
I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

author:Clover Liu

In the complex entanglement of emotions, there is an indescribable purity and firmness. It is not like cooking oil in a blazing fire, but quietly and silently taking root in the bottom of the heart in another way. This emotion, without frequent communication and daily interaction, survives in the most unique way in countless silent nights.

I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

Sometimes, giving up contact is not the end of emotion, but a silent perseverance. This is an atypical preference, it unfolds silently in an unseen place, hidden from everyone, it is the most sincere longing and the most tender waiting for a person.

I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

I didn't give up on you, and even though the connection with each other became scarce, this inner attachment did not weaken because of this. Love, sometimes not in words, not in the moment of proof, it exists in a more restrained way - silently in the bottom of your heart to reserve a place for you, never wavered.

I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

You are my last unique preference for you. This preference is that after seeing thousands of people, I still only love you; It is after tasting the joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and still only willing to place the deepest emotions on you. Because the real letting go is not to cut off the connection, but to be able to live without you in peace and joy.

I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

When a relationship transcends the constraints of the world, the feeling of wishing for the happiness of the other party becomes the most precious memory. Even in the days of separation, this desire for your happiness remains undiminished.

Once someone has entered the core of life, it is difficult to remove it, even time. It may take longer to forget a person than to remember a person.

I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

There will be such a person in everyone's life, so that you can deeply realize that it only takes a glance to fall in love, but it takes a lifetime to forget. This feeling, like a seed that takes root and sprouts, blooms into a flower that will never wither. When you ask me how much I love you, the answer is obvious – where you are, the depth of love; When you reach it, it is the length of love.

I didn't give up on you, I hid it from everyone, and I still miss you

Although he said that he would no longer be in touch, the concern in his heart could not be simply parted. Every sleepless night, every heartache moment, is a verification of the depth of love. Falling in love with someone can be a momentary thing, but forgetting is a long and unknown journey.

We learn to love and be loved in different ways. Perhaps, in some cases, true love is the preference that is given quietly and silently in the unspoken time.