
Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

author:Little Plum Classroom
Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression
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Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

In the shining entertainment industry, Qu Ying's name is like a bright star. This world-renowned model is the "Goddess of the Spring Festival Gala" in everyone's minds.

However, behind her glamorous appearance, there is a little-known story. Her elder brother, Qu Yali, once gave up his studies for his sister's dream and silently supported her to embark on the road of art.

But with Qu Ying's fame, Qu Yali fell into a low point in his life. Not only did he cheat on his sister for money, but he also fell into depression. What kind of emotional ups and downs have this once close brother and sister experienced? How did they regain that precious family affection? Let's uncover this touching brother-sister relationship.

In 1972, an artistic family in Changde, Hunan Province welcomed a new member, Qu Ying. Her father was a pillar of the local theater troupe, and her mother was a leader of the art troupe.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Under the influence of such an environment, Qu Ying and her brother Qu Yali, who is three years older than her, have shown extraordinary musical talent since childhood, as if the seeds of art have taken root in their hearts.

However, a turning point of fate came quietly when Qu Ying was 15 years old. By chance, the performance of the brother and sister attracted the attention of the famous singer Li Guyi.

With her encouragement, Qu Ying and Qu Yali were both admitted to the Hunan Provincial Art School. This should have been a joyous event to celebrate, but the high cost of tuition has put the family, which has been weakened by the divorce of their parents, into a dilemma.

Faced with a difficult choice, the 18-year-old Qu Yali made a moving decision. He resolutely gave up his studies and decided to join the factory to pave the way for his sister's future.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

When he said to his sister, "Yingying, you have to study hard, I will support the family", his eyes flashed with firmness and tenderness. These simple words carry the greatest responsibility and responsibility that a teenager who has just stepped into adulthood can give.

From then on, Qu Yali began a hard factory life. He budgeted his meager salary to pay for his sister's tuition and daily expenses.

Whenever she sees her sister shining on the stage, Qu Yali will always unconsciously have a relieved smile on her face, as if all her efforts have been rewarded at that moment.

This decision, like a butterfly effect, changed the trajectory of the brother and sister's lives. Qu Ying was able to continue on the road of art, while Qu Yali started an ordinary but dedicated chapter of his life.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Their story began with this difficult choice and gradually unfolded a chapter of ups and downs.

Qu Yali's selfless dedication is not only the love for his sister, but also the responsibility of the family. He used his actions to interpret what it means to be a brother and what it means to be responsible. This deep brotherhood has become a strong backing for Qu Ying to overcome obstacles on the road of art in the future, and also laid the groundwork for the future fate entanglement of the brother and sister.

With the passage of time, Qu Ying's talent is like an epiphany blooming, becoming more and more dazzling in the entertainment industry. Not only does she have an excellent singing talent, but she also has a perfect body because she has practiced gymnastics since she was a child.

After graduating, Qu Ying quickly became the object of competition among advertisers, and there were more than a dozen monthly shooting invitations. Her career is in full swing, not only participated in many TV series, but also appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, becoming a "goddess" in the minds of thousands of audiences.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

However, in stark contrast to his sister's bright star journey, Qu Yali's life is full of ups and downs. As the factory he worked for closed, Qu had to switch to the insurance industry and become a salesman.

However, his honest and trustworthy personality is out of place in an industry that requires clever tongues. Despite working hard for half a year, he only succeeded in developing his mother and sister into customers, and was finally forced to leave the insurance company.

After losing his job, Qu Yali decided to go north to Beijing, hoping to be his sister's agent. However, his introverted personality and lack of verbal characteristics made it difficult for him to cope with the challenges of the job.

Every day's work made him feel tormented, and he had to give up in the end.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Seeing her brother's helpless appearance, Qu Ying's heart was full of guilt and unbearable. She decided to fund the opening of a clothing store for her brother in her hometown, and she often found time to come back to promote the store.

However, the store, which had placed the hopes of the brother and sister, eventually collapsed.

Failure after failure made Qu Yali deeply aware of the huge gap between himself and his sister. A complex emotion began to grow in his heart, both gratitude for his sister and unwillingness to his fate.

This ambivalent state of mind eventually led him to make an embarrassing decision.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

In 2008, at the instigation of a friend, Qu Yali decided to open a health care store. However, due to a lack of funds, he actually told a big lie to his sister.

He claimed that he had borrowed as much as $200,000 from a loan shark with principal and interest, and that if he could not repay the arrears within three days, he would lose a leg. This lie not only made Qu Ying and her mother panic, but also became a turning point in the relationship between brother and sister.

When the truth was revealed, although Qu Ying chose to forgive, Qu Yali's heart fell into deeper self-blame and confusion. He began to question the value of his life and was at a loss for the future.

This series of frustrations and confusion not only made Qu Yali lose his direction, but also cast a shadow on the once pure feelings between the brothers and sisters. Although Qu Ying still cares about her brother, she inevitably has a trace of disappointment and helplessness in her heart.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

And Qu Yali, in the face of his sister's success, feels inferior and powerless.

The fate of the brother and sister came to a fork in the road. Qu Ying continued to shine on the star-studded stage, while Qu Yali fell into a low point in his life. This once close brother and sister seem to be being pushed in different directions by fate.

However, the family bond that blood is thicker than water will eventually tie them together again one day in the future.

Although Qu Yali's lie was forgiven by his sister, this incident became the last straw that crushed him. Years of failures and setbacks, combined with guilt for his sister, led him to a severe depression.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Qu Yali, who was once sunny and cheerful, began to become taciturn, indulging in alcohol all day long. His relationship with his wife is also becoming increasingly strained, and his family life is on the verge of collapse.

In the darkest moments, he even had thoughts of suicide.

After learning of her brother's predicament, Qu Ying immediately put down her busy work and hurried back to her hometown. When she saw her brother, who loved her in the past, now described as withered and in a trance, her heart was like a knife.

Qu Ying held her brother's hand tightly, and said with tears in her eyes: "Brother, I'm sorry, I should have discovered your pain earlier."

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Qu Ying did not hesitate to take her brother to Beijing to seek professional psychological treatment. During the treatment, she was always by her brother's side, patiently listening to his heart, and giving him warm care and encouragement.

She often took her brother for a walk in the park, carefully observing every change in his brother's expression. Qu Ying's companionship and support, like a ray of sunshine, slowly dispelled the haze in Qu Yali's heart.

Under the careful care of his sister, Qu Yali's condition gradually improved. He began to reflect on his past mistakes, and shed tears of remorse for his lofty ambitions.

Qu Ying gently patted her brother's shoulder and said, "Brother, the past is in the past." The important thing is that we have a future. This sentence was like a good medicine, giving Qu Yali the courage to regain his strength.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

In 2009, after a long period of treatment and recovery, Qu Yali opened a photography studio with the support of her sister. This time, he chose photography, which he loves, as the starting point for his career.

With Qu Ying's encouragement, Qu Yali regained his confidence and devoted all his energy to his career. Gradually, the business of the photography studio is booming, and Qu Yali has also found a sense of accomplishment in her career.

A few years later, Qu Yali ushered in the second spring of his life and harvested sweet love. Looking at the smile on her brother's face that bloomed again, Qu Ying felt that all the efforts were worth it.

This experience not only healed Qu Yali, but also deepened the relationship between the brother and sister.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Qu Ying's selfless help not only saved her brother's life, but also reshaped his life. This experience made both siblings deeply realize that no matter how difficult it is, as long as they have the support of their loved ones, they will never lose hope.

Qu Yali's rebirth has become the best testimony of their brother-sister love.

Life's trials don't end there. In 2016, a shocking news came: Qu Ying's 11-year relationship with music talent Zhang Yadong came to an end.

This sudden blow made Qu Ying difficult to accept for a while. She was once radiant, but it seemed that she had lost all her brilliance in an instant, and her whole person became dull.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Her eyes were full of confusion and pain, as if she had lost the direction of her life.

At this time, Qu Yali had already come out of the haze of the past and regained his confidence and courage in life. Looking at his sister's depressed appearance, he felt distressed. Recalling his sister's selfless help to him, Qu Yali decided that it was time to repay his sister's kindness.

He offered to take Qu Ying home to recuperate, hoping to soothe his sister's wounded heart with the warmth of his family.

Under the care and care of her family, Qu Ying gradually walked out of the haze of broken love. Qu Yali cooks delicious meals for her sister every day, walks and chats with her, and encourages her with her own personal experience.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

He often said to his sister: "Yingying, remember, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome." You see, didn't I survive it too? Although these words were simple and unpretentious, they were like a good medicine, slowly healing Qu Ying's wounded heart.

Qu Yali's care and encouragement are like a warm current, nourishing Qu Ying's dry heart. With the support of her brother, Qu Ying regained her strength, and her career ushered in a new peak.

Soon after, Qu Ying also gained a new relationship, adding more color to her life.

This experience deepened the relationship between the brother and sister. They deeply understand that no matter how difficult life is, as long as they have their loved ones by their side, they will never lose hope.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Qu Ying often sighed: "Brother, if it weren't for you, I might have given up a long time ago." Thank you for always being there for me.

Qu Yali responded with a smile: "Silly girl, we are a family, this is how it should be." Besides, without your help, I would not have been able to get back on my feet. "

The story of this brother and sister is like a moving concerto. They have experienced the ups and downs of life, but they have always been closely intertwined. Qu Yali once gave up his studies for his sister's dream, and Qu Ying helped her brother in the most difficult time.

Now, once again, they are working together to get through the storm.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

Their experience teaches us that the power of family affection is endless. No matter what difficulties are encountered, as long as the brothers and sisters are of the same heart, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. The story of Qu Ying and Qu Yali is not only a warm and touching story of brother and sister, but also a life inspiration about supporting each other and growing together.

The story of Qu Ying and Qu Yali is like a picture of ups and downs in life, showing the great power of family affection. Their experiences have taught us that there will inevitably be setbacks and difficulties in life, but as long as we have the support and encouragement of our loved ones, we can find the motivation to move forward.

From Qu Yali giving up her studies for her sister, to Qu Ying helping her brother get out of depression, to brother and sister working together to overcome the emotional crisis, they interpreted the true meaning of "sharing hardships and hardships" with their actions.

The story of these two siblings is not only deeply moving, but also gives us life inspiration to cherish family affection and support each other. It reminds us that while pursuing personal success, we must also know how to care for our loved ones, because family affection is the most precious treasure in life.

Qu Yali: Part-time job for Qu Ying to go to school, and after his sister became famous, he funded him to do business and cure his depression

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