
In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

author:Historic sites

"The crow feeds the mother, the lamb kneels to suckle, the animals all know the kindness of their parents, and he's the 'black fox tiger' Wang Zhaoxiang, even the animals are not as good!".

In 1935, in the base area of Shenfu in Yulin, Shaanxi, there was an incident in which relatives and enemies were happy, and Wang Wande, the elderly father of Wang Zhaoxiang, the head of the Red Third Regiment, was tragically "mistakenly killed".

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

Soon, the Kuomintang reactionaries in Shaanxi also learned about this incident, and they put up slogans everywhere along the banks of the Yellow River in northern Shaanxi and Shanxi to publicize the incident, which for a time had a great impact on the Red Army base areas in northern Shaanxi.

At the same time, the reactionaries also adopted a divisive strategy and wrote a letter to Wang Zhaoxiang, to the effect that he would persuade Wang Zhaoxiang to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light" and let him cooperate with them inside and outside in order to avenge the murder of his father.

Fortunately, the letter fell into the hands of Jia Huaiguang, secretary of the Shenmu County Party Committee, who did not make the letter public, but hid it and secretly went to Wang Zhaoxiang to discuss countermeasures.

Seeing that he was in such a difficult situation, the comrades still believed in themselves, Wang Zhaoxiang's eyes were red, and he choked up and said to Jia Huaiguang: "I believe that the organization will clarify the problem between me and my father!" ”。

Sending Jia Huaiguang away, Wang Zhaoxiang was surrounded by pain again, he never thought that the so-called "commissioner" would raise a butcher's knife to his father!

Brotherhood Revolution

Wang Zhaoxiang, a native of Wangjiahouqi Village, Shayuan Township, Shenmu County, Yulin, Shaanxi, was born in a poor farming family, and his father and mother are honest and responsible villagers, farming and herding sheep on the high slope of the loess for a living.

Wang Zhaoxiang has an elder brother named Wang Zhaoqing, who is one year older than him, because the family is too poor, after his father and mother send his brother to study, he can no longer afford to provide for Wang Zhaoxiang.

From the age of six or seven, Wang Zhaoxiang helped the family herd sheep to relieve the pressure on his father, until he was fourteen or fifteen years old, when the family conditions were slightly better, he was sent to the school.

Wang Zhaoqing, who was born in poverty, cherished the hard-won opportunity to go to school, studied very hard, and in 1924, he was admitted to the Fourth Division of Suide.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

At that time, the Suide Fourth Division was the "fire-sower" of the Red Revolution in Northwest China, and a large number of red revolutionaries were trained here, and Wang Zhaoqing was also one of them.

During the winter vacation of 1925, Wang Zhaoqing, who was already a member of the Communist Party, returned to his hometown to set up a civilian cram school, and he propagated revolutionary principles in the form of storytelling, and together with his classmates, he took advantage of the opportunity of singing opera in the countryside to introduce the "May Day Movement" and call on the poor people to fight against corrupt officials and feudal warlords.

Thanks to their efforts, a number of peasant associations were established in Shayuan Township, and their family, under his influence, embarked on the road of revolution.

In September 1926, Wang Zhaoqing was ordered to go to Feng Yuxiang's ministry in Gansu to do military transportation work, and soon he was sent to Yu Youren and Deng Baoshan in Xi'an as clerks.

After his brother left, Wang Zhaoxiang continued his studies and actively participated in revolutionary activities.

In 1927, the April 12 counter-revolutionary coup d'état and the Ma-Ri Incident broke out one after another, and the revolution in Shaanxi was also bloodily suppressed, but the Wang brothers did not waver in the slightest.

In 1928, he was ordered to go to the Shi Zijun Department of the Ningxia National Army to do military movement work, and in 1930, he went to Taiyuan to engage in military movement.

In 1931, Wang Zhaoqing pacified in Shanxi, and successfully let more than 1,000 people under Gao Jiazi of the National Army revolt, this team is the predecessor of the Red 24th Army, after the success of the uprising, Wang Zhaoqing returned to northern Shaanxi with the team.

In the winter of 1932, Wang Zhaoqing was transferred to work in the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi, and served as a member of the Special Committee and Secretary of the Military Commission, but unfortunately, due to the betrayal of a traitor, he was arrested in June 1933 and killed in August, at the age of 25.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

Wang Zhaoxiang, on the other hand, was admitted to Yulin Middle School in 1929, actively participated in various student movements in the school, and returned to his hometown to engage in underground work after the student movement was suppressed.

In October 1932, Wang Zhaoxiang joined the Shaanxi-Gansu Red Army led by Liu Zhidan and Xie Zichang, and successively served as the captain of the third detachment of the guerrilla cavalry brigade, the captain of the guard team, and the secretary of the party branch of the cavalry company of the 26th Red Army.

In May 1933, Du Heng, then the political commissar of the Red 26th Army, forced the Red 26th Army to move to the area of Weinan and Zhongnanshan to open up new base areas.

After covering Liu Zhidan and other leaders to break through, Wang Zhaoxiang was separated from the troops, and he was alone in Zhongnanshan, with the enemy Zhou Xuan, and he climbed over the cliff many times, so as to get rid of the search and arrest of the reactionaries.

After leaving the mountain, he worked part-time during the day and lived in a broken temple at night, which took three months and went through a lot of hardships before returning to Xuejiazhai, the center of the Shaanxi-Gansu border base area.

Under the arrangement of the Military Commission, he set off to return to Shenmu to prepare for the establishment of a new base area, and soon he met Ma Wenrui, a member of the Special Committee of Northern Shaanxi.

Ma Wenrui and Wang Zhaoqing are comrades-in-arms who have been fighting side by side for many years, and when he heard the news of Wang Zhaoqing's death, he was full of emotion, patted Wang Zhaoxiang's shoulder and said: "The boss is gone, the second brother will continue to do it!" ”。

In order to show his support for Wang Zhaoxiang, Ma Wenrui handed him his matching gun and three bullets!

"Black Beaver Tiger" Wang Zhaoxiang

When he first arrived at Shenmu, Wang Zhaoxiang was extremely difficult, his team consisted of only 7 people, with only a small pistol and a "six-wheeled" that would only sound when hit with a stone, as well as two guns and large blades captured from the enemy.

But even so, Wang Zhaoxiang was still not timid at all, he led his team members to attack the local tyrants and gentry and landlords who oppressed the people, which attracted the applause of the local people, and in only one month, the team developed into dozens of people.

Wang Zhaoxiang's rapid growth frightened the local tyrants and gentry, and they fled into the county seat and the market town garrisoned by the White Army, and they did not dare to take the lead.

The landlords no longer dared to urge the rent, the officials did not dare to go to the countryside to collect donations and taxes, and even the rich people who lended usury did not dare to collect debts and force their lives, and the life of the common people was suddenly much easier.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

In November 1933, his team expanded to several hundred people and was reorganized into a guerrilla army, and in September 1934, his number of people had reached 2,000 and was reorganized into the Red Third Regiment.

Wang Zhaoxiang's development was so rapid that the white army near Shenmu had a headache, and they once put Wang Zhaoxiang and Liu Zhidan side by side, and offered a heavy reward, whoever can capture Wang Zhaoxiang alive will be rewarded with 5,000 oceans, and whoever can kill him will be rewarded with 3,000 oceans!

Because of this reward, the comrades in the Shenmu base area attached great importance to Wang Zhaoxiang's safety and sent him 8 guards to protect his safety.

Seeing that there was no huge reward, the white army thought of another trick, that is, to send people to fake an uprising, wanting to take the opportunity to get rid of him.

Soon, one of the "uprising captains" of the White Army met Wang Zhaoxiang, however, as soon as they met, this person was exposed, because when Wang Zhaoxiang shook hands with him, his eyes kept staring at Wang Zhaoxiang's pistol, and his hands were trembling terribly!

Since they all revolted, they are his own people, what is he afraid of? Realizing that something was wrong, Wang Zhaoxiang immediately withdrew his hand.

Seeing that Wang Zhaoxiang was about to run, this "uprising captain" immediately shouted: "The one wearing the white hat is Wang Zhaoxiang!" ”。

Hearing this, Wang Zhaoxiang immediately threw away his hat, and under the cover of the soldiers, he jumped down the hill after a few ups and downs, and disappeared.

didn't catch Wang Zhaoxiang, this "uprising captain" couldn't explain to his boss, and after he went back, he made up a story.

said that when he shook hands with Wang Zhaoxiang, he suddenly flew sand and rocks, and then a huge black tiger pounced on him, and then looked, Wang Zhaoxiang was gone, he put the gun ready to shoot, but the trigger was pulled, but the gun did not sound......

Soon, this theory spread among the White Army, and they coaxed to spread that Wang Zhaoxiang was the reincarnation of the "Black Fox Tiger", and it was impossible for mortals to catch him!

After this matter spread to the people, it became more and more divine, and even the people of Shanxi and Inner Mongolia knew his legendary deeds.

Wang Zhaoxiang, who is famous abroad, makes it easier to make a revolution, however, soon, he meets a person who gives him a headache, he is the commissioner who "mistakenly killed" his father.

Hardship and hardship, do not reform the ambition of life

This commissioner, a native of Shanxi and also surnamed Wang, was an old revolutionary and a top student of Tsinghua University, and in 1926, he participated in the formation of the first party branch of Tsinghua University.

However, in the course of the later revolution, this commissioner began to follow Wang Ming's style, and after arriving in Shenmu, he advocated directly waving the red flag and fighting the reactionaries with great fanfare.

Wang Zhaoxiang was resolutely opposed to this, because the Shenfu base area was an isolated land, and it was already very difficult for them to survive as a revolutionary team.

It is a pity that this commissioner did not listen, not only was he not afraid of the casualties of the troops, but he even deliberately caused the masses to be harmed, and his statement was that the more cruel the enemy oppressed and slaughtered the common people, the more they could arouse the hatred of the common people.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

Wang Zhaoxiang disagreed with this statement, but unfortunately although he was the head of the regiment, he didn't say it, and then the tragedy happened.

At that time, the Red Third Regiment had extremely poor weapons and equipment, and many people still held spears and broadswords in their hands, so how could they collide with the enemy?

If they could not fight, they had no choice but to retreat, which fueled the arrogance of the White Army, and when they could not find the Red Army, they began to plague the villages where the Red Army lived and passed, and the common people suffered and many people died.

Soon, the 3rd Red Regiment encountered an embarrassing incident, the villagers who had once risked their lives to protect the Red Army, no longer welcomed them, and even many villages, refused to allow them to enter the village again.

This kind of change made Wang Zhaoxiang feel painful, he is a native of Shenmu in his hometown, how can he ignore the safety of the villagers?

So, he stood up and resolutely opposed the commissioner, and because of this, he was removed from his post twice and his situation became extremely dangerous.

Immediately afterwards, at the beginning of the article, Wang Zhaoxiang's father was "wrongfully killed", and the reactionaries publicized it everywhere, and even wrote letters to "cooperate with him inside and outside".

Fortunately, hardships and hardships did not change Wang Zhaoxiang's revolutionary aspirations, and he still did his best to protect the base areas and the people.

Under the command of this commissioner, the Red Third Regiment suffered heavy losses, and even Xue Rongxiang, who was connected to the position of head of Wang Zhaoxiang, died in a battle.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the commissioner's thinking also quickly "changed", and he told his comrades that he would go to Liu Zhidan and ask him to help the comrades in the Shenfu to restore the base area, and as a result, he would come back as soon as he left.

After the commissioner left, Wang Zhaoxiang resumed his post as regiment commander, and together with his comrades, he continued to struggle to restore and expand the Shenfu base area little by little.

What Wang Zhaoxiang did not expect was that in December 1935, after the Central Red Army arrived in northern Shaanxi, this commissioner actually sued first, so that Wang Zhaoxiang was reappointed as a deputy minister with no real power.

Fortunately, Wang Zhaoxiang is the founder of the Shenfu base, but fortunately, Liu Zidan and others all know the truth of the matter and help him speak, and Wang Zhaoxiang quickly resumed his position.

General Dadu

In 1937, when the war of aggression against China broke out, Wang Zhaoxiang was appointed as the commander of the engineer battalion (actually a regiment), and went to the anti-Japanese front in the northwest of Shanxi.

In March 1941, after graduation, Wang Zhaoxiang came to the Shandong battlefield and successively served as the deputy commander of the first detachment, the commander of the second army division, and the commander of the Qinghe Military Region.

After serving as the commander of Qinghe, while resisting Japan, he also organized large-scale production, provided a large amount of food for the anti-Japanese soldiers in Shandong, and also made the Qinghe Military Region win the title of "Little Ukraine".

In 1944, Wang Zhaoxiang led his troops to capture the first county seat in the Shandong battlefield - Lijin County, and then he led his troops to advance to Zhanhua County, but was unfortunately wounded in a battle.

Because of his meritorious work in conquering Lijin County, Wang Zhaoxiang appeared in the "Popular Daily" and "Yan'an Daily", and it was also at this time that the "Black Tiger" Wang Zhaoxiang appeared in the public eye again.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

In 1945, the Bohai Naval Region began a counteroffensive against Japan, and liberated 33 county towns one after another, among them, Wang Zhaoxiang performed quite well, and his military district liberated 3 alone, and cooperated with brother troops to liberate 4.

After the War of Liberation began, Wang Zhaoxiang was appointed as the commander of the independent brigade of the Bohai Naval Region, and later led his troops to the anti-Japanese battlefield in the northeast, fighting all the way from the northeast to Hunan, serving as the commander of the Hengyang Military Region, and staying in southern Hunan to suppress bandits.

In 1955, Wang Zhaoxiang was awarded the rank of major general, which many of his comrades-in-arms expressed dissatisfaction, because he was the founder of the Shenfu Revolutionary Base Area, and he also served as a division commander during the Red Army, and according to his qualifications, he should at least be a lieutenant general.

In this regard, Wang Zhaoxiang was very indifferent, because compared to Liu Zhidan and Xie Zichang, and compared to his sacrificial brother Wang Zhaoqing, he was already very lucky.

In 1959, Wang Zhaoxiang was appointed principal of the Advanced Engineering Corps School and began his teaching career.

After the catastrophe came, Wang Zhaoxiang was not spared, he was stabbed in the back by his secretary, and experienced a period of unimaginable hardship, but surprisingly, after returning to work, Wang Zhaoxiang still let him serve as his secretary!

When asked why, the old general said: "The secretary did something wrong, and I did not take him well, and it is my duty to keep him and help him realize and correct his mistakes." I have to say, the old general is really generous!

For the old general, there is also unspeakable pain, first, that his father Wang Wande was "wrongly killed", and second, during the war years, the two daughters of Luzhong and Lubei, who were fostered in a hometown in Shandong, were not found after liberation.

In 35 years, the regiment leader's father was wrongly killed, and the reactionaries wrote a letter to rebel, and the regiment commander: I believe the organization will figure it out

In the old general's old age, he almost forgot about the past, and his consciousness became blurred, but he still couldn't let go of the two daughters he didn't find.

On June 3, 2009, Wang Zhaoxiang passed away at the age of 101......