
Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!


Zi Mouse: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes

The magpie announces the good news, the sun shines all over the earth, and good luck embraces your child tightly like a spring breeze. In this moment of hope, may every child be like a mouse, a lucky person who will happen once in a thousand years, and the tree of life will grow vigorously and blossom.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

The rat, the head of the zodiac, symbolizes wisdom and spirituality. Every child of the Rat seems to carry the expectations and dreams of the family. They are naturally intelligent, studious, and have a keen sense of observation and a flexible way of thinking. On the road of growth, they can always find unlimited opportunities and possibilities, and move forward bravely with their wisdom and courage.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

Good luck is the expectation of every family. When the magpie announces the good news and brings good news, we can't help but feel the beauty and gift of life. In this era of opportunity, every child has the opportunity to become the brightest star. As long as they have dreams, brave pursuits, and hard work, they will be able to seize the opportunity once in a thousand years and create their own brilliance.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

Life is like a dream, full of variables and challenges. However, on this long road of life, we must always maintain a positive attitude towards life. No matter what difficulties and setbacks we encounter, we must firmly believe that the sunshine is always after the wind and rain. We must use hope to illuminate the way forward, strengthen our faith with courage, and write a brilliant chapter of life with diligence.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

Every child is the hope of the family and the future of the country. They carry dreams and expectations, and shoulder responsibilities and missions. In this competitive era, they have to face the pressure of learning and the challenges of life. However, as long as we believe in ourselves, strengthen our beliefs, and move forward bravely, we can overcome all difficulties and realize our dreams.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

On the road of life, we must learn to be grateful. I am grateful for the nurturing grace of my parents, the grace of my teachers, and the companionship of my friends. We are grateful to all the people and things that have given us help and support. Let us be grateful, infect the world with sincerity and kindness, transmit positive energy, and create a better future.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

In the year of the mouse, may every child be as lucky as the mouse, seize the opportunities of life, meet the challenges, and move forward bravely. May they have wisdom and courage, dreams and hope on the road of growth. May they use their diligence and efforts to create a better future of their own.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!


Life is like poetry, and years are like dreams. In this once-in-a-millennium opportunity, let us pray together that every child can be as lucky as a mouse and have a bright future. Let's embrace hope, face life head-on, and pursue our dreams bravely. In these times of challenges and opportunities, let us work together to create a better tomorrow for our children.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

May every child in the journey of life encounter the moment of the magpie annunciation. May they be as clever and wise as rats. May they have unlimited potential and energy to create their own brilliant life. May they always maintain a positive attitude on the road of life, move forward bravely and fearlessly.

Rat: Once in a thousand years, good luck comes! Magpie annunciation, good luck hugs your child tightly!

Finally, may all families be full of warmth and happiness, and may all children grow up healthily and realize their dreams. Let's pray together, cheer for life, and cheer for the future.

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