
Complaining is not a reason, if you feel that the motherland is not good, you should change it, not complain

author:Chen Chuer

Bringing up this topic reminds me of what my teachers used to teach us when I was a child: "Don't complain about fate, create destiny with your own hands." ”

At that time, we didn't understand the deep meaning of this sentence, but as we grew older and experienced more, we gradually understood the true meaning.

Complaining is not a reason, if you feel that the motherland is not good, you should change it, not complain

Since I was a child, I have lived in an ordinary family, my parents are hardworking and kind, and they have created a warm home for us with their hard work. However, life is not all smooth sailing, and there will be setbacks and difficulties. When I was a child, I didn't understand why my parents always silently carried the weight of life instead of complaining. Now, as I grew up, I began to understand their struggles.

The mainland has a long history and profound cultural heritage, but at the same time, it also faces many challenges.

Problems such as social injustice and the gap between the rich and the poor often cause people to complain. However, complaining does not solve these problems, on the contrary, it only keeps us stuck in negative emotions and unable to extricate ourselves. As an ordinary person, I know that my strength is meager, but I firmly believe that as long as each of us can do our part, the development of the motherland will definitely get better and better.

Complaining is not a reason, if you feel that the motherland is not good, you should change it, not complain

When I look back on my upbringing, there are many people around me who complain about the unfairness of life and the problems of society. And I, too, was once affected by this complaining emotion, full of complaints about life.

However, by chance, I read a storybook about the history of the motherland, which tells the deeds of countless heroes and exemplary people who have made arduous efforts and even sacrificed their precious lives for the prosperity of the motherland.

I was deeply touched by the stories of these heroes, who told me that complaining is not a reason, and only by changing can we make our country better. So, I decided not to complain, but to do my part and contribute to the development of my country.

Complaining is not a reason, if you feel that the motherland is not good, you should change it, not complain

As an ordinary person, I know that my strength is meager. But I believe that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. As long as each of us can start from ourselves, start from the small things around us, accumulate small streams into rivers and seas, and accumulate steps to thousands of miles, the development of the motherland will definitely get better and better.

When we were children, we were taught not to complain about fate, but to create it with our own hands. Now that we have grown up, we should also live up to this vow with our own actions.

We should remember this proverb together: "Complaining is not a reason, if you feel that the motherland is bad, you should change it, not complain." "Let us stop indulging in complaints, but devote ourselves to change and contribute to the development of our country.

Complaining is not a reason, if you feel that the motherland is not good, you should change it, not complain

On this road of change, we may encounter difficulties and even setbacks, but as long as we have firm faith and forge ahead bravely, we will certainly be able to overcome all difficulties and make the motherland stronger, more prosperous and more prosperous. This is because each and every one of us is an important member of the motherland's development, and our efforts are the driving force for the motherland's progress.

We must work hand in hand to build a better motherland, no longer complain, but change. We believe that as long as we work together, the motherland will have a better tomorrow!