
The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

author:Spring Rainy Season I

In the south of our big country, there is a mountain, called Cuiyun Mountain, the mountain is high and dense, the clouds and mist are shrouded, and the scenery is as beautiful as a painting. There is a legend in the mountain that there are fairies and spirits, and there are too many strange flowers and plants to count. There is a small village at the foot of the mountain, and there lives a young man named Li Ergou. Don't look at his name, he is not soil, he has a good heart, he works diligently, and his family has been collecting medicine for generations.

On this day, Li Ergou put on the basket on his back and set foot on the road to Cuiyun Mountain. The mountain road was winding and winding, but he walked as steady as an old dog, and he knew that he was very familiar with this road at a glance. It wasn't long before he was in the open field of the mountains, where the sun was shining through the cracks in the trees, the ground was speckled with the scent of flowers. Li Ergou looked around, looking for those valuable medicinal materials.

Suddenly, he saw an old tree, and a green snake was wrapped around its trunk, and the snake was molting, and its body trembled slightly. Li Ergou was shocked and thought: "What a fate this snake has to be molting!" He crept closer and hid behind a tree to peek. The green snake writhed slowly, and the skin fell down layer by layer, revealing slippery new scales. Li Ergou's eyes straightened when he saw it, and he thought: "This molt is really godly!" ”

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

Just as he was fascinated, the green snake suddenly raised its head, and a pair of emerald green eyes stared straight at him. Li Ergou's heart tightened, and he wanted to run, but he heard the green snake speak again: "Li Ergou, you peek at me molting, we are destined." In three years, I have to marry you. Li Ergou almost didn't stand firm, and stammered and asked, "You, are you a monster?" The green snake smiled and said, "I am the green snake fairy of Cuiyun Mountain, I have cultivated for many years, and I can transform into a human form. Today's molting is a sign of my cultivation progress. Now that you have seen it, we have fate. In three years, I will come to you. After speaking, the green snake turned into green smoke and disappeared.

Li Ergou was stunned for a long time, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He didn't know whether he believed it or not. But the words of the green snake fairy made him feel that this matter was not simple. As the days passed, Li Ergou still went up the mountain every day to collect medicine, but he always thought about the words of the Green Snake Fairy in his heart. He didn't know what to do, so he could only hide it in his heart and tell no one.

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

But Li Ergou always had a pimple in his heart, just like the frozen persimmon in the northeast, which was hard, that is, the words of the green snake fairy, which made him feel up and down in his heart. On this day, he was squatting at home, tidying up the bundles of medicinal herbs. Suddenly, I heard a crisp laugh outside, and the sound was crisper than the ice skates in the northeast. As soon as he looked up, a woman in green clothes who looked like a fairy walked in with a smile. As soon as the woman saw him, she said happily: "Li Ergou, do you remember me?" ”

Li Ergou glanced at the woman, his eyes were bigger than the lantern in the northeast, and he stammered: "You, you, you are the green snake fairy?" The woman nodded and said, "Yes, it's me." When I molted three years ago, you peeked at me, and today is the day we agreed. I've come to fulfill my promise to marry you. As soon as Li Ergou heard this, his heart was colder than the ice and snow in the northeast. Although he had some interest in the Green Snake Fairy in his heart, when he thought that she was a monster, his heart beat a drum. Besides, when did he think about marrying a monster as a daughter-in-law!

The Green Snake Fairy looked at Li Ergou's appearance, and she was not in a hurry. She smiled and said, "Li Ergou, don't be afraid. I'm a monster, but I've never hurt anyone. I married you because I really like you. If you wish, we will be married; If you don't want to, I won't force it. When Li Ergou heard this, the stone in his heart seemed to be warmed by the warm kang in the northeast. He thought for a moment and said, "Green Snake Fairy, I—I'm willing to marry you." But you have to promise me that you can't hurt innocent people in the future. The green snake fairy nodded and said, "I promise you." From now on, I will live with you and protect this home together. ”

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

In this way, Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy became husband and wife. The two of them went up the mountain to collect medicine together, ran a medicinal herb business together, and lived an ordinary and happy life together. Their story is also spread in the village more popular than the two in the northeast. The two got married, and life was so prosperous. Although Li Ergou still muttered in his heart from time to time, the virtuous appearance of the Green Snake Fairy and the playful energy she showed from time to time made his heart warm. This green snake fairy is not only beautiful, but also a good hand who can live. She understands the habits of medicinal herbs, knows which herbs are valuable, and which herbs can cure diseases. With her help, Li Ergou's medicinal herb business is getting bigger and bigger, and even people from other villages come here.

However, this green snake fairy also has a quirk, that is, she especially likes to eat eggs. Every morning, she eats an egg or two, saying that it can nourish her beauty. Although Li Ergou felt strange, he didn't ask much, thinking to himself that there is always something different about fairies.

On this day, Li Ergou went up the mountain to collect medicine as usual. As soon as I reached the halfway point of the mountain, I heard a rush cry for help. He followed the sound and saw a hunter entangled in a large python and unable to move. As soon as Li Ergou glanced at the posture, his heart was in a hurry, he picked up a wooden stick casually, and rushed to the big python. The two of you went back and forth, and the fight was inseparable, and in the end, Li Ergou saved the hunter, but he also hung up the lottery. The big python saw that the situation was not good, turned around, slipped into the grass, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Orion was so grateful that tears welled up in his eyes and thanked him repeatedly. Li Ergou waved his hand and said, "We are all from the village, and it is appropriate to help each other." As soon as he finished speaking, he limped home.

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

When he got home, the green snake fairy looked at the wound on his body, and his tears rolled in distress. She hurriedly took out her treasured medicinal materials and healed Li Ergou's injuries. During the period when Li Ergou was recuperating from his injuries, the Green Snake Fairy took good care of him, cooked food for him, and chatted with him to relieve his boredom. As soon as this matter passed, Li Ergou's feelings for the Green Snake Fairy deepened. He thought to himself: "Although this green snake fairy is a monster, he is kind-hearted and good to me, what else can I choose?" ”

As the days passed, the relationship between Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy became deeper and deeper. They went up the mountain to collect medicine together, ran a medicinal herb business together, and spent spring, summer, autumn and winter together one after another. But the good times didn't last long, one day, a Taoist priest came to the village, claiming to be a master of subduing demons and eliminating demons. He heard that there was a monster living in Li Ergou's house, so he came to get rid of the demon. As soon as the Taoist priest entered the door, he pointed to the green snake fairy and said, "You monster, show your original form quickly, otherwise I'm welcome!" As soon as the green snake fairy heard this, her face changed. She looked at Li Ergou, then at the Taoist priest, suddenly sighed, and said, "Come on, since you have to do this, then I will rely on you." After saying that, the green snake fairy turned into a green snake and coiled on the ground.

As soon as the Taoist priest saw this, he triumphantly took out the charm and magic weapon, ready to collect the demon. But at this moment, Li Ergou stood in front of the Green Snake Fairy and said, "The Tao is long and slow!" Although she is a monster, she has never harmed anyone. Our husband and wife have been dependent on each other for many years, and our relationship is very deep. If you want to take her, take me first! When the Taoist priest heard this, he was stunned. He looked at Li Ergou's firm eyes, then at the green snake on the ground, and finally sighed and said, "Come on, for your sake, I'll let her go." With that, the priest turned and left.

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

Seeing this, the green snake fairy immediately changed back into a human form and threw herself into Li Ergou's arms. The two hugged each other and cried, as if they wanted to pour out all their affection. After this incident, the relationship between Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy became even deeper. They know that no matter what difficulties they encounter, as long as they think in one place and work hard in one place, there is nothing they cannot overcome. And the Taoist priest has also understood a truth since then: monsters are not terrible, what is really terrible is the human heart. Since that time, he has stopped hunting demons everywhere, changed his temperament, wandered around, and looked for those who really needed help. As for Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy, the two of them are living a good life, and the medicinal herb shop is also thriving. Their story spread in the village and became a topic of conversation after dinner. In this way, Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy lived the small life they dreamed of in the small village at the foot of Cuiyun Mountain. The green snake that once entrenched in their hearts has also become the deepest emotional bond between their hearts, closely connecting the hearts of both of them.

Having said that, Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy had a peaceful life, the two of them held hands, stood together through thick and thin, and the days were as sweet as honey. However, there are always some things that are not peaceful in this world, just like the winter in our northeast, with strong winds and snowflakes from time to time. One day, a group of people from outside the village, claiming to be medicinal herb merchants from the south, wanted to accept those strange medicinal materials from Li Ergou's family. These businessmen dressed up fancy and acted generously, which made Li Ergou feel a little itchy in his heart. But the Green Snake Fairy felt that these people had cunning and greed in their eyes, and they were not good goods. Sure enough, these herb dealers didn't really come to do business. They took advantage of the night to sneak into the warehouse of Li Ergou's house, wanting to steal those precious medicinal materials. Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy had already prepared, and the two joined forces to subdue these medicinal herb merchants one by one. As soon as this incident passed, Li Ergou admired the wisdom and courage of the Green Snake Fairy to the ground. He thought to himself that he had really married a good daughter-in-law, not only good-looking, but also smart and clever.

The girl of the Green Snake Fairy also gave Li Ergou a thumbs up, the pride in her heart, not to mention how proud. Since then, no monster on the mountain dares to show its head, and the villagers can go up the mountain to collect medicine with peace of mind. Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy, the relationship between the two is also deeper because of this matter, a family of three, and life is sweet.

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy are both old, but that relationship is still the same as back then, very affectionate. Their children have also grown up, started a family, and have their own little world. No matter where they go, they will never forget their roots, that warm little village.

One day, Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy were sitting at the door of their homes, basking in the sun and chatting. Recalling those things when I was young, the ups and downs, as if it was just yesterday. The two were full of emotion and felt that it was a great blessing to meet and fall in love.

While chatting, the grandson came, holding a beautiful box in his hand, saying that it was a gift for his grandparents. When I opened it, it was a sub-painting, which depicted the scene of them going up the mountain to collect medicine when they were young. When the two of them looked at it, the tears couldn't stop flowing, this painting was too precious. The grandson smiled and said that this painting was specially painted by a famous artist, and I hope that my grandparents will like it. Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy nodded again and again, and said, "I like it, I like it so much!" After speaking, the two hugged each other tightly, as if they wanted to keep this happiness in their hearts forever.

The man went up the mountain to collect medicine and peeked at the green snake molting, and the green snake said I will marry you in three years

In this way, Li Ergou and the Green Snake Fairy spent the best time of their lives in the company of their grandson. They use their own stories to tell the world: as long as there is love in their hearts, no difficulties are a problem, and a happy life can be captured. Their story has also become a good story sung by the people in the village and an eternal legend.