
The widow was about to kill the dog and eat it, but the dog suddenly spat out, "Wait until your daughter is born and then kill me."


In our northeast Nagada, there is a small place called Huaishu Village, which is very cordial when you listen to it. In this village, there is a widow named Li Cuihua, who had an accident in the mine back then, leaving her and the baby in her belly, and just left. Cuihua, don't look at her as a widow, she is diligent in her hands and feet, and she knows a little medical skills, and the people in the village treat her very well.

The weather is getting hotter day by day, and Cuihua's belly is getting bigger and bigger, and she is about to give birth. There is nothing lacking at home, but food is a little tight. Cuihua pondered, she had to make up for the baby in her belly. She raised her eyes and saw her old yellow dog. This dog, who has been following Cuihua for seven or eight years, is loyal. But now in this situation, Cuihua also muttered in her heart, thinking that she might kill the dog and make up for the baby.

Cuihua made up her mind, and walked to the kennel with a knife. The old yellow dog seemed to feel something, and his eyes were full of sadness. Cuihua didn't feel good in her heart, but when she thought of the baby in her belly, she still stiffened her head and raised the knife. But at this moment, something strange happened! The old yellow dog suddenly raised his head, "Wang" twice, but his voice was like a human speech, hoarse and low: "Cuihua, don't be in a hurry to do it first, wait for your daughter to be born." When Cuihua heard this, she was so frightened that she almost threw the knife. She rubbed her eyes, thinking that she had heard something wrong, but the old yellow dog "Wang" a few more times, and the voice was still so clear, so like human words.

The widow was about to kill the dog and eat it, but the dog suddenly spat out, "Wait until your daughter is born and then kill me."

"You... What's going on with you? Cuihua was so frightened that she couldn't speak. The old yellow dog seemed to sigh, and said again: "I was originally an old fairy in the mountains, but I was demoted to mortal for violating the rules of heaven and became a dog." The one in your belly is a girl, and I can save her life if she has a big future in the future. But I, an immortal mortal, won't last long, and if you kill me now, it won't be good for your daughter. Cuihua was stunned when she heard this, but seeing that the old yellow dog said so seriously, she also believed seven or eight points in her heart.

Cuihua put down the knife, walked to the kennel, touched the head of the old yellow dog, and said, "Since this is the case, I will spare you first, but don't lie to me, otherwise I won't spare you!" The old yellow dog "Wang" twice, which is considered to be an agreement. As the days passed, Cuihua's belly grew bigger and bigger. People in the village said that her baby would definitely be blessed in the future. Cuihua was also happy in her heart when she heard it, but she always remembered the words of the old yellow dog.

Finally one day, the green flower was born, and it was really a female baby, white and fat, which was very attractive. Cuihua named the baby Xiaohua. Xiaohua has been smart and clever since she was a child, and she learns everything quickly, and people in the village say that she will definitely be able to become a big player in the future. Since that time, the old yellow dog has become like a stuffy gourd, squatting at the door of the kennel all day long, watching the little flower grow up day by day. Xiaohua, this girl, is also rare to play with this dog, so she holds it and feeds it when she has nothing to do. The old yellow dog looked at Xiaohua, and there was always an indescribable love in his eyes. Day by day, Xiaohua grew into a beautiful big girl, tall and handsome. As for the old yellow dog, he is also getting older, the hair on his body is about to fall out, and he walks swayingly. But every time Xiaohua came home, it struggled to stand up and wagged its tail, as if to say, "Welcome home." ”

The widow was about to kill the dog and eat it, but the dog suddenly spat out, "Wait until your daughter is born and then kill me."

One day, Xiaohua came back from outside with a large package in her hand. She walked up to the old yellow dog and opened the package, which was full of herbs. Xiaohua said to the old yellow dog: "Mother said that you have been protecting me all these years, and now I have to do something for you." This is the medicine I asked for from the doctor in the town, and I will get better if I take it. When the old yellow dog heard this, a trace of tears seemed to flash in his eyes, and he "snorted" twice, and his voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible. But it still managed to raise its head and licked Xiaohua's hand.

After Xiaohua fed the medicine to the old yellow dog, she sat next to it and accompanied him. After a while, the old yellow dog suddenly stood up, walked up to Xiaohua, rubbed her leg with his head, and then turned around and walked out the door. Xiaohua wanted to stop it, but the old yellow dog seemed to be iron-hearted, and left without looking back. Li Cuihua looked at this scene and sighed: "This dog, knowing that he is dying, doesn't want Xiaohua to watch it go." Sure enough, it didn't take long for the villagers to say that the old yellow dog had gone under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village. I heard that it was peaceful when it left, as if it was asleep.

Xiaohua really came out later, with superb medical skills, and also opened a big medical hall and cured many people. Every time I think of that old yellow dog, my heart is warm. She always thought that if she didn't have that old yellow dog, she might not have achieved what she is today. In a flash, the reputation of Xiaohua Medical Hall became bigger and bigger, and even outsiders came to visit it. On this day, a well-dressed guest came to the hospital, claiming to be a wealthy businessman from the capital, and came to see Xiaohua for a doctor. Xiaohua saw that this rich merchant was extraordinary, so she received him warmly. After asking and making a diagnosis, it was found that the rich merchant had a strange disease, which could only be cured with a rare medicinal herb. This medicinal herb is only available in the mountains near their village.

The widow was about to kill the dog and eat it, but the dog suddenly spat out, "Wait until your daughter is born and then kill me."

When the rich merchant heard this, his face pulled down and he said, "This medicinal herb is so difficult to find, what can I do?" Xiaohua thought for a while and said, "Although this medicinal herb is difficult to find, it is not out of line. I can go up the mountain to pick it myself, but the mountain road is difficult to walk and it may take some time. When the rich merchant heard this, he eagerly said, "As long as you can cure my disease, I am willing to wait no matter how long it takes." Xiaohua immediately packed her bags and prepared to embark on a journey to find medicinal herbs. Before leaving, she specially came to the old yellow dog's sleeping under the big locust tree, and prayed silently, hoping that the old yellow dog's spirit in the sky could bless her safe return.

News of Xiaohua's ascent to the mountain quickly spread through the village, and the villagers were worried about her safety. After all, the mountain is known for its dangers, and it is often infested with wild beasts. But Xiaohua is undaunted, she has only one goal in mind: to cure the rich merchant's illness and add luster to the reputation of the hospital. After several days of arduous trekking, Xiaohua finally found that rare medicinal herb. She carefully picks them and prepares to set off for the return trip.

However, just then, she heard a rapid gasp as if a creature was approaching her. Xiaohua's heart tightened, and she quickly picked up the wooden stick in her hand and prepared to fight. Soon, a large figure came into view - a ferocious boar was approaching her. Xiaohua was terrified, and knew that it was difficult to compete with it. At this life-and-death moment, she did not choose to escape, but closed her eyes and called loudly: "Old yellow dog, come and save me!" Before she could finish speaking, she felt a gust of wind pass by, followed by a terrible pig howl. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the wild boar had fallen to the ground, and a familiar figure was biting on its neck—it was the old yellow dog! Xiaohua was so surprised that she couldn't speak, she never expected that the old yellow dog, who had been dead for many years, would appear again and save her life.

The widow was about to kill the dog and eat it, but the dog suddenly spat out, "Wait until your daughter is born and then kill me."

The old yellow dog glanced at Xiaohua, then let go of the boar, turned and disappeared into the dense woods. Xiaohua was stunned for a while before coming back to her senses, she carefully picked up the medicinal herbs on the ground and carefully went down the mountain. Back in the village, she told the villagers about the experience. Everyone felt incredulous, thinking that this was the soul of the old yellow dog guarding Xiaohua. Soon, the rich merchant's illness was cured by Xiaohua. He was so grateful that he gave Xiaohua a large sum of money as a thank you. Xiaohua used the money to expand the medical hall and purchase a large number of medicinal materials and medical equipment. Her business has grown to become one of the most well-known in the area. Xiaohua also always remembered the kindness of the old yellow dog, and set up a stone tablet under the big locust tree, engraved with the words "righteous dog savior". Whenever someone asks about the origin of the stele, Xiaohua will tell the story of the old yellow dog. The listeners all sighed and praised this as a spiritual dog that was not only loyal to its owner, but also able to stand up when it was in danger. This spirit is admirable. Since then, the people of Huaishu Village have a special affection for dogs, and they not only treat their dogs well, but also often help those who are homeless. The story of the old yellow dog, with the passage of time, has been passed down by the people of Huaishu Village by word of mouth, and has become one of the most widely spread beautiful legends in the village. As for Xiaohua, she always remembered the kindness of the old yellow dog to her, and ran the hospital more and more prosperously. She not only has excellent medical skills, but also helps everyone in need equally with a benevolent heart, regardless of wealth and poverty, and has become a "miracle doctor" admired by people. Every time she stood under the big locust tree, she would think of the loyal old yellow dog and how it had saved her life...... Xiaohua is busy in the hospital, day after day, year after year. Not only is her medical skills superb, but she also has a loving heart, and she treats her patients equally, regardless of their origins. Thanks to her efforts, the reputation of the hospital has become more and more famous, attracting patients from all over the world to seek treatment.

Since then, Xiaohua has worked harder and studied harder. Her medical skills have improved by leaps and bounds, and she has learned a lot of new tricks. With her medical skills and love, she has cured more patients and won everyone's respect and love. The story of the old yellow dog has also been spread more and more widely and deeply. Everyone said that this dog is not only spiritual, but also very loyal, and can stand up when the owner is in trouble. This spirit not only touched Xiaohua, but also touched countless people.

Time flies, decades pass in the blink of an eye. Xiaohua also changed from a little girl to a white-haired grandmother, but she still stuck to the hospital to treat the sick and save people. The story of the old yellow dog has always been praised by people and has become an eternal legend.

The widow was about to kill the dog and eat it, but the dog suddenly spat out, "Wait until your daughter is born and then kill me."

One day, a young doctor walked into the infirmary and saw Grandma Xiaohua sitting there. He curiously asked about the story of the old yellow dog, and Grandma Xiaohua told it slowly. She spoke vividly, as if she had returned to that legendary era. The young doctor was fascinated and deeply moved by the story. He decided to write down this story so that more people could know about this story of loyalty and love. Thus, the story has been handed down and has become a classic folk tale. Whenever people mention this story, they will think of the loyal old yellow dog and the kind little flower girl, as well as the touching story between them.