
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

author:Hubei Cultural Tourism
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

In the hot summer, when the hustle and bustle of the city is intertwined with the heatwave, do you want to leave the irritability and heat behind? It is better to embark on a water tour in Yangxin County and enjoy the coolness and comfort.

Yangxin's landscape Zhong Lingyuxiu has been Jingchu's "county of flowers and fruits" and "land of fish and rice" since ancient times, and last year it was selected as the "good scenery of the countryside at four o'clock" national rural tourism boutique route. Take advantage of the present time to travel back to the village~

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~


Huichun Village,

Only then did I know that I could really go to heaven

📍 Sky City Scenic Area

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Sky City Scenic Area

Sky City Scenic Area is located in Wangying Town, Yangxin County, on the north shore of Xiandao Lake. In the scenic area, the largest single glass platform in China, the Sky Mirror, rises from the ground, and the staircase to the sky towers into the clouds. It is like a mirror suspended in the clouds, the moment you step on it, it is as if you have stepped into another fairyland, and you can see the beautiful scenery of the entire Xiandao Lake at a glance.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Sky Mirror Picture/Sky City Scenic Area

If you love to take pictures, this is the perfect place to check in. The scenic area is located at the top of Qianli Mountain at an altitude of 520.1314 meters, and its unique geographical location makes it a natural viewing platform. Take out your mobile phone, you don't need superb skills, you can shoot at the intersection of mountains and rivers, and record your beautiful moments.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Sky City Scenic Area

The high temperature and rain in summer also create conditions for the emergence of a sea of clouds. If the timing is right, you can stand in the clouds, see the clouds rolling in front of you, and also experience the poetic romance of being in the "vast sea of clouds".

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Sky City Scenic Area

📍 Scenic address: Wangying Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi City

⏰ Opening hours: 8:00-17:30

💰 Fees: 129 yuan/person

📞 Tel: 0714-7687788

Huichun Village,

Watch the boat walk in the water and the people swim in the painting

📍 Xiandao Lake Tourist Resort

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xiandao Lake Tourist Resort

Xiandao Lake, known as the "No. 1 Strange Lake in Jingchu", is located at the northern foot of Mufu Mountain in Wangying Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi City, and is known as the "Three Great Thousand Island Lakes in the World" together with Hangzhou Qiandao Lake and Canada Qiandao Lake.

Viewed from above, 1,002 islands are dotted with emeralds on the azure waters of the lake, creating a beautiful picture of a fairyland.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xiandao Lake Tourist Resort

Boating on the lake in the early morning, the smoke and waves between the islands are vast, the breeze is slowly in the arms, the sky is full of glow and the sparkling waves on the water surface, and the lake water is like a blue ribbon winding between the green mountains, constituting a unique and beautiful scenery of water and sky.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Wangxian Cliff / Xiandao Lake Tourist Resort

If you want to enjoy the scenery of the thousand islands, you can't miss the Wangxian Cliff on the south mountain of Xiandao Lake. This is not only an excellent place to view the east end of the scenic area, but also a quiet and cool summer treasure.

The 108-meter-long glass plank road on the cliff hangs between the mountain walls, and if you can step on the transparent trestle bridge without fear of high altitude, you will find the blue sky and white clouds reflecting each other, and the water and sky are in full view.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Xianlong Island / Xiandao Lake Tourist Resort

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xiandao Lake Tourist Resort

📍 Scenic address: Wharf Road, Wangying Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi City

⏰ Opening hours: 08:00-15:30 (ticket sales last at 14:30, last admission at 14:30)

💰 Fees: 105 yuan/person (adult ticket) 75 yuan/person (child/senior/student ticket)

📞 Tel: 0714-7686566

Huichun Village,

Meet in the canyon and shake the transition

📍 Dishuiya Waterfall Scenic Area

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Dishuiya Waterfall Scenic Area

Dishuiya Waterfall Scenic Area is located in Paishi Town, Yangxin County, at the northern foot of Mufu Mountain, and is famous for its waterfall and rafting. The peaks and peaks in the scenic area are undulating, the dense forests are deep, the mountains and rivers reflect each other, and the scenery is beautiful.

The first waterfall to Yingyue Lake, all the way like thunder, flying beads splashing; The second waterfall is like a wild horse and a dragon turning over the river. Looking at the waterfall from a distance at night, it is like a jade liquid splashing down from the starry sky, adding a bit of beauty and mystery to the scenic spot.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Cultural Tourism Huangshi

At first sight, the waterfall cascades down from the towering cliff face, and the mist fills the scenic spot with a light veil, and the heat and restlessness dissipate. Approaching the waterfall, the sound of water roars in your ears, playing pure natural music and washing away the hustle and bustle of the world.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Cultural Tourism Huangshi

The characteristic rafting "Warrior Rafting" in the scenic area is thrilling and exciting, and you can make an appointment with three or five friends to go down the rapids under the "First Waterfall of Huangshi" and play in the cool stream.

In addition, you can also hike along the winding trails, walk through the jungle in search of all kinds of rare plants, and enjoy the ecological beauty of "fresh grass and colorful fallen flowers".

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Yangxin County Rong Media Center

📍 Scenic address: Kanjialong, Shangwang Village, Paishi Town, Yangxin County

⏰ Opening hours: 8:00-17:00

💰 Charging standard: 65 yuan/person

📞 Tel: 0714-7346888

Huichun Village,

The joy of summer is soaking in water

📍 Xianxi Flower Corridor Scenic Area

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xianxi Flower Corridor Scenic Area

Xianxi Flower Gallery, located in Sanxi Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi, is only separated by a dam from Xiandao Lake, with "Xiandao Lake" on the dam and "Xianxi Flower Corridor" under the dam.

Walking into the fairy creek flower gallery, it is like stepping into a fairyland on earth. Here, the streams are murmuring, the shadows of the trees are swaying, and every step is accompanied by the scent of flowers and the song of birds. Walking through it, you can feel the breath of nature and feel the rhythm of life.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xianxi Flower Corridor Scenic Area

The most distinctive project in the scenic area is the fairy stream rafting. Put on a costume and take a ride on an antique boat to start a poetic journey through the Wizard of Oz. As you drift down the stream, you'll be captivated by the scenery along the way.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xianxi Flower Corridor Scenic Area

The water of the stream is crystal clear, and the sea of flowers on both sides of the river is colorful and fragrant, and the trees are shady and the birds are singing. All this seems to constitute a poetic picture, which is intoxicating.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Xianxi Flower Corridor Scenic Area

📍 Scenic address: Xianxi Flower Corridor Scenic Area, Yaji Village, Sanxi Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi City

⏰ Opening hours:08:00-20:00 (Last admission at 17:00)

💰 Charging standard: 40 yuan/person

📞 Tel: 0714-7558899

Huichun Village,

Discover the heartbeat and pulse of the underworld

📍 Maple Forest Center Grand Canyon Scenic Area

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Yellowstone Maple Forest Center Grand Canyon

Located in a hidden mountain village in Yangxin County, the Maple Forest Geocentric Grand Canyon is composed of limestone formed in 270 million years, which is a typical karst geological and landform scenic spot. Because it is located in the limestone mountain as a whole, and the tunnel is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, it is like a "canyon", so it is called the "Grand Canyon in the center of the earth".

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Cultural Tourism Huangshi

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Yellowstone Maple Forest Center Grand Canyon

The total length of the cave is about 2,000 meters, including a main cave, a branch cave, and two cave halls. The temperature in the cave is kept at about 18 °C all year round, and it is known as "natural central air conditioning". Stepping into the cave, the heat of the scorching heat dissipates in an instant, and you can enjoy the refreshing feeling of the heart.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Yellowstone Maple Forest Center Grand Canyon

The karst cave has experienced the depiction of nature for thousands of years, forming a large number of stalagmites, stone pillars and other stalactite landscapes with various postures, steep and beautiful. Reach out and touch it, as if you can glimpse the rings of time hidden in it, and feel the pulse of the earth's crust for thousands of years.

In addition to getting up close and personal with stalactites, you can also wade through the water with a helmet and rain boots. The underground river meanders along the main tunnel, walking along the river, the cave is sometimes narrow, sometimes open, such a novel "water-friendly" experience, will make you linger.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Photo/Yellowstone Maple Forest Center Grand Canyon

📍 Scenic address: Hutian Village, Fenglin Town, Yangxin County, Huangshi City, Hubei Province

⏰ Opening hours: 08:30-18:00

💰 Charging standard: 98 yuan/person

📞 Tel: 0714-7675766

Huichun Village,

Eat and have fun, and there are treasures everywhere

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Yangxin cloth sticker / Cultural Tourism Huangshi

In addition to the beautiful tourist landscape, Yangxin's intangible cultural heritage resources and cultural heritage are also abundant.

Yangxin cloth sticker is the artistic crystallization of thousands of years of sedimentation, and it is also a folk handicraft with local characteristics. From children's clothing to clothing, cloth stickers originated from the wisdom and skillful hands of thrifty women, and has developed to this day, and has become one of the synonyms of local Chu culture. Yangxin cloth stickers have also become a representative of local cultural and creative products, why not come and experience on-site production and record your own story with colored cloth.

Yangxin tea opera, from the ancient Mufu mountain tea song breeding, the creative inspiration mostly comes from folk tales, most of them reflect the joys, sorrows and sorrows of the people, is one of the representative local opera genres of Jingchu. As the hometown of tribute tea, the people of Yangxin will go up the mountain to pick tea in the spring and sing in the tea forest, and the tea picking song has also developed from this. Come to Yangxin to listen to a tea-picking opera and taste the melodious life.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Yangxin cloth sticker / Cultural Tourism Huangshi

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Yangxin Tea Picking Drama / Cultural Tourism Huangshi

How can you travel without savoring the local fireworks? Yangxin's special food will definitely make you feast.

The first thing to be served on the table is the steaming Yangxintun bird soup. As a characteristic poultry of Yangxin County, Tun Bird has delicate meat and delicious taste, which is a delicacy worth tasting. And if you come to Yangxin, you don't eat prince tofu, which is considered a big pity. Prince tofu is tender and delicious, with a unique flavor, and the famous "foodie" Su Dongpo also wrote a poem for it: "boiled beans to make milk fat for crisp, and high burning oil candles pour honey wine".

In addition, there are also delicacies such as stewed tofu with clear water fish in Xiandao Lake, stir-fried bacon with artemisia, scrambled eggs with whitebait, braised noodles with braised noodles, fried noodles with local chicken soup, and folded noodles, which are enough to surprise your taste buds.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Yangxintun bird soup

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Yangxin Prince Tofu Photo/Yangxin County Rong Media Center

If you want to fall asleep and return to nature in Yangxin Pillow Star, this homestay that lasted 7 years and invested nearly 30 million yuan is worth checking in.

Carefully built by well-known designers, the mountain residence autumn evening B&B integrates new Chinese aesthetics with rural resort style, with original stone, stucco paint and wooden furniture as a match, with both atmospheric simplicity and texture.

When you first see it, it is like a paradise hidden in the mountains and rivers, surrounded by green trees, and intertwined with green bricks and tiles, which is an excellent choice to experience the leisurely and comfortable life of the countryside.

Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

Mountain Residence Autumn Eye Picture / Mountain Residence Autumn Evening B&B

📍 B&B address: Huangshi City, Hubei Province, Yangxin County, Wang Ying Town, Xiandao Lake Gaoshan Village Villager Neighborhood Committee

🚅 High-speed rail: Take to Yangxin Station, transfer to Wang Ying Bus at Chengbei Bus Station and get off at Gaoshan Village Committee.

🚗 Self-driving: Navigation and search for "Xiandao Lake Mountain Ju Autumn Twilight Homestay"

📞 Tel: 0714-7687077


Yangxin's landscapes ripple with natural beauty

Take advantage of the summer to make an appointment with friends and family

Go to Yangxin to view the water, play in the water, and be close to the water

Embark on a journey of poetic dwelling

Editor/Chu Xiaoyou

Source/Hubei Cultural Tourism/Hubei Cultural Tourism

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Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~
Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

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Go to Yangxin and spend the summer as an "authentic villager~

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