
Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

author:Little Plum Classroom
Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

In 2019, Reyiza ushered in a turning point in his career with his wonderful interpretation of the role of "Tan Qi" in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an". However, fate seems to have played a joke on her.

Just when her popularity was soaring, a set of airport photos pushed her to the forefront. The overwhelming number of bad comments on the Internet followed, and harsh words such as "fat", "ugly", and "immoral" constantly refreshed her emotional bottom line.

In the face of this unexpected online violence, Reyiza did not choose to back down. She responded to those malicious voices in a sharp and humorous way, and firmly defended her rights and interests.

Who would have thought that this actress, who had been labeled with various ugly labels, finally won the Feitian Award and the Huading Award in one fell swoop with her outstanding performance in "Mountains and Seas".

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

Reiza's story is undoubtedly a touching song of counterattack, singing a gorgeous movement of perseverance and transformation.

In 1986, Beijing welcomed a special newborn. Reiza, the birth of this Kazakh girl, adds a touch of exoticism to this ancient city.

Since she was a child, she stood out among her classmates because of her unique appearance, and her teachers affectionately called her "Little Beauty Embryo". However, this difference became a double-edged sword in her childhood.

At school, Reyiza often became the object of envy of his classmates. Behind the well-intentioned praise, there is a malicious attack. Some even use racist terms like "kebabs" to describe her.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

In the face of these verbal bullying, the young Reyiza learned to protect herself. She is like a vigilant little hedgehog, neither provoking nor flinching. This experience made her more sensitive and stronger.

Time flies, and 15-year-old Reyiza has come out and gone. In 2001, the opportunity came. The National Model Contest held by Ruili magazine beckoned to her.

With the encouragement of the teacher, Reyiza signed up with the mentality of trying. Unexpectedly, this seemingly ordinary decision became an important turning point in her life.

In the fierce competition, Reyiza stood out and won the honor of "Most Photogenic Award". This honor not only made her appear on the cover of "Ruili" magazine, but also became the focus of attention with Yang Mi, who was already famous at that time.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

For Reiza, however, this is the beginning, not the end.

After much deliberation, Reyiza followed her mother's advice and chose a different path. She was successfully admitted to the higher vocational class of Beijing Film Academy and started her journey in performing arts.

This decision not only changed the trajectory of her life, but also laid the foundation for her future development in the entertainment industry.

From the bullied "beauty embryo" to the students who stepped into the gate of Beijing Film School, Reyiza proved in his own way that beauty is not only about appearance, but also about inner strength and courage.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

Her growth experience is like a wonderful prologue, laying the groundwork for her wonderful performance in the entertainment industry in the future.

In 2007, Reiza, who graduated from Nortel's higher vocational class, stepped into the showbiz with great expectations. However, reality soon hit her in the face. Like countless young people with dreams, she began the arduous road of job hunting.

She traveled from crew to crew, repeatedly submitting resumes in front of the producer's office, and never giving up in the face of countless rejections.

This experience made Reyiza deeply realize that the road of being an actor is not as glamorous as imagined, but full of hardships and setbacks. To hone her acting skills, she even worked as a salesperson at a clothing store in Sanlitun.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

Here, she carefully observes the movements and expressions of each customer, hoping to draw inspiration from them and enrich her performance materials.

However, opportunities have always been scarce. In the past five years, Reyiza has only received two film and television works: "Blind Cinema" and "Comedy Wars". During this period, she was like a small grass growing tenaciously in the wasteland, silently absorbing the sunshine and rain, waiting for the day when it bloomed.

In 2011, the opportunity finally came. Reyiza received an invitation from "The Legend of Zhen Huan" to play the role of "Ning Guiren". Although there are not many scenes, this character who dares to love and hate, and even does not hesitate to poison the royal family to avenge King Guojun, gives Reyiza a stage to show his acting skills.

With the popularity of "The Legend of Zhen Huan", her name began to be known by more people.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

This opportunity seems to have opened a new chapter in Reiza's career. Since then, her drama appointments have gradually increased, and she has successively participated in many excellent dramas such as "Love Has Its Own Providence", "Young Detective Di Renjie", "Kyushu Sea Shepherd Clouds" and so on.

Although she has not really become popular, her status in the entertainment industry has a solid foundation.

In 2018, Reyiza ushered in another important opportunity. She was invited to play the role of Tan Qi in "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an". In order to perfectly interpret the role, Reyiza began preparing months in advance, practicing horseback riding, dancing and martial arts skills.

The Tan Qi she plays in the play is not only the loyal escort of the leading actor Yi Yang Qianxi, but also the key figure who promotes the development of the plot. Reiza's performance was widely praised by the audience, once again proving her acting prowess.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

In this arduous road of acting, Reyiza used persistence and hard work to interpret the true meaning of "one minute on stage, ten years of work off stage". Every attempt, every role challenge, is a solid footprint left by her on the road of acting.

From obscurity to fame, Reiza's experience tells us that as long as we don't give up on our dreams, we will eventually usher in our own stage.

Although this road has been difficult, Reyiza has always maintained his love and dedication to acting. Her story is not only the growth history of an actor, but also an inspirational legend about perseverance and dreams.

Just when Reiza's acting career is gradually on the right track, life has brought her a series.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

She bravely opened up about the fact that she suffers from major depression and anxiety, hoping to be able to share her experience.

However, this confession has caused a new round of Internet storms. Some marketing accounts with ulterior motives accuse her of deliberately creating a persona, and even taking the opportunity to belittle other female celebrities to gain attention.

In the face of overwhelming doubts and abuse, Reyiza did not choose to back down. She said firmly: "Worsening evil deeds, letting fallacies triumph over truth, and letting darkness triumph over light is not what I would like to see."

This courage to confront one's own predicament also offers a glimmer of hope for those who are going through similar problems.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

In 2020, Reyiza once again topped the hot search list with a special identity - she became a single mother. This decision has sparked widespread discussion and controversy in society.

Many people questioned her choice to have a child out of wedlock, and even had a lot of speculation about the child's fatherhood.

It was during this challenging time that the god of luck once again favored Reiza. She received an invitation from the crew of "Mountains and Seas" to play the role of "Li Shuihua".

During the filming of the crew, director Kong Sheng and his team cared for Reyiza. Especially when she was short of milk during breastfeeding, Sun Li, who had worked with her, intimately sent lactation tea, and this warmth from her peers deeply touched Reyiza deeply.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

During these challenging years, Reyiza was like a bamboo that swayed in the wind and rain but did not fall, both flexible and strong. In her own way, she proved that whether it is facing mental illness or choosing to be single and parenting, it should not become a shackle that hinders a person's pursuit of happiness.

Reiza's experience has undoubtedly given courage and strength to many people facing similar situations. She shows an attitude to life that is not afraid of worldly eyes and has the courage to pursue herself.

Through her actions, she interprets the independence and strength of women in the new era, and also points out a possible way out for those who are going through a low point in life.

In 2020, "Mountains and Seas" brought a turning point to Reyiza's acting career. In this drama, she played the role of "Li Shuihua". This role seems to be tailor-made for her, a rural girl with a bumpy fate but still tenacious and optimistic, which has a wonderful overlap with Reiza's own experience.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

Reyiza threw herself into the role, incorporating her own life experiences and emotional experiences into the performance. She delicately portrays Li Shuihua's inner world, showing the character's strong, hardworking and positive spirit.

In 2021, Reyiza ushered in the highlight of her career. With her outstanding performance in "Mountains and Seas", she won the Outstanding Actress Award at the 33rd China TV Drama Feitian Awards.

The weight of this award is self-evident, and the people competing with her on the same stage are powerful actresses such as Sun Li, Yan Ni, Zhou Xun, and Tong Yao.

The moment he stood on the podium, Reiza's eyes glistened with tears. She sincerely thanked everyone who helped her, including the crew members, fellow actors, and even the confinement lady who took care of her during her childbirth.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

At this moment, Reyiza is like a flower that blooms after the wind and rain, beautiful and moving.

The success of "Mountains and Seas" not only won Reyiza recognition in the industry, but also allowed her to establish a tough and authentic image in the hearts of the audience. showed her acting strength, and also let more people see her potential and charm as an actor.

For Reiza, this award is not only an affirmation of her past efforts, but also a motivation to continue to move forward in her future acting career.

After winning the double "Rear of the Eye", Reyiza did not stop. She knows that as an actor, she can't rest on her laurels and must constantly challenge herself. In her latest work "Love in Nine Dao Bay", Reyiza once again showed her superb acting skills.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

Her interpretation of the role is delicate and nuanced, and every look and action is full of dramatic tension, which has won unanimous praise from the audience.

For Reiza, every new role is an opportunity to break through. She insisted on stepping out of her "comfort zone" and constantly tried different types of roles to enrich her acting career.

Reyiza interprets the life creed of "I just want to live myself" with practical actions, continues to move forward on the road of acting career, and pursues higher artistic achievements.

Her story will undoubtedly inspire more people to pursue their dreams bravely and live their true selves.

Reiza: Suffering from depression, cyberbullying, being a single mother, I confessed that I just want to live my own life

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