
You can always be yourself, and the people you love will always love you

author:Clover Liu

The starting point of love is often emotional, the moment of heartbeat, the throbbing of the heart when you meet someone. When we start out, we always ask ourselves, "Do I like this person?" "It's a simple and straightforward question, and it's about the joy and attraction at first sight. However, as time goes by, and after getting along for a long time, this question gradually evolves into another form of introspection: "Do I like myself at the moment?" ”

You can always be yourself, and the people you love will always love you

If you find yourself in a relationship becoming irritable, humble, or even starting to belittle yourself, these changes may be a warning sign that the relationship may not be the right fit for you. Because the meaning of two people being together should be to achieve each other and grow together, instead of letting you lose yourself and become a face bullied by life.

You can always be yourself, and the people you love will always love you

What should good love look like? It doesn't make you change for whom, but it allows you to become a better version of yourself while staying true to yourself. When you stand in front of that person, what he can see is a confident, enthusiastic, generous, and sunny you. In this kind of love, you don't need to deliberately cater to you, because the person who truly loves you will fall in love with the original you.

You can always be yourself, and the people you love will always love you

You don't just like the other person's appearance, but you also like the reflection in the other person's eyes, the real self that is loved. In such a relationship, your differences are not seen as flaws, but as individuality. You will not be disliked because you are immature or emotional, and you can be yourself with peace of mind because the people who love you will accept you unconditionally.

You can always be yourself, and the people you love will always love you

This kind of love is about the confirmation and affirmation of self-worth, and it is in the company of each other, constantly discovering oneself, appreciating oneself, and achieving oneself. It is the mutual reflection of two souls, and it is to find their own light in each other's smiles. In this kind of love, you are not complete because you have it, but because you are complete in itself, and love becomes the witness of this completeness.

You can always be yourself, and the people you love will always love you

Let's learn to protect ourselves in love and don't lose ourselves because of love. Let every encounter become an opportunity for self-growth, and let every relationship make you love yourself more. Because you deserve to be loved, to be the best love, to be a partner who can grow and become better with you. On the journey of love, may you always be yourself, and may the people who love you always love you.