
The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

author:Spring Rainy Season I

Tell me, the road of Cuiyun Peak is not a joke, but Li Erniu, this young man, has the strength to not admit defeat, along the way, it is to overcome thorns and thorns, climb mountains and mountains, and finally let him find a piece of feng shui treasure. This place, with a small stream flowing in front and a field of green pines and cypresses in the back, is really a rare and good place.

Li Erniu immediately started digging the tomb, digging and digging, and suddenly heard the sound of "hissing", as soon as he looked up, my God, a big snake, the mouth of the bowl is so thick, it is coiled on the edge of the tomb, spitting out letters, staring at him directly. Li Erniu was frightened and thought, "Why did this snake run here?" Could it be that you want to rob my father's tomb? He picked up the stick and tried to chase away the snake, but the snake didn't move, and just stared at him coldly.

Li Erniu's heart was hairy, but he thought again: "My father was most afraid of snakes before his death, if he killed the snake, my father would definitely be unhappy if he knew about it underground." Thinking of this, he put down his stick and decided to go down the mountain first to consult with the people of the village.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

Li Erniu returned to the village and talked about it, and everyone talked about it. Some said, "This snake must have been sent by the mountain god, so we can't touch it!" Some said, "We have to ask a Taoist priest to see if this snake is good or bad." In the end, the village chief slapped his thigh and said, "It's decided, invite a Taoist priest to take a look!" The people of the village pooled some money and sent someone to invite the most famous Taoist priest in the neighborhood.

This Taoist priest is a white-bearded old man, who is said to be able to subdue demons and eliminate demons, and has great magical powers. He listened to Li Erniu's situation, stroked his beard, and said, "I have to go and see this in person." I followed Li Erniu up the mountain, and when I got to the edge of the tomb, I saw that there was a big snake coiled there. He looked at the snake carefully, then nodded, and said, "This snake is not here to rob the tomb, it is here to save you." ”

When everyone heard this, they were all stunned, and Li Erniu was even more confused, and asked, "Save us?" How did this snake save us? The Taoist priest smiled and explained, "This snake is actually a spiritual snake on this mountain, and it is coiled on the edge of the tomb to protect the tomb from evil spirits. If you drive it away, the tomb will be easily invaded by evil spirits, and your house will not be at peace. ”

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

When Li Erniu heard this, he suddenly realized, and hurriedly asked, "Then what should we do?" The Taoist priest said, "You will build a snake temple here, offer incense, and come to worship every year in the future, and thank this spiritual snake for its protection." In this way, your family's life will be better and better. Hearing everyone say this, the stone in their hearts finally landed, and everyone nodded like pounding garlic, thinking that this matter was reliable. As soon as the Taoist priest pointed out, everyone set up a snake temple on the edge of the tomb, burning incense and worshipping the gods, which was called a lively one. Since then, the life of Li Erniu's family has been like sesame blossoms, and the people in the village have been smooth sailing, strange things or something, all of them have disappeared. The big snake has also been coiled next to the snake temple, guarding this land. Passers-by saw that its cold eyes still showed a warm and protective energy. Everyone said that this is the spirit snake blessing us!

Hey, listeners and friends, that's all for today's story, let's continue to talk about it next time. Come on, let's move on. Since the construction of the snake temple, the whole village has been particularly harmonious, and even the wind has a sweet smell. Li Erniu's mother praised when she saw people, saying that his family Erniu was a good child who was filial, and that his father was watching them from the sky and bless the family.

But the good times didn't last long, and people in the village began to mumble. Some people say that the snake is not a good thing, maybe it is a goblin, and sooner or later it will harm us. These words are like a gust of wind that makes people's hearts panic. Li Erniu also muttered in his heart, he thought, the snake saved their family, how could it be a goblin? But as soon as the people in the village said this every day, he began to waver.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

On this day, he came to the snake temple and looked at the big snake, and his heart was mixed. At this moment, the Taoist priest came again. He looked at Li Erniu, smiled and said, "Erniu, you have doubts in your heart, right?" Li Erniu nodded and said, "Yes, Daoist, everyone in the village says that the snake is a goblin, and I ...... it" The Taoist priest waved his hand, interrupted him, and said: "Erniu, look at this snake, it has saved your family and guarded the village for so many years, isn't this enough?" Why do you have to listen to those rumors? Li Erniu scratched his head and said, "But Dao Chief, I'm also scared in my heart." The Taoist priest sighed and said, "I'm scared because you don't know enough." This snake is a spiritual creature in the mountains, it will not harm people, it will only protect people. You have to believe in your eyes, but you have to believe in your heart. When Li Erniu heard this, his heart suddenly brightened. He nodded and said, "Dao Chief, I understand, I will take good care of this snake temple." The Taoist priest smiled and nodded, turning around to leave.

But at this moment, suddenly, the sky was full of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and a rainstorm was coming, like pouring water. Li Erniu was startled and hurriedly ran to the snake temple to hide from the rain. He looked at the big snake and muttered in his heart, why did the weather change so quickly? At that moment, the serpent suddenly moved. It raised its head, looked up at the sky, and let out a deafening roar. Oh, that voice is really a shock, just like a dragon's groan, which makes people's hearts tremble. Li Erniu's kid, when he heard this movement, he was so frightened that he jumped three feet high, and hurriedly found a place to hide. But at this moment, he saw the big snake, good fellow, and it soared into the clouds! I'm a good girl, this face is big! Li Erniu's eyes widened like copper bells, watching the big snake turn over the river and the sea in the rainstorm, like a big jumper.

At this moment, the Taoist priest suddenly appeared, stood next to him, and said, "Erniu, have you seen it clearly?" This snake is not a monster, it is a real dragon! When Li Erniu heard this, he almost didn't get angry, and stammered and asked, "Dao, Dao Chief, what do you mean?" Is this a dragon? The Taoist priest nodded and said, "That's right, this is the dragon." It has been guarding our land and village, and it usually turns into a snake. Now it's going back to heaven, and the snake temple will be handed over to you in the future. As soon as the words fell, the Taoist priest disappeared. Li Erniu was stunned for a long time and didn't move, and his heart was mixed.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

Later, when Li Erniu told the people in the village about this, everyone was so shocked that they ran to the snake temple and kowtowed to thank them. Since then, the snake temple has become the patron saint of the village, and Li Erniu has also become the patron saint of the temple. Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, years have passed. During this period, the village was full of ups and downs, but with the big snake and Li Erniu guarding it, the village has been safe and sound.

Until one day, Li Erniu was old and couldn't walk, so he sat in front of the snake temple and looked at the sky in a daze. At this time, a small snake came out of the grass and crawled to him. The little snake looked up at Li Erniu, his eyes full of gratitude and respect. Li Erniu smiled slightly and said, "Little guy, it seems that you are going to take over my class and protect this snake temple." The little snake nodded and circled around Li Erniu a few times, as if saying goodbye. Finally, it looked up at the sky, let out a crisp hiss, and then disappeared into the clouds. Li Erniu looked at the direction in which the little snake disappeared, and was full of emotion in his heart. He thought that it was really his greatest blessing to be able to meet this big snake and protect this snake temple in this life.

Within a few days, Li Erniu left peacefully, with a smile on his face when he left, as if he was in a sweet dream. When the villagers heard about it, they all came to mourn him, gave him a grand funeral, and buried him next to the snake temple. Since then, whenever someone passes by the Snake Temple, they can see two tombs lying there quietly, as if telling an ancient and magical story.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

Time flies, and many years have passed in the blink of an eye. The fame of the snake temple has spread far and wide, attracting many people to come and worship. The little snake also grew up and took over the place of the old snake and became the new guardian of the snake temple. There is a foreigner in our Gada, named Zhao Sihai, this guy is not simple, he has traveled from south to north, and he has seen all kinds of strange things. He heard that the snake temple in our village was very godly, so he had to come and take a look. Zhao Sihai is shrewd, as soon as he enters the temple gate, the incense in the temple is as strong as something, he saw the big snake at a glance, coiled next to the statue, his eyes are half-squinted, as if he is cultivating there. Zhao Sihai was shocked, and said in his heart: "This snake is really unusual!" ”

He walked around the temple and found that this place was really good, and the pilgrims who came to ask for lots said that since the temple of the snake god was built, their lives had been much better. Zhao Sihai's heart moved, and he also wanted to ask for a hexagram for himself. He walked up to the idol, kowtowed respectfully, and shook the stick. With a "snap", one of them fell to the ground. Zhao Sihai picked it up and looked at it, and it read: "The good and the bad are undecided, it all depends on people's hearts." He was stunned, why is this sign so vague? He thought about it for a while, and then went to the village elders to ask.

The elder told him that the meaning of this sign was that his fate was in his own hands, and whether it was good or bad depended on how he chose. After Zhao Sihai heard this, his heart lit up. He thought that although he had made a lot of money over the years, he always felt empty in his heart. He understood that what he wanted was not only money and status, but more importantly, peace and satisfaction in his heart. So, Zhao Sihai decided to live in the snake temple, put incense on the statue every day, and help the villagers answer their questions. He used his own experience and insight to help many people solve problems in life. After a long time, he also made a name for himself in the village, and everyone respected him and trusted him.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

What about the serpent? It also seemed to feel Zhao Sihai's sincerity and kindness. Every time Zhao Sihai was in the temple, it stayed quietly to the side and guarded him. Sometimes Zhao Sihai was tired and sat next to the statue to take a nap, and the big snake would gently use his tail to catch mosquitoes for him. In this way, Zhao Sihai lived the most peaceful and satisfying days of his life in the Snake Temple. The Snake Temple has also become more prosperous because of his participation.

But the good times didn't last long, and one day a group of bullies suddenly came to the village, and they wanted to occupy the snake temple and turn it into their own territory. When the villagers heard this, they panicked and didn't know what to do. At this juncture, Zhao Sihai stood up, and he led the villagers to fight the bullies. In the midst of the struggle, the big snake also suddenly appeared, it opened its mouth wide, and let out an earth-shattering roar, which scared the bullies into urine, and one by one they fled without a trace. After the bully was driven away, the villagers were happy and thanked Zhao Sihai and the big snake for saving their lives. They are even more convinced that the serpent is the embodiment of the gods, and has been silently guarding them and the land. Since then, the belief of the old and young masters in our village in the snake temple is iron-hearted, and they run to the temple every day, offering incense and praying for blessings, hoping that the gods can bless us all with peace and security, and the wind and rain are smooth. Zhao Sihai, a buddy, has won more praise and respect from everyone because of his heroic strength and good brain, and has become the most popular and respected figure in the village.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, decades have passed in a flash. Zhao Sihai, an old man, had gray hair, but he still stuck to the snake temple and worried about the villagers. The big snake is still coiled next to the idol, silently guarding this land and us.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you

One day, Zhao Sihai felt that his body was not good, and he knew that he was about to reach the end. So, he summoned everyone to the Snake Temple, told them that he was dying, and hoped that everyone could continue to protect this land and the Snake Temple. When the villagers heard this, they burst into tears, and they all vowed to inherit Zhao Sihai's will and continue to protect the Snake Temple and this land.

The big snake also seemed to sense Zhao Sihai's departure, it let out a mournful roar, and then slowly closed its eyes, as if it was also mourning for Zhao Sihai's departure. Soon, Zhao Sihai left peacefully, walking peacefully, leaving no regrets or worries.

The villagers buried him next to the Snake Temple in accordance with his last wishes, so that he could guard the land and us forever. Since then, the incense of the snake temple is still so strong, and the villagers still come to pray for blessings every day. The big snake is still coiled next to the statue, silently guarding this land and us, and has become the eternal guardian saint of our village, forever guarding this land and our peace and happiness.

The man went up the mountain to bury his father, but the cemetery was occupied by a big snake, and the Taoist priest said that it was saving you