
Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

author:Don't lose ice and add ice

(The content of this article is based on authoritative sources, and there are literature citation sources at the end of the article)

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

In May 2021, Zhang Qi, who was only 34 years old, was appointed as the county magistrate of Huailai County, Hebei Province, becoming the youngest female county magistrate in the country.

Zhang Qi came from an ordinary background, but he was admitted to Tsinghua University with excellent grades and became a doctor of architecture.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

She could have chosen to develop in a big city and live a comfortable life, but she resolutely chose to dedicate herself, take root at the grassroots level, and serve the people.

In just a few years, under the leadership of Zhang Qi, Huailai County, which was once remote and backward, has undergone earth-shaking changes, and has become a well-known wine town and a popular choice for tourists around Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei for leisure and vacation.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

Aim high

Zhang Qi, born in Wenshui, Shanxi, has not been wealthy since he was a child. Parents work hard every day to support the family.

Just when Zhang Qi's studies were thriving, Zhang Qi's grandmother was seriously ill, and the huge medical expenses made the family even worse.

In the face of family changes and the embarrassment of life, Zhang Qi did not choose to give up, but became more and more frustrated.

She studied harder, armed herself with knowledge, and with her excellent academic performance, Zhang Qi was admitted to Hebei Provincial Key Experimental Middle School without examination.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

Every day, she is immersed in books, and in her spare time, she also takes the initiative to participate in various club activities to exercise her organizational and communication skills.

Zhang Qi's efforts were not in vain, and her grades have always remained at the top of her grade, becoming an honor student recognized by teachers and classmates.

In 2005, Zhang Qi was admitted to Tsinghua University with an excellent score of 12th in Hebei Province and became a freshman majoring in architecture.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

Tsinghua builds dreams

Stepping into Tsinghua Park, Zhang Qi began her college career. She is determined to lay a solid theoretical foundation during her university years, and at the same time actively participate in various practical activities to exercise her comprehensive ability.

She is diligent and studious, listens carefully in class, takes the initiative to communicate with teachers after class, investigates every knowledge point, and reads classic works in the field of architecture extensively to understand the development history and latest trends of architectural design.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

With her extraordinary understanding and hard work, she has always maintained excellent grades in her professional classes and has become a role model for her classmates.

However, Zhang Qi was not satisfied with the knowledge in books. In order to enhance her practical skills, she actively participates in various design competitions and projects, applying what she has learned in the classroom to practical design.

In addition to her professional studies, Zhang Qi also focuses on developing her leadership and organizational skills. She served as the secretary of the class league and organized the students to carry out a variety of team building activities to enhance the cohesion of the class.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

She also joined the school's student council and participated in organizing large-scale school-wide activities, exercising her overall planning and communication skills.

In her junior year, Zhang Qi had the opportunity to volunteer for the Beijing Olympics. She deeply experienced the connotation of the Olympic spirit and witnessed the rapid development and changes of the country.

In the five-year career at Tsinghua University, Zhang Qi has not only made great progress professionally, but also comprehensively improved his overall quality. She not only mastered solid theoretical knowledge, but also exercised excellent practical ability.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

Grassroots grinding

After graduating in 2012, Dr. Zhang Qi made a decision that surprised many – she gave up a high-paying job in a big city and chose to return to her alma mater, Tsinghua University, as a regular research assistant.

As a research assistant, Zhang Qi's work involves a wide range of tasks and is arduous. She assists her supervisor in carrying out research projects, supervising students' learning and research, and also participates in the organization of academic exchanges and conferences.

In scientific research, Zhang Qi studied diligently and tackled key problems hard. She often worked late into the night to discuss research plans and improve experimental methods with her supervisors.

Thanks to her efforts, the research project has achieved phased results and has been unanimously recognized by her supervisors and colleagues. She is also active in writing academic papers and publishing her research results in important journals, contributing to the academic community.

In teaching, Zhang Qi is conscientious and responsible, and carefully guides. She patiently answers students' questions and guides them to think creatively. She also organizes students to participate in research projects to help them improve their practical skills.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

Under her careful training, a group of outstanding students have stood out and made their mark in their respective fields.

In her three-year career as an assistant researcher, Zhang Qi has been conscientious and diligent. She has achieved fruitful results in academic research and has made outstanding contributions to talent training.

In 2015, Zhang Qi took the initiative to ask Ying to go to Leshan City, Sichuan Province for temporary training and served as the deputy director of the Housing and Urban-Rural Planning and Construction Bureau.

This is a new challenge, she has to go from the ivory tower to the broad grassroots, and use her professional knowledge to serve the local development and construction.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

During his stay in Leshan, Zhang Qi threw himself down and went deep into the front-line research. She walked all over the streets and alleys of the city to understand the current situation and problems of urban and rural construction.

On this basis, she combined her professional knowledge and put forward a series of practical suggestions, which made important contributions to improving the appearance of urban and rural areas and improving the quality of human settlements.

In her spare time, Zhang Qi is also actively involved in local poverty alleviation work. She went deep into poor villages, visited the needy, and helped them find a way out of poverty and become rich.

Served as the county magistrate

In May 2021, 34-year-old Zhang Qi was appointed county magistrate.

At the beginning of his tenure, Zhang Qi went deep into the grassroots to investigate the county's conditions. She traveled all over the county, communicated face-to-face with farmers, and learned about their production and living conditions.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

From the research, she realized that the development of wine industry and cultural tourism is the advantage of Huailai County. She immediately convened relevant departments to formulate an industrial development plan, and tried to promote the economic and social development of the county with industrial revitalization.

In order to introduce advanced technology and management experience, Zhang Qi has visited well-known wine producing areas at home and abroad for many times. She also actively connects with large enterprises in Beijing, Tianjin and other places to attract them to invest in Huailai.

With her efforts, a number of modern grape planting bases and wineries have settled in Huailai, and the county's grape planting area and wine production have increased significantly.

While developing the industry, Zhang Qi also attaches great importance to the development of cultural tourism. She organized a planning team and carefully designed a boutique tourism route connecting the main attractions of Huailai.

There are not only beautiful natural scenery along the route, but also unique folk experiences and food and wine.

Zhang Qi, the youngest female county magistrate in China: Dr. Tsinghua University, both talented and beautiful, rooted in the grassroots, and has no background

In the process of revitalizing the industry, Zhang Qi has always adhered to ecological priority and green development. She strictly controls new projects to ensure they meet environmental requirements.

She mobilized the whole county to carry out ecological restoration actions such as afforestation and river and lake management, so that the mountains in Huailai are greener, the water is greener, and the sky is bluer.

The development of industry and prosperity is the mission of every county magistrate. But in Zhang Qi's eyes, it is more important to let the fruits of development benefit the people of the county.

To this end, she vigorously implemented the rural revitalization strategy, improved the rural living environment, and improved the level of rural public services. She often goes deep into the countryside, eats and lives with the villagers, listens to their voices, and helps solve practical problems.


1 Zhang Qi. Huailai County People's Government [Citation date: 2022-02-15]

2. The 34th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th People's Congress of Huailai County was held and Zhang Qi was appointed as the deputy county magistrate and acting county magistrate. Huailai County People's Government [Citation date: 2021-06-02]

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