
The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

author:Jax's hand

【Title】The Northeast man invited a Taoist priest to a full moon banquet, and the Taoist priest said: You child, you don't exist!

Ladies and gentlemen, let's talk about something new today, this happened in our northeast, a place called Huai'an Village. Huai'an Village, that place is beautiful with green mountains and rivers, the people are simple and kind, and the life is very nourishing. But in this good place, something strange happened that made the eyes of the whole village widen.

There is a man named Li Dazhuang in our village, who is a capable man, who can farm and hunt, and can do anything. His daughter-in-law Cuihua is also a flower in our village, and the relationship between the two is as good as honey. Last year, Cuihua added a big fat boy to Li Dazhuang, and the whole village was happy, saying that Li Dazhuang's family finally had a queen. No, the child is full moon, Li Dazhuang thought about celebrating well, so he invited the whole village to drink the full moon wine.

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

The banquet was very lively, chicken, duck, fish and meat, all available, and a troupe was invited to help the fun, which was called a festive. People in the village said that Li Dazhuang, a child, will definitely be full of blessings in the future. Full of wine and food, everyone was eating happily, there was a Taoist priest at the entrance of the village, dressed in tatters, holding a tattered whisk in his hand, and he knew at a glance that it was dusty.

The Taoist priest walked up to Li Dazhuang, made a gesture, and said, "This donor, the poor road has traveled here, and I heard that your family is happy, so I came to ask for a cup of wine." Li Dazhuang saw that although this Taoist priest was dressed in tatters, there was a fairy aura in his eyes, and he thought that this might be a master, so he hurriedly invited the Taoist priest to take a seat, and served him with good wine and food. The Taoist priest was not polite, picked up the wine jug and poured a few big sips, wiped his mouth, and exclaimed: "Good wine!" Wine! ”

After drinking and eating, the Taoist priest stood up, circled around Li Dazhuang, frowned, and suddenly said: "Donor, your full moon banquet is very lively, but there is a saying in the poor Tao, I don't know whether to say it or not." When Li Dazhuang heard this, he thought to himself, what did this Taoist priest see? hurriedly arched his hand and said: "Dao Chang, but it doesn't hurt to say, I Li Dazhuang is a straight person, what do you say." ”

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

The Taoist priest sighed and said slowly: "Donor, you kid, you don't exist." As soon as these words came out, the audience was silent, and everyone was stunned. Li Dazhuang's face changed even more, and he said angrily: "Dao Chief, where did you start talking about this? Isn't it my son who is in my arms? The Taoist priest shook his head and said, "Donor, listen to me slowly." Poor Dao travels all over the world and knows a little about the art of face-to-face. I see that your face is ruddy, but there is a hidden black qi entangled, which is a bad omen. Look at the baby in your arms, although it resembles a human body, it has no breath of life, and it is really an illusion. ”

When Li Dazhuang heard this, he chuckled in his heart, and looked down at the child in his arms, the pink little face, the black eyes, how to see how real, how could it be an illusion? The Taoist priest then said, "Donor, the poor Dao knows that you have doubts in your heart. "Hey, this is really not a cover, we have to talk about it. This child in our family is not actually your own, but an old antique in our family. That antique has an aura hidden in it, and it happens to turn into a doll, making you two think that you have added a new offspring. But this thing, it's not a long-term solution, and if it is not exposed in time, it will be a big problem. When Li Dazhuang heard this, his heart was like playing a drum, seven up and down, looking at his daughter-in-law Cuihua, she was also confused, the two looked at each other, and decided to invite a Taoist priest to come to the house and ask carefully.

As soon as the Taoist priest entered the house, he instructed Li Dazhuang to turn out all the antiques in the house and take a look. Li Dazhuang rummaged through the cabinets, and finally took out a dusty wooden box from under the bed, and when he opened it, there was a transparent jade pendant inside, and there was a little shimmer. The Taoist priest took the jade pendant, looked at it carefully, and said: "This thing is called 'Phantom Jade Pendant', which can conjure up all kinds of things, it is estimated that the two of you want the child to go crazy, so you made a doll illusion." But this illusion, it's not real, not only can't it help, but it can also cause trouble. When Li Dazhuang and Cuihua heard this, their faces turned white with fright, and they hurriedly asked the Taoist priest what to do. The Taoist priest pondered for a while and said, "To break this illusion, you have to find the true owner of the jade pendant and return it to solve this calamity." "Li Dazhuang and Cuihua heard it, this matter is difficult to do, this jade pendant is handed down from the ancestors, who knows who the real owner is? When the Taoist priest saw them like this, he said, "I'll help you, but this matter has to be done slowly, and when I come back tomorrow, we will add it up." After speaking, the Taoist priest left, leaving Li Dazhuang and Cuihua with a confused look.

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

The two of them didn't sleep all night, and they had mixed feelings in their hearts, not only reluctant to the doll in the illusion, but also worried that there would be a real disaster. Early the next morning, the Taoist priest came on time, still holding a yellowed ancient book in his hand, saying that he had not slept all night to find a record of the "Phantom Jade Pendant". After some research, the Taoist priest finally found a clue, saying that this jade pendant turned out to be a relic of an ancient immortal, which had been lost in the world for hundreds of years, and that the descendants of the immortal had to be found to solve the mystery. Thus, an adventure to find the descendants of the immortals began. Li Dazhuang, Cuihua, and the seemingly non-existent "son", plus the mysterious Taoist priest, what will their journey be like? Let's break it down next time, and I guarantee that after you listen to it, your eyes will be as wide as copper bells, and you will suddenly realize!

When Li Dazhuang heard this, he patted his chest and said that he could walk any way, as long as he could find the descendants of the immortals and solve the mystery. So, they went all the way, trekked through mountains and rivers, and went through a lot of hardships, and finally found Yougu Village. The village is hidden in the mountains and forests, isolated from the rest of the world, and the villagers are dressed strangely and cannot understand speech, unlike outsiders.

As soon as the Taoist priest went, he chatted with the villagers, and it turned out that he could speak ancient languages and communicate with the villagers without barriers. The people in the village said that they were indeed the descendants of the ancient immortals, but they didn't know about the relics of the immortals. The Taoist priest told him about the jade pendant, and when the villagers heard it, they said that they had to find the village chief for this matter, and the village chief was the person who knew the most about history in the clan.

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

Seeing the village chief, the Taoist priest told the matter, and the village chief pondered for a long time, saying that he had to check the genealogy to see if there were any records. After checking for a long time, the village chief finally found a clue, saying that the jade pendant turned out to be an immortal's talisman, and after it was left in the world, it would be transformed once every hundred years, testing the holder's heart. When Li Dazhuang heard this, he suddenly realized that this "son" was a test! He hurriedly asked the village chief how to pass this test.

The village chief said that the jade pendant had to be put back in its original place, that is, the tomb of the immortals, and the test would be over. So, Li Dazhuang, Cuihua, and the Taoist priest, followed the village chief, and after some trekking, they finally found the tomb of the immortals. The mausoleum is hidden deep in a dense forest, surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairyland. When he arrived at the mausoleum, the Taoist priest recited a mantra, and the door of the mausoleum slowly opened. It was glittering with gold and full of treasures, and it was dazzling to look at.

Although Li Dazhuang and Cuihua were excited, they knew that these were immortal things and could not be taken indiscriminately. They found the original location of the jade pendant and put it back. As soon as he let go, the jade pendant turned into a ray of light and flew into the depths of the mausoleum. At the same time, the "son" in their arms also disappeared, turned into a puff of green smoke, and drifted away. Although Li Dazhuang and Cuihua were reluctant, they also knew that this was the best ending.

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

They thanked the village chief and the Taoist priest and prepared to go home. The village chief also gave them some fairy treasures as a thank you, saying that they have a good heart and will definitely have good rewards in the future. On the way home, Li Dazhuang and Cuihua were full of emotion. They said that although they did not have a "son", they knew what was most important, that is, the family was reunited and healthy. They decided that they would live a good life in the future and stop asking for those ethereal things. Hey, our local dialect in the Northeast is energetic. The Taoist priest, this buddy, is called a mixed taste in his heart, he said that he has traveled from south to north, and he has seen all kinds of strange things, but this time he was really moved to a mess. He said with emotion, the human heart is really mysterious, sometimes you think you have caught what you want, but as a result, you may lose more. On the other hand, when you feel that you have nothing left, you may suddenly realize that what you have obtained is what is really important.

Our Li Dazhuang and Cuihua, as well as the Taoist priest, returned to Huai'an Village together. As soon as the old and young masters in the village saw them coming back, they immediately surrounded them and kept asking questions. Li Dazhuang and Cuihua told the story one by one, and the people in the village were stunned one by one, and they said that this matter was too bizarre. Since then, Li Dazhuang and Cuihua have become celebrities in the village, and their stories have spread widely, some say they are stupid, some say they are lucky, but more people say that they have gained the most important thing - the perception of life and the cherishing of their family.

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

Hey, let's continue to talk about the book from the previous time. After Li Dazhuang, Cuihua and the Taoist priest returned to the village, it became big news in the village, and people came to inquire every day to hear about it. The children of the village even revolved around them, their eyes wide as copper bells, and they all wondered what was going on with the "son". Li Dazhuang and Cuihua were not annoyed, and told everyone over and over again, and every time they talked to the end, they were full of emotion, saying that this matter really made them understand what it means to "lose the horse of Seong, and know whether it is a blessing".

The people in the village also sighed, saying that this thing is really bizarre, and it is more tortuous than in the play. A few days later, a businessman from a foreign country came to the village, and after hearing about this, he had to find Li Dazhuang and Cuihua to buy the jade pendant. He said he was willing to pay a high price, as long as they could get the jade pendant back. When Li Dazhuang and Cuihua heard this, their heads shook like rattles, and they didn't do anything. They said, the jade pendant is an immortal's thing, and it has been returned, so how can it be taken back and sold for money?

When the merchant heard this, he was anxious and said, "Why are you so stupid?" That jade pendant is a treasure, and it can be sold for a lot of money! If you have money, you will be able to live a good life, and you will no longer have to work hard to farm. When Li Dazhuang heard this, he was happy and said, "This old man, why don't you understand? Money is a good thing, yes, but we have to spend it! That jade pendant is a test, if we are not greedy enough, take it, maybe disaster will befall us. Although we don't have money now, we have a life and a family, which is better than anything else! When the merchant heard this, he was stunned, thought for a while, nodded, and said, "You are right, I am too greedy. "Oh, that's a lot of emotion! The merchant slapped his thigh and said with emotion: "It seems that we have to learn from you and know what it means to be content and happy!" As soon as he finished speaking, he walked away and never appeared in the village again. As soon as this incident passed, Li Dazhuang and Cuihua's days returned to the old ways, either going to the field or hunting every day, and it was a simple life. But in their hearts, they are much more down-to-earth than before, why? Because they know that the most important thing - the satisfaction of life and the cherishing of family - has been firmly held in their hands.

The man held a full moon banquet to entertain the Taoist priest, but the Taoist priest said: You don't have children at all

In the blink of an eye, a few years have passed in a flash, Li Dazhuang and Cuihua have really added a big fat boy, this time it is a real baby, not an illusion. The whole village came to say goodbye, saying that they were really blessed people. As for the Taoist priest, he also came to the village from time to time, and every time he came, he didn't forget to bring some strange treasures to Li Dazhuang and Cuihua. He always said that he traveled from south to north and saw a lot of strange things, but people like Li Dazhuang and Cuihua who are kind-hearted and contented are really rare. He said that their blessings in the future will definitely be more than just that. Hearing this, Li Dazhuang and Cuihua felt beautiful in their hearts, and they said: "Dao Chief, we don't ask for anything, we just hope that the family will be reunited, healthy and healthy, and we will be satisfied." When the Taoist priest heard this, he laughed and said, "You, blessed people don't need to be busy, the good days are still ahead!" ”

In this way, Li Dazhuang, Cuihua and their baby lived happily. The people in the village also followed, because Li Dazhuang and Cuihua were always helpful, and they would help anyone with something. People in the village say that Li Dazhuang and Cuihua are really good people! Time flies, many years have passed, and Li Dazhuang and Cuihua's baby has grown up and grown into a handsome young man. He inherited Li Dazhuang's courage and Cuihua's kindness, and became a leader in the village. People in the village said that this baby will definitely be able to do something great in the future. When Li Dazhuang and Cuihua heard this, they were so happy that they couldn't keep their mouths together, and said, "What a big cause? Let's just hope that he can live in peace and stability in the village. But the baby had the ambition to say, "Daddy! Don't worry! I'm going to be able to do something great for you to see! Li Dazhuang and Cuihua listened, although they were a little worried, but they were also a little relieved, because they knew that their baby was an ambitious person.

Hey, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the story to come to an end here. Let's look back and think about it, it's really bizarre and staggering. But no matter what, we have to remember one sentence: be content, cherish the people in front of you, cherish the things in front of you, don't wait for the loss to regret it! Okay, that's all for today's story, we'll see you next time!