
These 4 behavioral habits of men are very "cheap" in the eyes of women, don't continue to do it!

author:Duoduo reads emotions

Many people say that love needs to be managed. But it is also said that love can be cultivated.

In fact, love is like a seed that needs careful care to grow into a flower.

If you want someone to be good to you, then you also have to learn to love him. Only in this way can your relationship last.

Someone said: "The most superfluous thing in this world is the courtesy of a man after his heart is cold." He didn't show up when the woman needed it most, and he wouldn't have to be there in the future. ”

In a word, it expresses the hearts of many women. In life, in the face of men's words and deeds, they saved enough disappointment and coldness, and finally decided to turn around and leave.

In the relationship, these 4 behaviors and habits of men are easy to "minus points" in a woman's heart, don't continue to do it!

These 4 behavioral habits of men are very "cheap" in the eyes of women, don't continue to do it!


Stingy slamming the door

There is a very realistic dialogue in "The Siege", saying:

"A woman is not stupid, and she never has a good impression of a man because he is wasteful and extravagant—but, rest assured, women are all stupid, just as they want a man to be, no more, no less."

Why? In fact, the reason and reason are simple, and a stingy man does not conform to a woman's beautiful fantasy of a man in her heart. Even if it is indeed not his turn to be generous, women will still feel that any man should show his care and bearing when facing women.

If you can spend someone else's and save your own, who can refuse and reject? The swagger may be a proof of economic strength, or it may be more arousing her illusions about him.

These 4 behavioral habits of men are very "cheap" in the eyes of women, don't continue to do it!


Likes to lie

In life, honesty between people is the most important, for things that you don't want to say or can't do, you can choose not to say, but you can't promise at will.

When a person says that he can't do it, he is lying and cheating, and for people who like to lie, they don't take the trust of others seriously at all, and even feel that the person who believes in them is a fool, and associating with such a person will only waste time and feelings.

Therefore, in the relationship between men and women, women are also the most disgusted with men's lies, honesty is the basis of communication, and only when each other is sincere can it be necessary to continue the relationship.

If a man can't even be honest, doesn't have a word of truth in his mouth, and betrays the woman's trust in him again and again, then, no matter how handsome the man is and how good the external conditions are, the woman will not consider continuing to date.

These 4 behavioral habits of men are very "cheap" in the eyes of women, don't continue to do it!


No politeness

A person can be stupid, can understand less, can not read so many books, and may not have seen a lot of the world...... But when dealing with people, you can never go wrong with being polite.

There are often some people who think that saying some vulgar jokes is humorous, and it is cool to deal with people by only caring about themselves and not considering the feelings of others...... In fact, this kind of behavior is impolite.

No woman likes a man to be rude as soon as he speaks, he never scruples when he speaks, and even does something disgusting regardless of his image. It's not a manifestation of individuality, it's an act of disgust.

You think you are full of masculinity, but you don't know that it is the most disgusting minus in a woman's heart.

These 4 behavioral habits of men are very "cheap" in the eyes of women, don't continue to do it!


Love to brag

No matter who you associate with, you should be down-to-earth, you are what you are, there is no need to exaggerate your behavior to satisfy your vanity, such behavior is really low.

But there are always so many men who like to brag everywhere, today they say which of their relatives is an executive, tomorrow they say which classmate is the boss of a large company, I don't know and think he is very powerful, but blindly show off the achievements of others, but keep silent about their work, it is nothing more than because he is too bad.

You know, the more a person lacks something, the more he likes to show off to people, and in the eyes of those women who have really seen the world, such a man will only make her avoid it.

A man who is really capable will never brag everywhere, even if he has really made a lot of achievements, he will be very humble and think that he has not done enough, and men who are modest and hardworking are more likely to be favored by the opposite sex.

These 4 behavioral habits of men are very "cheap" in the eyes of women, don't continue to do it!


Emotional message

I like what Ang Lee said: Being a gentleman doesn't mean that you can naturally be respected, or to earn respect, to meet a certain standard, this is the reason why he has been slacking off.

After all, you have to do a good job yourself, so that you can win more, be able to add points, have a good relationship, and have a long-term relationship.

Otherwise, if you have too many bad behaviors and go your own way, it will really be a loss of points.

If you start cutting a little, it will only make the relationship a little worse, and then you will only get out of the game if you lose more and more.

Both men and women have to cultivate themselves well, and they have to work hard to manage a relationship.

Only by being good can you attract better people.

If you are good, you can have a good score.

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