
【Role model around you】Xiqing District Government Service Office - Wang Mingzhu

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

In order to further play the leading role of advanced typical demonstrations, strengthen the publicity of advanced typical figures in Xiqing District, and create a strong social atmosphere of paying tribute to heroes and advocating progress, the Propaganda Department of the Xiqing District Party Committee and the District Financial Media Center jointly launched the "Role Model Around You" advanced typical theme publicity, selected outstanding people from all walks of life, displayed their advanced deeds and noble spirit, and guided the majority of party members and cadres to learn from and pay tribute to the example, lead the noble cause with the power of the example, and be unremitting strugglers on the Long March in the new era.

Recently, the Propaganda Department of the Xiqing District Party Committee and the Xiqing District Government Service Office have launched Wang Mingzhu's advanced deeds for you.

【Role model around you】Xiqing District Government Service Office - Wang Mingzhu

Wang Mingzhu, a member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the head of the Investment Project Section of the Xiqing District Government Service Office. He has successively engaged in environmental impact assessment and approval, enterprise fixed asset investment project approval, construction permit and engineering construction project approval system reform.

Dare to be responsible and have the courage to take responsibility

She has a strong sense of responsibility and dedication, dares to face contradictions, face difficulties, and earnestly fulfill her responsibilities. In the examination and approval process of the project "Environmental Impact Report on the Relocation and Upgrading Project of Xianyang Road Sewage Treatment Plant" for the rectification and implementation of the central environmental protection inspectors, the owners of the community where the project is located raised objections by phone and email during the window acceptance and publicity period in January, and then to the approval in October, and then to the rejection of the reconsideration in April of the following year and the maintenance of the approval. During this period, she received countless phone calls, received more than 10 online petitions, and more than 20 group visits, and patiently explained each time to avoid intensifying conflicts. She has organized the construction unit and the EIA unit to go to the project site to understand the actual situation of the surrounding environment, hold a symposium in the community involved, explain face-to-face with the owners, and listen to public opinions. She said that we should not only tell the people what they can do next, but also guide them on how to do it, and doing a good job in mass work and resolving contradictions among the masses is also a kind of responsibility. In the remediation work of "scattered and polluted" enterprises in our district, she has always faced difficulties with the spirit of courage and responsibility, never moved around, took the initiative to put forward suggestions and find ways in the program formulation stage, classified and implemented more than 2,000 enterprises according to the specific situation, broadened the idea of environmental protection approval procedures, and provided a policy basis for the determination of the plan. Her enthusiasm, carefulness, patience and concentration were seen and remembered by the enterprise, and she was praised as the guide of Xiqing's investment promotion and business, and the "reassuring pill" for the development of the enterprise.

Good at creating window quality services

She regards loyalty to the party, sharing worries for the party, fulfilling her duties for the party, and benefiting the people as her fundamental political responsibility. She said that the window is a mirror, and the words and deeds of the staff not only reflect the image of the government service office, but also reflect the image of our district party committee and government, and reflect the external work and spiritual outlook of Tianjin. Window work, directly facing the masses of the people, not only to have a stable mentality, but also to master the skilled business, only in this way can meet the needs of the society, to meet the people's requirements for the government functional departments to handle business ability level is getting higher and higher. In the daily examination and approval work, she led the staff of the department to study the relevant laws and regulations of more than 20 approval items of the National Development and Reform Commission, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Commission, the Planning and Resources Bureau, the Ecological Environment Bureau, the Water Affairs Bureau and other units, constantly consolidating the theoretical foundation, striving to study various businesses, and enhancing the ability to take responsibility. At the same time, she regularly shares, communicates, researches and discusses the experience she has accumulated and sorted out typical cases with everyone, and is affectionately known as "the environmental protection expert around her". She took the initiative to provide technical support for investment promotion projects, received more than 100 inquiries from towns and towns every year, and gave guidance and replies one by one from the classification of industrial policies and industries to the judgment of pollution production links, so as to truly achieve service development, optimize development, and create a good service environment for windows. Her conscientious, selfless dedication and down-to-earth and practical deeds not only set up a good image of the window and led to the improvement of the spiritual outlook of the window, but also set an example for all of us and pointed out the direction of our efforts.

【Role model around you】Xiqing District Government Service Office - Wang Mingzhu

Keep in mind the mission and create a first-class business environment

"Don't find reasons for not being able to do things, just find ways to get things done." In deepening the reform of the approval system of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power Start early and put into production early. Establish a "new quality project mobile service station", approve the mobile service of staff, come to the door on demand, provide diversified services such as policy publicity, on-site declaration, and answer questions, form a service ledger, and manage the sales number. We will open up a "green channel for the approval of new quality projects", comprehensively use policies such as commitment approval, tolerance and post-filling, automatic filing, and phased handling of construction permits, so as to further improve the efficiency of examination and approval, reduce the approval environment of the whole process, and continue to promote the continuous optimization of the business environment in the field of engineering construction. At present, the results of the regional assessment have benefited a number of enterprises, and the preliminary guarantee of the project of "starting construction as soon as the land is acquired" has been realized, and the Jingwei Hengrun, Weikuang Electric, and Jinyinlian projects located in Zhangjiawo Industrial Park have basically completed the construction and become the first batch of enterprises to enjoy the results. In March this year, the two key projects of TFI Xiqingyuan Dongpeng Beverage Tianjin Base and Lushun Health Industrial Park handled the construction permit of the pile foundation in stages in a committed manner, shortening the construction time limit by nearly 2 months, meeting the urgent needs of the project to "reduce the requirements and seize time" to the greatest extent, and realize the early start of the project.

As the saying goes, "It's better to make a show than to shout". During the epidemic, she actively participated in the "132" service class, the isolation point class, and the volunteer service activities to support community nucleic acid screening, led cadres to sink into high-risk areas, and did a good job in serving the publicity of the people's isolation guarantee and epidemic prevention and control. She in line with the principle of "dedication" in the career, "refinement" in the business, "family affection" in the service, and "effectiveness" in the work, she always puts service and dedication in the first place, with the reform of the times and the growth of the needs of the masses, she constantly improves the way of service, patiently and meticulously does every job, and has been well received by all sectors of society. Since the establishment of the Government Service Office, more than 8,000 licensing matters have been completed, with an accuracy rate and satisfaction rate of 100%.

【Role model around you】Xiqing District Government Service Office - Wang Mingzhu

Over the years, she has been rated as an advanced individual many times in the work she has undertaken; It has been rated as "Demonstration Window Service Model" for five consecutive years; In 2019, he was awarded the title of "Advanced Individual of Responsibility and Innovation and Competition" by the District Party Committee and District Government. In 2021, he was invited by the Environmental Monitoring Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture to participate in the compilation of the "Classification of Cultivated Land Soil Environmental Quality and Safe Utilization Management Database Data Dictionary"; In order to control pollution from the source, effectively carry out environmental management and decision-making, and improve environmental quality, the paper "Research on the Application of Automatic Monitoring of Pollution Sources in Ecological Environmental Protection" was summarized and compiled, and published in the 6th issue of the journal "China Construction Informatization" in 2023. Aiming at how to reduce the pollution problem during the construction period of construction projects, "Analysis of Road and Bridge Engineering Construction Technology from the Perspective of Green Environmental Protection" was published in the journal "Architectural Creation".

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