
Travel time is reduced by 10 minutes! The road was completed and opened to traffic →

author:The official account of Xiqing Rong Media

[People's heart project is around] as this year

Tianjin City, Xiqing District

One of the key roads of the People's Heart Project

It is located in Jingwu Town, Xiqing District

Huiqun Road (Chengzhi Road - Yingshui South Road)

It is officially ready for opening today

It is understood

The total length of the project is 293 meters

Width 25 meters

From Chengzhi Road in the west to Yingshui South Road in the east

The design speed is 40km/h

As a secondary trunk road in the city

The opening of Huiqun Road

It effectively alleviates the congestion of the surrounding trunk roads

Radically improved

Road accessibility in the precinct

Travel time is reduced by 10 minutes! The road was completed and opened to traffic →

Ren Zhihui, deputy director of the Xiqing District Infrastructure Construction Service Center, introduced: "Huiqun Road is a key people's project at the city and district levels in 2024, the north side of the road is Vanke Zitai Community, the south side is Lianfa Jinli Community, both communities have entrances and exits on Huiqun Road, and the west side of the road is the style Songjian North Lane and Nanli two communities, and then the north side is Hongqi Farmers Market and Huicheng International Trade City. ”

Travel time is reduced by 10 minutes! The road was completed and opened to traffic →

Yu Zhixiang, a resident of Lianfa Jinli Community in Jingwu Town, said: "After the opening of this road, it is much more convenient for our community. After the opening of Huiqun Road, you can go to the main road directly through Huiqun Road from the basement of our community, which is very convenient to travel and can save more than ten minutes in time! ”

Travel time is reduced by 10 minutes! The road was completed and opened to traffic →

Transportation is the source of a city's development

Every "capillary" is opened

All of them are connected to the great cycle of urban civilization

Xiqing District is always there

Work hard to do a good job in people's livelihood

The "road of happiness" leads to the doorstep of the people

to the hearts of the people