
A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

author:Makumaki life
A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

"Taishang Induction Chapter" said: "There is no way for good and evil, but people call themselves, and the retribution of good and evil follows like a shadow." ”

It means that good fortune is not sought, but cultivated, and the loss of good fortune is not arranged by God, but by one's own actions.

Buddhism believes that everything in the world has a cause and effect.

These kinds of "unlucky" things are the easiest to damage good fortune, so we must stay away.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

Greed is natural, and Fu Lu is far away

Buddhism says: People have three poisons, and greed is the first.

A fisherman was fishing in the river when he saw a very large fish swimming in the river, not far but not close.

"If I catch it, I can sell it for a lot of money and get a few more days off."

Thinking so, the fisherman took off his clothes and plunged into the river, chasing the big fish down the rapids.

The fisherman did not take much trouble to catch the tail of the big fish, but when he looked back, he was far from the riverbank.

At this time, the rapids became more violent, and the resistance of the big fish caught by the tail became more and more fierce, and the fisherman's physical strength gradually became exhausted.

Of course, if he let go of the big fish in his hand at this time, it would not be difficult to swim back to the river bank with his ability to swim back to the river bank with his ability to be a little white dragon in the waves.

However, the fisherman just refused to let go, and he was always thinking about the money that was about to arrive.

In the end, the fisherman was carried into the whirlpool by the rapids and lost his life, and the big fish fled while he was exhausted.

As the ancients said, the wall is a thousand thousands, and if there is no desire, it is rigid.

The world, thousands of temptations, too greedy, wanting everything, will send yourself into the abyss, and there will be no return.

And look at the changes of the world with an indifferent mentality, and comprehend the glitz of the world with an indifferent heart.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

Control your desires, cherish the moment, and be content and happy. Maintain inner balance and tranquility in order to gather blessings.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

Evil deeds accumulate habits, and blessings are hard to find

During the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty, there was a villain named Wu Yifan in Mulan Village, Kunshan County, Suzhou Prefecture.

He does not do his job, and studies all day long, cheating, stealing, stealing, stealing, cheating, cheating, cheat

Everyone hated him so much that they gritted their teeth, but ordinary people had no choice but to eat Coptis chinensis dumbly - they couldn't tell if they were bitter.

It is said that one day, Wu Yifan's wife Du Shi went back to her parents' house.

A scholar in the same village realized that this was a good opportunity to "teach" Wu Yifan, and he hurriedly asked someone to inform Du's family: "Wu Yifan was seriously injured in a fight with someone, and now he rushes to the entrance of the village and can see him for the last time." ”

According to the custom of the time, it was unlucky for the true face to be seen by the dying person.

Du had no choice but to put on a veil and hurried to the entrance of the village.

Let's talk about Wu Yifan, at this time he was gathering a group of fox friends and dog friends at the entrance of the village to think about doing bad things.

Seeing a veiled woman coming, she didn't look closely, so she asked the younger brothers to take care of the person.

Until Du Shi said that he must tell his husband Wu Yi about this, so that he can teach these thieves a hard lesson.

Wu Yifan was taken aback, and after confirming that the veiled woman looked at his wife Du, she was remorseful, beating her chest and crying.

You can guess what happened after that.

Wu Yifan wanted to act as if everything had never happened, but bad things spread thousands of miles, and Wu Yifan was always pointed at when he went out.

He felt that he had no face to see, so he chose to commit suicide by hanging the beam, and his wife Du Shi remarried.

Although this is just a story, the plot has a fictional component.

But sow melons and get melons, and sow beans and get beans. The kindness you have given will one day be repaid to you;

And the evil done will eventually be repaid on oneself in another way.

God will not let go of every bad person, nor will he let down every good person.

The spring breeze that will be proud for a while is not a winner in life.

Those who have good thoughts and accumulate good karma will be blessed by God. Heaven will sin against those who do evil.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

Selfish and restricted

There is such a story, which takes place in an old town.

There were two wealthy merchants in the town, A and B.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

A businessman is known for his integrity and generosity. He was helpful and often helped those poor villagers, and won the respect and love of everyone.

Merchant B, on the other hand, is selfish and self-interested, looking only at his own interests and indifferent to others.

Even at the expense of the interests of others to pursue their own selfish interests.

As time passed, Merchant A's business grew bigger and bigger, and his good deeds spread far and wide, attracting more people to come and cooperate with him.

However, because of his selfishness, businessman B gradually lost people's trust and support, and his business became sluggish.

One day, a fire breaks out in the town, and Merchant B's warehouse is burned down, and he is in trouble.

However, when he asked Merchant A for help, Merchant A did not hesitate to lend a hand.

Merchant A not only lent him funds to rebuild the warehouse, but also helped him resume his business.

Businessman B was deeply moved, and he realized that his selfishness had hurt not only others, but also himself.

Since then, he has changed his ways, began to care for others, helped others, and his business gradually improved.

Selfishness is the cage of the pattern.

The distinguishing feature of those who are selfish and selfish is that they have no one else in their sights, are generally narrow-minded, and have little open-mindedness to speak of.

The Bible contains the proverb: "Whom you love, is the source of your strength." ”

In this respect, the selfish man is clearly alone, because he can only rely on all his strength, and no one can help him.

But selfish people can never think of this, they think and think only in their own interests, and they stubbornly turn the broad road into a small road.

On the contrary, those who have a big picture, not only thinking about themselves, but also pretending to be others, the more support and help they will get, and the easier it will be to succeed in doing things.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

Arrogant and arrogant, shallow in fortune

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a famous man named You Heng, who was very arrogant and arrogant, and only put two people in his eyes in his life.

One is Kong Rong of Rang Pear, and the other is Yang Xiu, a famous strategist.

A person has these three manifestations, most of them have a bad character, and no matter how good the relationship is, they must stay away

These two were friends with You Heng, but they both died at the hands of Cao Cao.

Therefore, You Heng was resentful of Cao Cao, and often scolded him, and also said:

Cao Cao is only an eunuch who is ugly, and it is difficult to ascend to the hall of elegance.

Cao Cao had the intention of getting rid of Youheng, but he was afraid of damaging his reputation, so he recommended him to Liu Biao, wanting to use Liu Biao's hand to get rid of him.

At first, Liu Biao attached great importance to Youheng, and he only officially announced the big and small documents after he approved them, which was not available to other strategists.

However, You Heng is too arrogant.

Once, Liu Biao and several strategists drafted a notice, and when You Heng saw this notice, he was very dissatisfied and tore it up directly.

And scolded these strategists for being stupid, and then rewrote one himself.

In this regard, Liu Biao couldn't stand You Heng's temper anymore.

recommended him to Jiangxia Huangzu.

Huang Zu is a person with a temperament, and he can't get used to You Heng's arrogance and arrogance, so he directly cut You Heng with a knife.

Zeng Guofan said: "In ancient times, there were about two ends of the fierce virtue that led to the defeat: long and proud, and many words. ”

Once a person has a proud heart, he will inevitably relax his vigilance in all aspects, and disasters and failures will inevitably follow.

Always have a humble heart and respect everyone equally and kindly, which is the foundation of living in the world and staying away from evil.

Greed, wickedness, selfishness, and arrogance, these "unclean" fates are like poisonous weeds, eroding the heart and destroying people's happiness.

In the fog of desire, stumbling, falling step by step into the abyss of morality, manipulating people's thinking and behavior, unconsciously losing their way, and finally unable to extricate themselves.

As it is said in the "Three Character Classic": "At the beginning of man, his nature is good; Sex is similar, Xi is far away. ”

All human beings have a good nature, and later they are polluted by the "unclean" of the outside world.

In this world, we should stay away from all kinds of "uncleanness" and return to our original goodness with a pure heart, and in this way, blessings will come to you.

Since then, life has become better and more fulfilling.

Author | Curtain scroll: Life is green