
It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

author:A small Zhu Zhu Zhu
It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

I really didn't expect that every province has its own nightmare, and this nightmare is a special emergency food, which will never be eaten unless it is absolutely necessary.

Some netizens said that if a Shandong person eats calcium milk biscuits, it means that his pocket is cleaner than his face at this time.

There are also Fujian netizens who complain about the line, this thing is simply a nightmare for every Fujian person when he was a child!

What's your province-specific nightmare? Come and share it with netizens.

Good guy, I salivate at this big cherry, is anyone really tired of eating big cherries?

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

I have a relative who is also from Shandong, and he said that canned yellow peaches are also a nightmare for Shandong people, is it true?

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

This mango is too big, I really envy the people of Guangxi, the fruit over there is really cheap.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

We have forty or fifty-one catties here, and I bought one catty last year, and I didn't even taste it.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Haha, I've been to Guangdong, and the people there really love chicken!

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

How could no one want such a good-looking bear, I dreamed of wanting one.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

This dish looks easy to eat, and you can eat several dishes in one bowl.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

You can make milk dates, honey dates, and crispy dates!

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Good guys, this is the first time I've seen a strawberry this big.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

It may be that your family doesn't do much, my grandfather made a lot of bacon and sausages during the New Year, and I was afraid to eat them.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Only did I notice that this sugar orange only costs a pound? And the sugar orange character is also written incorrectly, which is so cute.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Big brother, please review the question carefully, we are talking about nightmares, not hell!

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Apples, bananas, pears, I'm really tired of eating, from snacks to big.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

My roommate is from Xinjiang, and she brings a lot of specialties from home, which she never eats herself.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Poofhaha, I finally finished eating, but it turned out that it was the season to make rice cakes again.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

No wonder the people of Inner Mongolia are so fierce, and the running in the sports meeting is 10,000 meters!

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Poof, I used to eat steamed buns in the morning when I was in school, and now I don't touch them.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Good guys, I used to be very fond of rice porridge and didn't like sweet potatoes. In order to get rid of my picky eating habit, my mother started cooking sweet potato porridge, and I just stopped eating porridge.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

This is really a nightmare for people all over the country, and the temperature is low during the Chinese New Year, so I don't have to worry about the food going bad at all.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

I ate it a few times and never wanted to eat it again, it was so sweet.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Haha, I thought that half of the trouble was finally solved, but I didn't expect the trouble to be sent back.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Good guy, this combination is so niche, honey dates button meat?

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

I have been single for a long time, and when I look at a steamed bun, I think she is round and jade, her skin is like clotted fat, and she is beautiful and delicious.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

Boy! You really don't get tired of eating, do you?

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

There was a time when I was very fond of glutinous food, and as a result, my mom bought it every day, and I never wanted to eat it again.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

I would venture to ask, is this the legendary noodle that you eat more and more?

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to

We also eat steamed dumplings in Hubei, and we eat them with rice wine, which is really delicious.

It turns out that every province has its own nightmare, netizens: I will never eat it unless I have to