
Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

author:Little Plum Classroom
Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation
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Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

In the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, there was a rising star - Cao Jiarui. With the role of Xiaoyun in the "Ma Dashuai" series, she won the love of the audience, and even won the favor of comedy master Zhao Benshan.

However, just as her acting career was about to take off, a seemingly simple decision completely changed the course of her life.

Faced with the pressure of unspoken rules, Cao Jiarui chose to insist on himself and refused a dinner with hidden mysteries. This decision cost her a huge amount - her acting resources were cut off, and her former glory came to naught in an instant.

Cao Jiarui's story not only reveals the dark side of the entertainment industry, but also shows a young woman's choice between temptation and principle.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

Was her choice right or wrong? After leaving the entertainment industry, where will her life go? Let's walk into the story of Cao Jiarui and explore how this once brilliant star reinvents himself in the ordinary and finds true happiness.

In 1986, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province ushered in a girl full of aura - Cao Jiarui. She has been interested in performing arts since she was a child, and she has been active in various cultural and artistic activities since she was a kindergarten.

At that time, Cao Jiarui's eyes flashed with a vision for the future, as if he had foreseen what he would look like standing in the spotlight.

With a love for art, Cao Jiarui resolutely chose Shenyang Music and Art School after graduating from junior high school and began systematic dance training. Here, she not only honed her artistic skills, but also shaped her unique temperament.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

Her light and confident posture quickly attracted people's attention.

In 2003, Cao Jiarui ushered in the first important turning point in his life. With her fresh, elegant, sweet and touching smile, she stood out from many contestants and won the "Most Beautiful Smile Award" from LG Group.

This award is not only an affirmation of her external beauty, but also an important starting point for her future star journey.

In the same year, Cao Jiarui was admitted to the film and television performance major of Benshan Art College of Liaoning University with excellent results. In this academy named after Zhao Benshan, she eagerly absorbed the essence of acting and laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

In 2004, the god of opportunity once again favored this hardworking girl. Zhao Benshan is preparing for the new drama "Ma Dashuai", and needs a newcomer who can interpret the role of Xiaoyun.

In the audition, Cao Jiarui's angelic sweet face and naturally revealed acting talent immediately attracted Zhao Benshan's attention.

"That's her!" Zhao Benshan's decisive decision made Cao Jiarui stand out from many competitors and successfully won the role of Xiaoyun. This decision not only changed Cao Jiarui's fate, but also injected new vitality into "Ma Dashuai".

When he learned that he was selected, Cao Jiarui was so excited that he burst into tears. She knows that this is not only an affirmation of her talent, but also a ticket to the stage of her dreams.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

With a vision for the future and a love for acting, Cao Jiarui began her acting career, step by step towards a bright future.

This girl from the Northeast, with her own hard work and talent, finally stood on the stage of her dreams. However, it didn't occur to her that this was just the beginning of her life story, and that greater challenges and choices awaited her.

In 2004, "Ma Dashuai" swept the country like a whirlwind, and the role of Xiaoyun played by Cao Jiarui was also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Xiaoyun is a night worker, and although he is in a complex environment, he maintains his innocent and kind nature.

With his keen insight and delicate performance, Cao Jiarui vividly interprets Xiaoyun's inner world.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

On the set, Cao Jiarui always devotes himself to the role. Once, during the filming of the drinking scene, she was supposed to say some polite words, but suddenly fell silent and could only awkwardly say "I wish you good health".

This little episode not only amused the audience, but even Zhao Benshan was moved by her innocence and laughed. Cao Jiarui's natural and real performance style adds many vivid details to the character of Xiaoyun, and also makes the audience feel the authenticity and credibility of the character.

The success of "Ma Dashuai" opened the door to the showbiz for Cao Jiarui. She then participated in "Ma Dashuai 2" and "Ma Dashuai 3", and every time she appeared, she left a deep impression on the audience.

In the sequel, Cao Jiarui interpreted the role of Xiaoyun more handily, showing the growth and changes of the character, and won the continuous attention and love of the audience.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

Zhao Benshan obviously also values the potential of this young actor. In another popular drama "Mr. Kanto", Zhao Benshan personally hand-picked Cao Jiarui to play the role of "Lotus".

This is undoubtedly another affirmation of her acting skills, and it also makes Cao Jiarui feel that she is getting closer and closer to her dream. During the filming of "Mr. Kanto", Cao Jiarui showed a different side from Xiaoyun, proving that he is not an actor who can only play one role.

However, just as Cao Jiarui's acting career was booming, she began to feel the complexity of the entertainment industry. Some people began to throw hugs on her, and some hinted that she needed to "network".

Despite his inner confusion, Cao Jiarui still has a love for acting and devotes himself to every role. She is looking forward to joining Benshan Media and taking it to the next level under the guidance of Zhao Benshan.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

However, fate seems to have prepared an unexpected turn for her.

Cao Jiarui's star journey seems to be bright, but she has gradually realized that there is not only spotlight and applause in the entertainment industry. In this world full of temptations and pitfalls, she will face more challenges and choices.

What she doesn't know is that a crucial decision is coming that will change not only her acting career, but her entire life trajectory.

With the success of the "Ma Dashuai" series, Cao Jiarui's popularity has increased day by day. However, along with fame, there is also an unknown dark side in the entertainment industry.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

One day, her agent informed her that several bigwigs in the film and television industry had organized a dinner party and asked her to attend. There was unmistakable determination in the agent's tone, as if the dinner was about her future acting career.

Cao Jiarui's heart was filled with unease. She is keenly aware that there may be hidden deals behind this so-called "dinner party".

The agent's answer made her fall into an ice cave: "If you still want to mingle in this circle, this meal tonight is a must." Cao Jiarui felt a chill hit her, and she finally understood the true purpose of this dinner.

After a fierce inner struggle, Cao Jiarui made a decision that could change the trajectory of her life. She took a deep breath and said firmly, "I can't go."

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

I can't accept such a request. Her voice trembled, but it was full of determination.

The agent was furious when he heard this, and threatened: "Do you know what the consequences of refusal? Your acting career may be over! "

In the face of the threat, Cao Jiarui did not back down. She would rather give up a hard-won opportunity than go against her principles. However, she didn't expect that this decision would become the end of her acting career.

In the following days, Cao Jiarui seemed to be labeled as "blocked". The role that originally belonged to her was replaced, various resources were cut off, and even the contract with Zhao Benshan Media Co., Ltd. was terminated.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

The once-buzzing phone calls suddenly fell silent, and the once-frequent announcements became scarce.

Cao Jiarui fell into deep confusion and pain. She couldn't understand why sticking to her principles would be rewarded with such a cruel punishment. She begins to question her choices and is also chilled by this circle full of temptations and pitfalls.

However, just as she was about to despair, an unexpected opportunity presented herself. In 2008, Cao Jiarui graduated from Benshan Art College of Liaoning University.

Faced with the barriers of the entertainment industry, she decided to temporarily put aside her dream of being an actress and stay at her alma mater as a full-time teacher.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

This decision marked the end of Cao Jiarui's acting career, but it also opened a new chapter in her life. Although she lost her shine in the spotlight, she found new value and meaning in her education.

Cao's story tells us that sometimes, sticking to principles can lead to the loss of some opportunities, but it can also open another door to a more suitable life path for us.

In 2008, Cao Jiarui graduated from Benshan Art College of Liaoning University. Faced with the barriers of the entertainment industry, she made a difficult but courageous decision: to let go of her dream of being an actress and stay at her alma mater as a full-time teacher.

When he stood on the podium for the first time, Cao Jiarui was nervous. She is no longer the little cloud that is in the limelight, but a teacher who needs to impart knowledge and experience. However, when she passed on her acting experience to her students, she felt a sense of accomplishment that she had never felt before.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

She found that her love of acting could be continued in another way.

In the process of teaching, Cao Jiarui met a like-minded man. Although he is not an insider, he can understand and support her choice. The two quickly fell in love and soon entered the palace of marriage.

When Cao Jiarui held her newborn child, she suddenly understood that life had given her a new stage. Although there is no spotlight and applause, she has found a deeper happiness in ordinary days.

Teaching and educating people, husbands and children, this kind of plain but fulfilling life has allowed Cao Jiarui to redefine his life value.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

From a high-profile actor to a teacher who works silently, Cao Jiarui's transformation seems to be a regression, but it is actually a kind of growth. She used her own experience to prove that the value of life is not only about fame and fortune, but also about whether you can find inner peace and satisfaction.

Today's Cao Jiarui is not confused, and the years have left some traces in the corners of her eyes, but her smile is still as sweet and moving as it was back then. Her life has been far away from the hustle and bustle of the entertainment industry, but it is full of ordinary happiness.

Every day, she shuttles between the classroom and the home, passing on her knowledge and experience to her students, while also taking care of her own family. She used to chase starlight, but now she guards her own small world and finds inner peace in the ordinary.

Cao Jiarui no longer regrets missing out on becoming a high-profile star, but is glad that her original choice allowed her to avoid many potential pitfalls. Her story teaches us that the value of life is not in fame and fortune, but in staying true to one's heart.

Cao Jiarui: Zhao Benshan took a fancy to his beautiful appearance, and he refused to accompany the wine and was banned, what is the current situation

As long as you stick to your principles, you can find true happiness in the ordinary.

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