
Professional doctors analyze Zhang Zhijie's incident: first aid is not timely, Indonesia's medical level is poor, and the guarantee is not in place

author:Lin Xiaoxiang talks about the sports world

The 17-year-old national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie died unexpectedly in the Indonesian competition, and the on-site first aid situation was not fast at that time, which became a focus of controversy in the outside world, and a professional doctor who participated in several large-scale international events in China analyzed the incident, specifically that the first aid of the medical staff at that time was not timely, and then made it clear that the local medical level in Indonesia was poor, resulting in the lack of protection for the event.

Professional doctors analyze Zhang Zhijie's incident: first aid is not timely, Indonesia's medical level is poor, and the guarantee is not in place

The professional doctor first analyzed the situation after Zhang Zhijie fell to the ground, and believed that he had obvious convulsions, guessing that it was most likely nausea arrhythmia, so he needed to be treated urgently through AED, that is, defibrillation, it was obvious that Zhang Zhijie did not receive emergency treatment after he fell to the ground, and the medical staff did not take a defibrillator for emergency treatment, and Zhang Zhijie was sent to the hospital for more than 3 minutes from falling to the ground, that is, missing the golden treatment for 3 minutes.

Professional doctors analyze Zhang Zhijie's incident: first aid is not timely, Indonesia's medical level is poor, and the guarantee is not in place

In the opinion of professional doctors, the first treatment of heart problems is more important than anything else, but apparently the medical team of the Indonesian Badminton Association did not do this, which eventually became a key to Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, and he did not get the medical care he deserved.

Professional doctors analyze Zhang Zhijie's incident: first aid is not timely, Indonesia's medical level is poor, and the guarantee is not in place

Based on the opinion of this professional doctor, the Indonesian Badminton Association needs to bear some responsibility for this incident, and the medical conditions are not in place, and the first aid is not timely, which is like a "murderous knife" for athletes. What is even more surprising is that this is not the first time that a badminton player has had an accident in an Indonesian stadium, in 2021, Indonesian Olympic badminton champion Guito fell to the ground while playing in the stadium and died on the way to the hospital.

Professional doctors analyze Zhang Zhijie's incident: first aid is not timely, Indonesia's medical level is poor, and the guarantee is not in place

At present, the local hospital in Indonesia has not clarified the cause of Zhang Zhijie's death, and Zhang Zhijie's sister also spoke out on social media, questioning the emergency situation at that time, and also questioning the untimely first aid.

Professional doctors analyze Zhang Zhijie's incident: first aid is not timely, Indonesia's medical level is poor, and the guarantee is not in place

The 17-year-old Zhang Zhijie is good enough, he has won 5 national championships in the youth group, and he can enter the national team in 2023, and he is also the third singles player in the current national badminton youth team. But such a vigorous big boy left us like this, which is sad, Zhang Zhijie had a chance to save his life, but because the first aid was not timely and said goodbye to this beautiful world. Do you think the Indonesian Badminton Association needs to give an explanation?

(Lin Xiaoxiang)

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