
A smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not taking the initiative" will make men love you more and more

author:Duoduo reads emotions

Some people say that money is easy to get, but it is hard to find sincerity.

In the relationship, there are always people who can't love, want to be Sauvignon Blanc with that person, stay together, but it backfires, even if you are good to him, you can't win his heart.

Perhaps, it's not that you're not beautiful enough, it's not that you're not attractive, the reason why you can't get his eyes and can't get his heart is because you take the initiative to love someone too much, and when you love someone in this way, it's easy to lose yourself.

Love someone, don't change for him easily, don't put yourself in a very low position, humble is not loved, initiative and entanglement can not replace the sincere love you want.

If you want to win a man's heart, don't take the initiative to treat him so much, follow your own heart, retain your own characteristics that are different from others, sometimes, the more uncompromising a woman, the easier it is to get love.

Therefore, you must know that a smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not active" will make men love you more and more!

A smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not taking the initiative" will make men love you more and more


Don't ask for anything

Many women always feel that if a man loves himself, he must be willing to spend money for himself, and a man's money is his own money, and it is natural to spend as much as he wants, but women should not think about what kind of impression will be left on a man by asking for a gift from a man like this?

When any man is looking for a woman who has been with him all his life, he will consider whether this woman only cares about his money and sees himself as a cash cow.

A woman who often asks a man for a gift will make the man feel that the woman is too materialistic, and he will doubt your sincerity towards him, and once the seeds of doubt are planted, I believe that sooner or later there will be problems in the relationship.

Therefore, even if you love a man again, don't spend his money all the time, you must learn to grasp the scale, the man who really loves you, even if you don't take the initiative to ask for it, it will be sent to you, you must understand.

A smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not taking the initiative" will make men love you more and more


Don't take the initiative to hand yourself over

Many times this is the case, what is too easy to get will not be cherished, when women do not know how to protect themselves, it is easy for scumbags to succeed, and in the end not only can not get love, but also let themselves be hurt.

Although modern society is not so conservative anymore, women still have to remain reserved, because if a woman takes the initiative to give herself to a man, then you are very cheap in the other party's heart, and men will not cherish this kind of woman.

In real life, many women are willing to take the initiative in order to get the love of men, they think that as long as they give everything, they can get a man's sincerity, but this idea is too naïve, and it will only hurt themselves deeper.

It is said that "if you can't get it, it's the best", women must know how to protect themselves, and before they identify each other, it's best not to mess around, only in this way can you get more love from men.

A smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not taking the initiative" will make men love you more and more


Don't take the initiative to ask men

Some women, when they are in a relationship with a man, always like to make all kinds of demands on the man. They will ask men to do this and that, and if they don't meet their demands, they will lose their temper or treat them coldly.

This practice can make men feel stressed and exhausted, and it can also destroy the foundation of the relationship.

In a relationship, a woman should learn to respect the man's wishes and choices and not force the man to do something.

If a woman has any ideas and needs, they can be resolved through communication, consultation, and mutual understanding. In this way, not only can men trust women more, but they can also make men cherish the feeling of being with women more.

A smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not taking the initiative" will make men love you more and more


Don't take the initiative to change yourself

Some women, in order to cater to men's preferences and needs, will take the initiative to change their personalities, habits, and behaviors. However, this practice often makes oneself and independence untenable.

In a relationship, a woman should maintain her individuality and independence and not change herself for the sake of a man.

If a woman changes herself for the sake of a man, it will not only make the man feel that the woman has lost her original charm, but also make the woman feel lost and uneasy.

To make a man love you even more, a woman should maintain her uniqueness and attractiveness. By constantly learning and growing, you can make yourself more confident and attractive, so that your relationship can be more healthy and lasting.

A smart woman who knows how to do these 4 "not taking the initiative" will make men love you more and more


Emotional message

In the world of feelings, taking the initiative is a way to exchange happiness, and not taking the initiative is actually the same.

Only by controlling the timing of taking the initiative and not taking the initiative can a woman really capture a man's heart and make him love more and more.

In fact, the relationship between men and women is very similar to dancing tango, just when you enter and I retreat, you come and go, and you collide with gorgeous sparks.

May you have the ability to love yourself, have the spare strength to love others, pay attention to proportion, and advance and retreat in a measured manner. You know, only when you are "passive" can the other party have a chance to take the initiative.

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