
The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

In our northeast, it is really vast and sparsely populated, our Liujiawan, that small village, is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. There was a little girl named Liu Cui'er in the village, who looked like a water spirit, her skin was so tender that she could pinch out the water, and her eyes blinked, like the little fairy in the painting. Don't mention it, her mother, her heart and eyes are like a sieve, and she thinks about how to pull out some oil and water from her daughter all day long.

Liu Cuier's father, who is an honest man, broke his leg while working in his early years, and all the work at home is on Liu Cuier's shoulders alone. This girl, who gets up early and is greedy for darkness, either goes down to the ground or goes up the mountain, but her mother is still not satisfied, and she is two ends in three days, saying that she is losing money.

That day, Liu Cuier went to the river to wash clothes, and saw a magpie being chased by a big black dog, and was about to be bitten to death. Liu Cuier hurriedly ran over and held the magpie in her arms, the magpie's eyes were watery, looking at her, and her mouth was still "chirping". Liu Cui'er relented, took out half of the dried steamed bun, broke it and fed it.

The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

When the magpie was full, it flew up to the sky, circled around Liu Cuier's head a few times, and then flew away. That night, Liu Cuier had a dream that the magpie had turned into a fairy in colorful clothes, and told her: "Liu Cuier, your mother wants to harm you, don't go home!" Liu Cuier was shocked and wanted to ask, but the fairy turned into light and disappeared.

Liu Cuier woke up, thinking about the things in her dream, and the more she pondered, the more she felt bad. Her mother has been mysteriously lately, and she keeps running out, and she doesn't know what she's busy with. Liu Cuier was scared and decided to go to her aunt's house to hide for a few days.

When she arrived at her aunt's house, Liu Cuier told all the things in her dream, and when her aunt heard it, she was also shocked, telling her that the village had not been peaceful recently, and strange noises could be heard at night, and some people saw unclean things. The aunt advised her to stay first and go back when the limelight passed.

The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

Liu Cuier lived at her aunt's house for a few days, but she still couldn't let go of the family affairs. She thought that the magpie's dream might be true, and that her mother might be really up to something. So, she decided to sneak home and see what was going on.

That night, the moonlight was hazy, and Liu Cuier took advantage of the night to sneak home quietly. She crept to the window, looked through the crack in the window, and felt the apprehension in her heart. Oh mom, a glance at this can scare Liu Cui'er a lot - her old lady is kneeling in front of a guy in a black robe and a mask, holding a small golden box in her hand! Liu Cuier's heart sank, and she thought: "Is it possible that this box contains my birthday?" She remembered that the old people in the village said that some people with evil intentions would use people's birthdays to do some unserious things, wanting to get rich or live forever. The more Liu Cuier pondered, the more frightened she became, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, and quickly slipped out of the house quietly.

Back at her aunt's house, Liu Cuier told her aunt about it. When my aunt heard this, she was so angry that her teeth itched, she said that the black-robed man must be a demon, and her mother must have been fascinated by that demon, so she would do this kind of conscience-losing thing. The aunt persuaded Liu Cuier to run away from home and find a safe place to hide. Liu Cuier listened to her aunt's words, and her heart was full of thoughts. She didn't want to leave this home, but she didn't want to be harmed by that demon. She thought about it and finally decided to go to the village elders for help. The elder is a well-known figure in the village, and he has a lot of knowledge, and he will definitely be able to figure out a way to deal with that demon.

The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

Liu Cuier found the elder and told him everything that had happened. After hearing this, the elder pondered for a while, and then said to Liu Cui'er, "Liu Cui'er, don't worry, I will settle this matter for you." You first go to hide under the old locust tree at the entrance of the village for a few days, and then you will come back when I clean up the demon road. Liu Cuier listened to the elder's words, and her heart was a little more steady. She said goodbye to her aunt and elders, and came to the old locust tree at the entrance of the village. The old locust tree, which is said to be hundreds of years old, has a trunk as thick as a pillar, and its branches and leaves are luxuriant, guarding the whole village like a guardian spirit.

When the demon Dao saw this posture, he panicked and wanted to slip away, but where could he run, and he was surrounded by the villagers as if he was surrounded by an iron bucket. After some fighting, the demon road was finally held down by the villagers, and the five flowers were tied up, like a zongzi. The elder stepped forward, looked at the demon dao, shook his head and said, "You demon dao, for your own selfishness, you have harmed others a lot, it is really a sin!" Today, on behalf of everyone, I will send you to the government and let the officials govern you! When the demon heard this, he trembled with fright, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Elder, spare me, I know that I am wrong, and I don't dare anymore!" The elder snorted coldly: "What's the use of you knowing your mistakes?" You've hurt so many people, and you still want me to spare you? Today, I'm going to send this black sheep to the government! After speaking, the elder instructed the villagers to carry the demon path away and prepare to send it to the government.

Liu Cuier looked at this scene, her heart was also mixed, she stepped forward and said to the elder, "Elder, I want to go home to see my mother." The elder nodded, "Go ahead, be careful." Liu Cuier pushed open the door and saw that the house was in a mess, and everything was smashed. Her mother sat on the kang, her face was pale, and she knew that she was frightened at a glance. Liu Cuier walked up to her mother, looked at the familiar and unfamiliar face, and felt a burst of bad feelings in her heart. When her mother saw her coming back, she was stunned at first, and then cried and jumped up and hugged her, crying and saying, "Cui'er, you're back!" Mother is wrong, mother shouldn't listen to the words of the demon, you almost lost your life! My mother knows it's wrong, you forgive my mother! Liu Cui'er listened to her mother's crying, and her heart was also sour. She patted her mother's back and comforted: "Mother, it's all over, let's have a good time in the future, don't listen to those demonic nonsense anymore." Her mother nodded again and again, and promised: "My mother knows, and my mother will never listen to those people in the future." ”

The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

Liu Cui'er stood at the door of her house, looking at the yard was neatly cleaned, and the feeling in her heart was really indescribable. As soon as the demon road left, the atmosphere in our village was relaxed, but Liu Cuier knew in her heart that the rift in the family relationship at home really had to be repaired. Her mother sat on the kang with her head bowed, and her hands kept rubbing the corners of her clothes, as if she was looking for some comfort there. Liu Cuier walked over, sat down next to her mother, held her mother's hand lightly, and said in a soft voice: "Mother, let's not mention those things about Chen sesame and rotten grain, let's have a good life in the future." Her mother raised her head, her eyes flashed with tears, she nodded, and said in a trembling voice: "Cui'er, my mother knows that she is wrong, my mother will treat you well in the future, and I will never listen to those demonic nonsense." Liu Cuier's heart was warm, knowing that her mother was truly repentant. She smiled and said, "Mother, let's go to the field and see how this year's harvest goes." The two of them walked out of the house hand in hand and went to the field.

The autumn sun shines on the golden rice fields, sparkling and beautiful like a painting. Liu Cuier took a deep breath, feeling the freshness and tranquility of nature, and the troubles in her heart seemed to disappear all of a sudden. Her mother looked at Liu Cui'er's satisfied appearance, and a long-lost smile appeared on her face. She said with emotion: "Cui'er, our family can have today, thanks to your bravery and persistence." Liu Cuier shook her head and said, "Mother, this is the result of our mother's joint efforts." In the future, we have to work together to make our family's life more prosperous. The two of them were busy in the fields, harvesting the rice, and although the sweat soaked their clothes, the smiles on their faces were sweeter than anything else. This simple and real life is what they are really pursuing.

The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

As time passed, the relationship between Liu Cuier and her mother became more and more iron. Her mother began to care about Liu Cuier's life, and often asked her how she was doing and how she felt. Liu Cuier has also become more sensible, often helping her mother with housework to reduce her burden. The people in our village watched their changes and praised them as model mothers and daughters in our village. The magpie that once saved Liu Cuier also flies around the village from time to time, bringing good luck and good luck to everyone. One day, when Liu Cuier was working in the field, she suddenly saw the magpie flying from a distance, and its wings were flapped, as if to greet her. Oh, this little girl Liu Cui'er, as soon as the work in her hand is released, her eyes are staring directly at the magpie in the sky. It spun around the top of her head a few times and finally landed on her shoulder, which was called an intimacy. Liu Cui'er was as happy as if she was something, and hurriedly touched the magpie's feathers, her heart warm. The magpie rubbed her shoulder twice, and then fluttered its wings and flew into the sky, and in a moment it was out of sight.

Liu Cuier looked at the direction in which the magpie flew away, and her heart was full of gratitude, full of respect for this little thing. She knew that it was the magpie that gave her the courage to survive the hardships and fight the bad guys. Since then, Liu Cuier has cherished this fate with magpies. When she was fine, she sprinkled some food and water in the ground, hoping to see the magpie again. The magpie seems to understand her mind, and from time to time it appears in her life, bringing her a little surprise and adding a little fun.

This matter spread in the village, and everyone said that Liu Cuier was a good girl, not only saved the magpie, but also used her wisdom and courage to defeat the demon and protect the safety of the village. The magpie also became a symbol of good luck and brought good luck and happiness to the people of the village.

The woman rescued the magpie from the dog's mouth, and the magpie dreamed: Your mother wants to harm you, don't go home

Day by day, Liu Cuier and her mother's life became more and more nourishing. The crops they planted were bumper every year, and the life of the family became more and more prosperous. Liu Cuier also used her diligence and wisdom to open a small grocery store in the village, and the business was booming, and the villagers liked her and respected her.

At night, Liu Cuier likes to sit at the door of the grocery store, looking up at the stars and the moon. She was grateful in her heart, grateful to the magpie that gave her courage, grateful to those who had helped her. She believes that as long as there is love, courage and wisdom in her heart, she can overcome any difficulties, overcome any challenges, and live the happy life she wants.

This is Liu Cuier's story, a story with a bit of fantasy and bizarreness, but also very warm and touching. It tells us that as long as we have love in our hearts, we can overcome all evil and difficulties and live the life we yearn for.

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