
The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."


Oh, this thing is really evil, we can encounter any strange things in this Gada, in the Northeast. Today, let's tell you about Carpenter Zhang's adventures, this matter is not simple, you have to touch it well.

In the small town to the south of us, there is a craftsman named Zhang Laosan. This buddy's craftsmanship, that's not to say, within a radius of dozens of miles, who doesn't know his name as a carpenter? Zhang Laosan is a good-hearted person with hard craftsmanship, but recently, he encountered a strange incident.

There is a widow Liu in the town, who is young and looks quite handsome, but her life is hard, her husband left early, and she is left alone, lonely. On this day, Widow Liu came to the door and said that her bed was not strong, and she wanted Zhang Laosan to fix it. As soon as Zhang Laosan heard this, he immediately agreed. He carried the toolbox on his back and followed Widow Liu to her house.

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

When I arrived at her house, I saw that the bed was indeed a bit old, and the legs of the bed were swaying badly. Zhang Laosan didn't say anything, he did it directly, divided five by two, and the bed was repaired and very strong.

Widow Liu saw that Zhang Laosan's skills were so good, and her heart blossomed, so she left him for a meal. At the dinner table, Widow Liu said that she couldn't sleep well at night, and she always felt that something was moving under the bed, which scared her enough. When Zhang Laosan heard this, he also muttered in his heart, what can there be under this bed? He comforted Widow Liu and said, "Sister, don't worry, my brother is here, I'll stay here tonight to see what's under the bed." ”

In the evening, Zhang Laosan stayed in Widow Liu's house. He lay on the bed, his ears pricked up like antennas, listening carefully to the movement under the bed. In the dead of night, suddenly, there was a slight noise under the bed. Zhang Laosan was excited, turned over and sat up, lit a candle, and shone under the bed. This photo, it's amazing, there is a black shadow dangling there under the bed!

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

Zhang Laosan was shocked, what is this black shadow? He reached out and touched it, but he didn't touch anything. He steadied himself and listened carefully for a while, noticing that the dark shadow seemed to be following his breathing. He took a deep breath and held his breath, and the shadow did not move. Zhang Laosan knew in his heart that this black shadow must be an evil thing, moving with the breath of people.

He thought for a moment and pulled out a peachwood sword from his toolbox, which was the treasure he usually used to ward off evil spirits. He held the peachwood sword and shouted loudly under the bed: "Who is the demon, dare to do something here? Appear! As soon as the words fell, the black shadow under the bed suddenly squeezed out of the crack in the bed! Zhang Laosan's eyes were quick, and he slashed over with a sword. The black shadow was struck, let out a scream, and turned into a cloud of black smoke, which dissipated into the air.

Zhang Laosan breathed a sigh of relief, and said in his heart that this evil thing had finally been driven away. He turned around and saw that Widow Liu had been awakened by the movement just now, and was looking at him with a frightened expression. He comforted Widow Liu and said, "Sister, don't be afraid, the evil thing has been driven away by me." When Widow Liu heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully: "Brother Zhang, thank you so much!" If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know how to spend the night. Zhang Laosan waved his hand and said to Widow Liu: "Big sister, don't see outside." You sleep steadily, I'm here to keep watch, and I'm sure that those crooked things don't dare to come. When Widow Liu heard this, her heart was warm, she nodded in thanks, lay down and fell asleep again. Zhang Laosan also returned to his bed, but his heart was like turning over the river and the sea. Where did this evil thing come from? Why do you choose to make a fuss under this bed? The more he pondered it, the more he felt that this matter was not simple.

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

Early the next morning, Zhang Laosan said goodbye to Widow Liu and hurried home. When he told the elders in the town what he had encountered, the old people shook their heads and said, "This matter is very evil, and we have to find someone who understands it." As soon as Zhang Laosan heard this, he had an idea in his heart. He decided to go to the town's Taoist priest Li Banxian to see if he could find out the origin of this evil thing.

Zhang Laosan found Li Banxian and told him about it, Li Banxian frowned: "This matter is indeed a bit evil, I have to go and see it myself." When Zhang Laosan heard this, he hurriedly led Li Banxian to Widow Liu's house. When he got there, Li Banxian circled around the bed a few times, suddenly stopped, and said with a serious face: "Under this bed, there are big articles!" When Zhang Laosan heard this, he "chuckled" in his heart, and hurriedly asked: "Daochang Li, what does this mean?" Li Banxian sighed: "Under this bed, there is a resentful ghost hidden. This ghost must have suffered a great grievance before his death, and his resentment did not go away after his death, so he attached himself to this bed. At night, it comes out to make a noise, making people sleep unsoundly. ”

When Zhang Laosan heard this, he understood a little in his heart. He asked eagerly, "What then?" Daochang Li, you have to help us figure out a way! Li Banxian nodded: "I have to think about this matter." You go back first, I'll come back tomorrow. When Zhang Laosan heard this, he felt a lot more at ease. He said goodbye to Li Banxian and Widow Liu and returned home. But he still has a lot of things in his heart, and he doesn't know how this matter will develop next.

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

Early the next morning, Zhang Laosan hurried to find Li Banxian again. As soon as he entered the door, he shouted: "Daochang Li, you have to give us an idea, there is really a ghost under Widow Liu's bed, what's going on?" Li Banxian stroked his beard and said slowly: "Don't worry, don't worry, I know it in my heart." The ghost's resentment is too heavy, and if you want to resolve it, you have to find someone who is destined, and you have to have a way. As soon as Zhang Laosan heard that there was a play, he hurriedly asked: "Then how to find someone who is destined, and what is the method?" Li Banxian pointed to the sky: "The secret of heaven cannot be revealed, but I can tell you that this destined person is in our town, and as for the method, it depends on you." Zhang Laosan scratched his head, looking confused. He understood that Li Banxian had always been good at forecasting, so he decided to follow his advice. In the days that followed, Zhang Laosan ran around, trying to find the person who was destined to be. He went from house to house, but never found a clue. Just as he was feeling disappointed, a young scholar caught his attention. The scholar's name was Li Wenxuan, a scholar from out of town, who had recently rented a house in the town to prepare for the exam. Zhang Laosan saw that he was personable, so he took the initiative to talk. After a brief conversation between the two, Zhang Laosan found that Li Wenxuan's speech and demeanor were extraordinary, so he asked a few words tentatively. Surprisingly, Li Wenxuan has a deep understanding of Taoist culture and has read many related books. Zhang Laosan's heart moved, and he guessed that Li Wenxuan might be the person Li Banxian said. He immediately told Li Wenxuan about the hoodoo under Widow Liu's bed. After Li Wenxuan heard this, his brows tightened, saying that he had heard about it, and it was indeed quite strange. But he thought he might be able to help. When Zhang Laosan heard this, he was overjoyed and hurriedly invited Li Wenxuan to go to Widow Liu's house to check.

After arriving at Widow Liu's house, Li Wenxuan carefully inspected the bed, and then said: "This ghost is deeply resentful, and it needs to be resolved with my Taoist technique." When Zhang Laosan heard this, he was convinced that Li Wenxuan did have a solution. He eagerly asked what needed to be prepared. Li Wenxuan replied: "I need some magic weapons, as well as my Taoist book." But the most important thing is to have a clean place where I can cast my spells. Zhang Laosan immediately said: "It's not difficult, I have a spare room in my house, it's very quiet, you can perform spells there." Li Wenxuan nodded in agreement and decided to start acting that night.

At night, Li Wenxuan arranged a magic circle in the empty room of Zhang Laosan's house. He held a peachwood sword in his hand, and there were words in his mouth, and a faint golden light emanated from his body. Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu stood nervously on the side, holding their breath. After a while, Li Wenxuan suddenly shouted and ordered the ghost to appear. As soon as he finished speaking, a puff of black smoke came out from under the bed, and the black smoke twisted and changed in the air, eventually forming a terrifying-looking ghost. As soon as the ghost saw Li Wenxuan, it let out a sharp scream, as if it was about to pounce on him. Li Wenxuan wielded a peachwood sword and launched a fierce battle with the ghosts. Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu watched in horror from the sidelines, worried that Li Wenxuan would be injured. At the critical moment, Li Wenxuan shouted, and with the help of the power of heaven and earth, he slashed at the ghost with a sword. The ghost let out a scream, turning into a puff of black smoke and dissipating into the air. Li Wenxuan put away his sword, breathed a sigh of relief, and announced that the ghost had been destroyed. When Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu heard the news, they jumped up with excitement and hurriedly stepped forward to express their gratitude to Li Wenxuan, calling him their savior. Li Wenxuan waved his hand lightly and said softly: "Don't be so polite, this is my business." However, although the ghost has been dispelled, the resentment it leaves behind has not completely dissipated. In the future, you should do more good deeds and accumulate good deeds, so that you can truly resolve those grievances. After hearing this, Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu nodded again and again in agreement. Since then, they have indeed started to actively do good deeds and accumulate good deeds. And nothing out of the ordinary happened to that bed. This incident quickly spread in the town, and people began to look at Li Wenxuan with admiration. Zhang Laosan also became a well-known person in the town, and people said that he met a noble person to help. But Zhang Laosan knew in his heart that all this was thanks to Li Wenxuan's help. He often said to people: "We Northeast people pay attention to fate, and it is really a blessing to meet a noble person like Li Daochang in my life!" In this way, Zhang Laosan and Li Wenxuan formed a deep friendship. They often get together and talk about Taoist culture while sipping tea. The story of that bed has gradually become a good story in the town and has been passed down to this day.

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

When night fell, Zhang Laosan and Li Wenxuan were still sitting in the house, with a pot of steaming tea in front of them, and the fragrance of tea was overflowing, as if they were also telling the extraordinary tonight. Li Wenxuan put down the teacup and sighed softly, breaking the silence. "Brother Zhang, this matter is successfully resolved, but I also have to leave." There was a hint of reluctance in Li Wenxuan's voice. Zhang Laosan was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked, "What?" Brother Li, are you leaving? There's everything in town, and our friends, so why are you leaving all of a sudden? Li Wenxuan smiled slightly and explained: "I was originally a Taoist priest who traveled everywhere, pursuing the avenue of the whole world, not the comfort of being limited to one place. It is really lucky to meet such a good fate as Brother Zhang and Widow Liu this time. But I still have a long way to go, and I can't stay here for long. Zhang Laosan heard this, although he was reluctant to give up, he also understood that he could not be retained. He stood up, patted Li Wenxuan's shoulder, and said, "Brother Li, since you have a great avenue to pursue, we naturally can't force you to stay." But before you leave, we brothers have to have a good drink, and we won't get drunk or go home! Li Wenxuan smiled and accepted it happily.

The two put on another table of side dishes and began to talk. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Zhang Laosan was already slightly drunk, he staggered to his feet, raised his glass and said to Li Wenxuan: "Brother Li, it is really a great fate to know you in this life." When you're gone, I don't know when we'll see each other again. But let's remember that no matter where you go, this town will always be your home and we will always be your loved ones! Li Wenxuan also stood up, his eyes were moist, and he said, "Brother Zhang, I will keep your words in my heart." Wherever I go, I remember that there was a home here and an older brother waiting for me. The two drank a few more glasses and did not disperse until late in the evening.

Early the next morning, Li Wenxuan packed his luggage early and prepared to leave. Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu, those two, as soon as they heard that Li Wenxuan was going to travel far away, they hurriedly ran to see him off. Many villagers in the town also heard about it, and they all rushed to see them off, and the scene was very lively. Li Wenxuan stood there, giving everyone one by one, and then set foot on that road. He walked slowly, but the pace was very steady, revealing a firmness.

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu stood there, watching Li Wenxuan's back until he disappeared from sight. Li Wenxuan left, and the two of them returned to their peaceful little days. But they all knew in their hearts that this experience was the most unforgettable in their lives.

That bed, since Li Wenxuan left, there has been no trouble. Time passed day by day, Zhang Laosan was still the craftsman in the town, and the carpenter work became more and more sophisticated. Widow Liu also slowly came out of the shadow of the past and started a new life. From time to time, she would think of the things that Li Wenxuan and Zhang Laosan had done for her, and her heart was warm.

A few years later, Zhang Laosan was busy at home when he suddenly heard a noise outside. He put down the work he was doing, and when he went out, it turned out that the people of the town were gathered around and talking. He squeezed in and took a look, good guy, someone brought news from other places - Li Wenxuan traveled outside, not only helped a lot of people, but also got the guidance of many masters, and finally became a real Dao scholar. When Zhang Laosan heard this, he was surprised in his heart, he didn't expect Li Wenxuan to have such a talent, which is really admirable.

The carpenter repaired the woman's bed, and the woman said that she was afraid at night, and the carpenter said, "I am here."

He hurried home and told Widow Liu the good news. When Widow Liu heard this, she was also happy, and said: "This Daochang Li is really a kind person, I hope he can get better and better in the future." Since then, Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu have cherished their friendship even more. They often get together, chat, drink tea, and reminisce about those days with Li Wenxuan.

The story of that bed has also become a good memory in their hearts. And Li Wenxuan's news came back to the town from time to time, making everyone proud of him. Every time his name was mentioned, Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu would smile and say, "That's the pride of our town!" ”

Time is like flowing water, and Zhang Laosan and Widow Liu are slowly getting older, but the gratitude and warmth in their hearts will never disappear. The story of that bed, with their departure, will forever spread in every corner of the town and become an eternal legend.