Netherworld Sect members. When those guys saw it, they were shocked, why is this Li Xiaoyao so powerful? They wanted to resist, but they didn't have any strength at all, so they could only watch Li Xiaoyao clean them up one by one. Oh, this matter is a big problem, the villagers in Taoyuan Village have heard about Li Xiaoyao's ability, and they came to give Li Xiaoyao a thumbs up one by one, saying that he is the pride of our village and a hero. Li Xiaoyao, this young man, was very modest, waved his hand and said: "We have to carry this matter together, we are all a family, and we have to go together if there are any difficulties." "But this matter is not over yet, the Netherworld Sect has suffered a loss, how can it be just settled? They began to inquire about Li Xiaoyao's weakness everywhere, looking for an opportunity to take revenge.

That day, Li Xiaoyao went to the town to do some errands, and when he came back, it was dark. As he walked home, he suddenly felt a cold wind swishing, and when he looked up, there was a dark figure standing not far away, still holding a shining knife in his hand. Li Xiaoyao's heart tightened, but his face still looked casual. He knew in his heart that this must be someone from the Nether Sect who had come to find fault, and he had to deal with it carefully, so that they could not succeed.

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

Li Xiaoyao quietly drew his long sword from his waist and prepared to fight. The Netherworld Sect saw that Li Xiaoyao drew his sword and knew that this young man was not easy to mess with. But they didn't want to give up just like that, so they rushed over with their knives. Li Xiaoyao saw this posture and thought that he had to find a way to lure them away, so he shouted while retreating: "Don't come here, my sword doesn't recognize people!" When the people of the Nether Sect heard this, they became even more arrogant, thinking that Li Xiaoyao was scared and wanted to escape, so they chased after him even more frantically.

But how did they know that Li Xiaoyao deliberately led them outside the village. He retreated and retreated until he reached the woods outside the village. When he arrived, he suddenly stopped, turned to face those Netherworld Sect people, and shouted, "You wicked people, let you see my skills today!" With that, he swung his sword and rushed forward. After a fierce battle, Li Xiaoyao knocked away all those people of the Netherworld Sect.

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

As soon as Li Xiaoyao returned to the village, everyone gathered around him and asked him how the battle was going. He smiled slightly, waved his hand, and then left the next sentence: "It's all done, don't worry about it, everyone." But in that smile, there was a little worry that was not easy to detect.

As soon as Qin saw her husband coming back, she hurriedly greeted her and asked with concern, "Xiaoyao, how are you?" It didn't hurt, did it? Li Xiaoyao held her hand and shook his head gently, "I'm fine, don't worry." The two of them looked at each other, and the tacit understanding and trust were full.

But this peaceful day didn't last long. One day, a group of strangers suddenly came to Taoyuan Village. They were dressed in a mold carved out, and they still had a guy in their hands, and they didn't look like good birds. When the people in the village saw this posture, they were so frightened that they all hid at home, leaving Li Xiaoyao and the Qin family standing at the entrance of the village, facing these people.

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

The leader was a middle-aged man, he looked Li Xiaoyao up and down, and said coldly: "You are Li Xiaoyao?" Our Sect Master invites you to come over. As soon as Li Xiaoyao heard this, he understood in his heart that these people must be from the Netherworld Sect. He smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you." ”

As soon as Qin heard that her husband was going to go with them, she hurriedly grabbed his hand, "Xiaoyao, you can't go, they must not be well-intentioned." Li Xiaoyao patted the back of her hand lightly and comforted: "It's okay, they don't dare to do anything to me." Don't worry, I'll be back soon. After speaking, he broke away from Qin's hand and followed the gang out of Taoyuan Village.

Li Xiaoyao was taken to the lair of the Netherworld Sect and met the head of the Netherworld Sect. The head was an old man with a gloomy face, he stared at Li Xiaoyao for a long time, and suddenly smiled, "Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao, you are really a character." We in the Nether Sect have always wanted to pull you into the gang, but unfortunately you are not happy. But it's okay, as long as you hand over the secrets of Taoyuan Village, I'll let you go. ”

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

When Li Xiaoyao heard this, his heart was like a mirror, this old man's intention. He smiled slightly and shook his head, "There are no secrets in Taoyuan Village. If you want to move Taoyuan Village, then come. But I have to remind you that the people in Taoyuan Village are not vegetarians. ”

As soon as the sect leader heard this, his face immediately fell, "Hmph, don't eat and drink for toasting." Since you're so ignorant of lifting, then don't blame me for being rude. Someone, put him in the dungeon! Several of his subordinates responded and escorted Li Xiaoyao into the dungeon. In the dungeon, Li Xiaoyao bumped into a guy he didn't expect—the brother of the Netherworld Sect kid who had been cleaned up by him in the forest. As soon as the buddy saw Li Xiaoyao, a wave of hatred immediately flashed in his eyes, "Li Xiaoyao!" My brother just told you to die! I have to avenge him today! As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed up. Li Xiaoyao was sharp, and dodged the buddy's attack with a slight flash. He didn't want to hurt the other party, he just wanted to get out of this hellish place quickly. So he spoke: "Your brother did it on his own, and if he doesn't provoke me, I won't touch him." If you don't accept it, just go up. But I have to tell you, when is this revenge a head? If you are still so obsessed, you will end up harming yourself. When the buddy heard this, he was stunned. He looked at Li Xiaoyao, who was as steady as an old dog and calm in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little admiration in his heart. He hesitated for a moment, then said, "Okay! I'll let you go today! But you have to promise me one condition - don't set foot in our Nether Cult again! Li Xiaoyao nodded, "Okay!" I promise you! With that, he turned around and strode out of the dungeon.

Seeing that he came out so quickly, the sect leader asked a little surprised, "Why did you come out so quickly?" He let you go? Li Xiaoyao smiled slightly, didn't say much, just arched his hand, "Sect Master, if there is nothing else, I will leave first!" With that, he strode out of the Nether Cult's headquarters.

The man did not marry a girl and married a widow, and his parents did not approve of it, and it was only after a few years that he learned that his son was poisonous

When Li Xiaoyao returned to Taoyuan Village, it was already dawn. The Qin clan and the villagers were anxious like ants on a hot pot, waiting for him to come back. Seeing that he was safe and sound, everyone breathed a sigh of relief and gathered around to inquire about the situation. Li Xiaoyao briefly talked about what happened, and told everyone that the Netherworld Sect would not come to trouble again for the time being, but everyone had to be vigilant, just in case. Since then, Taoyuan Village has lived a peaceful and peaceful life, and Li Xiaoyao and the Qin family have continued their happy lives until they grow old together and have children and grandchildren......