
Why should middle-aged and elderly people insist on dehumidification? If you want to get rid of humidity in summer, it is recommended to quit 4 things

author:Dr. Wang of the Department of Nephrology

In the early morning of summer, a middle-aged woman named Aunt Li sat at home looking out the window, feeling a little irritable. Aunt Li is a typical middle-aged and elderly person who loves to grow vegetables and flowers, but because of the recent continuous wet weather, her interest has been greatly reduced. A few days ago, she had heard at a gathering of friends and family that moisture could be harmful to her health, but it was not clear how it affected her.

Just when she was distressed, her good friend Uncle Wang came to visit her. Uncle Wang is a warm-hearted neighbor who knows a lot about these health issues. When he saw Aunt Li's sad face, he asked about her situation with concern. Aunt Li complained: "The recent humid weather has not only made my flowers and plants grow badly, but I also feel uncomfortable. ”

Hearing this, Uncle Wang sat down with a smile and began to explain the effect of moisture on his body to Aunt Li: "Aunt Li, do you know? Dampness is especially unfavorable in middle-aged and elderly people, which can easily lead to aggravated joint pain and even affect the health of the respiratory system. Uncle Wang explained succinctly, and Aunt Li listened with relish, nodding her head from time to time to show understanding.

Why should middle-aged and elderly people insist on dehumidification? If you want to get rid of humidity in summer, it is recommended to quit 4 things

Health hazards of moisture

Moisture refers to a state in which there is too much moisture in the air, resulting in an increase in air saturation. Living in a humid environment for a long time, especially in summer, the harm of moisture becomes more obvious, especially for the health of middle-aged and elderly people.

First, dampness can worsen joint pain. Middle-aged and elderly people are already prone to joint problems due to age and joint wear, and the presence of moisture can make the soft tissues around the joints more susceptible to damage and inflammation. Especially during the humid season, such as summer, joint pain may be significantly worsened, limiting daily activities.

Secondly, moisture can also cause respiratory problems. The high humidity environment is prone to breeding microorganisms such as mold and mites, which will release a variety of harmful gases and particulate matter, which can irritate the respiratory tract and aggravate or induce respiratory diseases such as asthma and bronchitis. For middle-aged and elderly people who already have chronic respiratory diseases, it is more necessary to be vigilant about the impact of moisture.

In addition, moisture can also affect the health of the skin. The humid environment can easily lead to excessive skin moistening, especially skin folds or skin friction parts, which are easy to breed bacteria and fungi, which can cause skin itching, eczema and other problems, affecting the quality of life and health of middle-aged and elderly people.

Four bad habits to quit

Long stay in an air-conditioned room

During the summer heat season, people often tend to stay in air-conditioned rooms for long periods of time to escape the heat. However, being in a closed air-conditioned environment for long periods of time can easily lead to indoor moisture accumulation, especially when the outdoor humidity is high. The problem of moisture in an air-conditioned room cannot be ignored because this environment is not conducive to the body's moisture regulation. It is recommended to go out of the room every once in a while to ventilate outside, and at the same time open windows regularly for ventilation to allow air circulation, which helps to reduce the breeding of indoor moisture.

The diet is uncontrolled, salty and sweet

Eating habits directly affect the accumulation of moisture in the body. In summer, you should especially take care to avoid excessive intake of salty and sweet foods, as these foods can easily lead to increased moisture in the body. Salty food will cause fluid retention and aggravate the problem of dampness; Foods that are too sweet can easily lead to the formation of damp heat in the body. It is recommended to eat light and easy-to-digest foods, such as vegetables and fruits, clear soups and light rice, and drink water in moderation to help the body expel moisture.

Why should middle-aged and elderly people insist on dehumidification? If you want to get rid of humidity in summer, it is recommended to quit 4 things

No attention is paid to a change of clothes and bedding

The cleanliness and drying of clothing and bedding has a direct impact on the build-up of moisture in the room. In summer, due to high temperature and rain, clothes are easy to get wet, and if they are not changed and dried in time, it is easy to breed mold and bacteria, which will aggravate the problem of indoor moisture. It is advisable to change and wash clothes and bedding regularly, especially when the weather is humid, and pay attention to timely drying and keeping the room ventilated.

Unreasonable window ventilation time and method

Opening windows for ventilation is an important method of dehumidification, but many people tend to make the mistake of not opening windows for ventilation in time during peak humidity periods or after heavy rain, but choosing to open windows for a long time during the day or night, resulting in indoor moisture is difficult to effectively discharge. The correct way to do this is to open windows for ventilation in the morning and evening when the air humidity is relatively low, using the natural air flow to help reduce the build-up of moisture in the room.

An effective way to remove moisture

Methods and techniques for reasonable control of indoor humidity

Dehumidifiers are a powerful tool for effectively controlling indoor humidity, especially in the humid and rainy season. Choosing the right dehumidifier can help regulate indoor humidity by cleaning the water tank and replacing the filter regularly according to the size of the room and the humidity level. In addition, indoor moisture levels can be further reduced by adjusting the temperature settings of the air conditioner, choosing a dry and airy home, and using plants to clean the air.

Adjust your diet and choose foods that are easy to digest and light

In summer, we should pay attention to dietary adjustment, choose light and easy-to-digest foods, such as clear soup and light rice, vegetables and fruits, etc., and avoid the intake of foods that are too salty, too spicy and too sweet, which will help reduce the generation of moisture in the body. Drinking plenty of water is also an easy way to remove moisture, which helps to boost metabolism and fluid circulation, which in turn reduces the build-up of moisture in the body.

Cleaning and drying tips for clothing and bedding

During the wet summer season, the cleaning and drying of clothing and bedding is particularly important. Wash and dry your clothes, especially those soaked in water, regularly to avoid moisture and odors. Choose a sunny time to dry to help sterilize and dehumidify, and pay attention to avoid direct sun exposure.

Why should middle-aged and elderly people insist on dehumidification? If you want to get rid of humidity in summer, it is recommended to quit 4 things

Indoor environmental maintenance

Keep the indoor environment clean and tidy, and clean and dust regularly, especially in dust-prone areas such as beds and carpets. Indoor greenery is also a good auxiliary dehumidification tool, as they help to improve indoor air quality and humidity through transpiration, but be careful not to overdo it to avoid adverse effects.

Middle-aged and elderly people are gradually aging, and the impact of dampness on health is particularly obvious. By quitting bad habits such as staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, not eating modestly, not paying attention to the cleaning and drying of clothes and bedding, and unreasonable opening of windows for ventilation, combined with effective dehumidification methods such as using dehumidifiers, adjusting diet and paying attention to clothing cleaning, etc., indoor moisture problems can be effectively improved and health can be maintained. I hope that readers can take appropriate measures according to the actual situation and welcome a dry and healthy summer together.

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