
The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

author:The wind bends to the waist
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It is said that in life, the most inseparable thing is maternal love. But reality is often more cruel than movies. The incident we are going to talk about today is a cruel bond between a mother and daughter: a daughter who has been separated from her mother for 20 years wants to see her mother again before she dies, but she is ruthlessly rejected and can only die with regret.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

It's a heartbreaking story by any measure. So, why is the mother reluctant to come to see her daughter? What kind of twists and turns have happened in this family?

Marriage with ulterior motives

The heroine of our story today is named Lu Juan, a young girl who is only 29 years old.

Lu Juan is an optimistic and cheerful girl, but she has not been able to have a happy family. Since she was a child, she has been the "motherless child" in the mouth of her peers. As for why there is no mother, this has to start with the marriage of his father Lu Berlin.

Lu Bolin is in a special situation, he is a polio patient. Signs of disability are shown at a young age, and physical defects become more pronounced when they reach the age of marriage and childbearing. Because of this, no girl around him looked up to him.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

Despite this, Lu Berlin still did not give up his love of life. He works hard every day, goes to work steadfastly, and his character is also honed quite loyally. Even if his body is disabled, he has never given up learning and exercising.

This perseverance and determination touched the hearts of those around him. In the late 80s, a well-wisher approached Lu Berlin, saying that he knew a girl and wanted to marry someone from the city, and he was not picky about the man's conditions, and asked Lu Berlin if he would like to meet.

Lu Berlin knew that his situation was special, and he was ready to fight a bachelor for the rest of his life. Now that there is a girl who is not picky, it is tantamount to a joy from heaven, and she immediately agreed to go on a blind date with the girl.

This girl is Lu Juan's mother, Li Aiping.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

After meeting, Li Aiping did not hide her purpose. She said that she is a rural household registration and now works and lives in the city. Because I was afraid of living in the countryside, I wanted to find a city man to marry, and I stayed in the city and didn't go back in the future.

In this regard, Lu Berlin also accepts it. After all, if it weren't for the plan, this able-bodied big girl would definitely not be able to take a fancy to herself.

In this way, the two hit it off and soon held a wedding.

Not long after marriage, Li Aiping became pregnant. This made Lu Berlin very excited. He never thought that in his life, he would not only be able to marry a daughter-in-law, but also become a father. Since learning of the existence of the child, he has been diligent, and he has used his best to work hard to earn money, just so that his wife and unborn children can have a better living environment.

In 1988, under the expectation of Lu Berlin, Lu Juan was born. As soon as this pink and tender local girl was born, she received all the love of her father. However, the fly in the ointment is that her mother Li Aiping doesn't seem to like Lu Juan.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

Lu Berlin also knew that Li Aiping did not marry him out of love, and it was normal to dislike his children. So after Lu Juan was born, he took the initiative to take on most of the childcare responsibilities, trying to make Li Aiping's life better and easier, hoping to slowly influence his wife through action.

However, the heart made of stone is not hot. After the child was born, Lu Berlin found out that Li Aiping seemed to be cheating. She went outside more and more often, and when she got home, she ignored her love, and even the children didn't like to look at it. Lu Berlin also protested, but Li Aiping directly admitted her behavior, saying that she had already obtained a city hukou and looked down on him.

In this way, the two were entangled in pain for a few more years. When the time came to 1997, Li Aiping could no longer restrain the desire in her heart, resolutely filed for divorce, and couldn't wait to fly with her lover.

Facing his wife who insisted on leaving, Lu Berlin knew that he couldn't keep her. In desperation, she had to fulfill her and her lover. But at the time of the divorce, he resolutely fought for the custody of his daughter, and was unwilling to let his daughter follow such an irresponsible mother.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

Li Aiping already had no feelings for Lu Juan, and wished that Lu Berlin would take the child away. After the divorce procedures were completed, she completely disappeared from the life of the father and daughter.

Unexpected illness

The 29-year-old girl's only wish before she died was to see her mother for the last time. Mother: Don't bother me!

Since Li Aiping left, Lu Berlin and Lu Juan have been left at home. In order to take care of Lu Juan, Lu Berlin couldn't wait to split himself in half to use it. During the day, he has to work outside to earn enough money to buy milk powder for his children. I can't rest when I come back at night, and I have to pay attention to my daughter's growth all the time. There is a little headache and brain fever, and Lu Berlin has to feel distressed for a long time.

Under Lu Bolin's meticulous care, Lu Juan finally grew up to the age where she could walk and talk. Since then, Lu Berlin has worked harder, just for Lu Juan to study.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

What makes Lu Berlin happy is that his daughter who has grown up is very obedient and sensible, and she knows how to take the initiative to do housework at a young age to help him reduce the burden on the family. The most important thing is that the daughter has not inherited his physical defects, is very healthy, and is as strong as a calf.

Over the years, Li Aiping has never asked the father and daughter, and the father and daughter have tacitly agreed that neither of them will mention the word "mother".

In this way, after 20 years of relying on each other, Lu Juan grew into a slim girl and talked about a boyfriend who loved her deeply.

In 2016, with the blessing of her father Lu Berlin, Lu Juan and her boyfriend entered the marriage hall together and started a new life.

The married life is happy and peaceful, and Lu Juan is looking forward to the appearance of a little life all the time. However, more than a year has passed, not only is she not pregnant, but she has lost weight inexplicably, and her body is getting weaker and weaker.

This unusual change made Lu Juan wonder. In order to find out what was going on, she went to the hospital and had a full medical check-up. I didn't know if I didn't check, but I found out that before I knew it, she actually suffered from lung cancer, and it had reached the middle and advanced stage.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

After discovering the symptoms, Lu Juan was extremely frightened, and in addition to immediately going to the hospital for treatment, she also notified her father Lu Bolin and her husband, who had only been married for one year, respectively.

However, after learning that Lu Juan had cancer, her husband, who had made a promise that "life and life will never be separated", did not say a word, and disappeared quietly, leaving Lu Juan alone to face the torture of the disease.

Such a ruthless husband made Lu Juan almost collapse. Fortunately, there is also his father Lu Berlin. Lu Berlin took out half of his life savings and tried his best to cure his daughter.

However, unlike other diseases, cancer cannot be metastasized by human will. After receiving treatment in the hospital for a period of time, Lu Juan's health not only did not get better, but became worse and worse. In the end, the cancer cells metastasized and spread, and the pain continued day and night, and she was tortured.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

Looking at his daughter lying on the hospital bed and dying, Lu Berlin's heart was about to break. For so many years, his daughter Lu Juan has been the whole of his life and the biggest motivation for him to live. Now his daughter is about to die, but he can't do anything except desperately squeeze out his own flesh and blood and try his best to pay for it.

In the middle of 2017, Lu Juan, who had come to the end of her life, wrote two crooked words on the paper with difficulty: Mom.

She wants to find her mother, and before she dies, she wants to see what this woman who gave birth to her, but cruelly abandoned her, looks like. The most important thing is that before she died, she wanted to tell her mother: Even if you abandon me, in the face of life and death, I still want to say, Mom, I love you. Would you like to hug me?

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

Thousands of miles to find your mother

The daughter with cancer was dying, and she wanted to see her mother before she died, but her mother answered the phone and said, "Don't bother me!" ”

Looking at his dying daughter, Lu Bolin couldn't hold back the pain in his heart anymore, held back his tears, and began to inquire about the whereabouts of his ex-wife Li Aiping.

This is not an easy task, since Li Aiping left, the two have never interacted with each other. Now, no one knows where she is, and trying to find her in the vast sea of people is tantamount to looking for a needle in a haystack.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

After the local media learned about this, they couldn't bear it and took the initiative to help Lu Berlin find Li Aiping. When they found Li Aiping's hometown, the people here said that Li Aiping had not been back for many years, and they didn't know whether she was dead or ran away.

Without exact information, the reporter was reluctant to give up hope and hurriedly embarked on a journey to find the missing person. In the end, through continuous inquiry, I finally learned Li Aiping's whereabouts. It turned out that after Li Aiping divorced, she and her lover went to settle in the mountains of Xiangtan, Hunan, and they are still alive.

As long as people are alive, everything is easy to say. In the eyes of normal people, even if Li Aiping doesn't love Lu Berlin, she doesn't have a deep relationship with Lu Juan. But after all, it was the meat that fell from her body, and Lu Juan was about to die, so she should come over to take a look.

Unexpectedly, when Lu Berlin dialed the phone number that the reporter had finally found, there was a chilling local annoying words from the other side: "Lu Berlin, what do you want to do?" Didn't you say that you wouldn't disturb each other? ”

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

After 20 years, hearing this familiar voice again, Lu Berlin was not only sad, but also had an irrepressible emotion. He told Li Aiping that the daughter Lu Juan born to the two had lung cancer and died soon after. My daughter's biggest wish now is to meet her.

However, Li Aiping, who was on the other side of the phone, was indifferent, and her tone was full of impatience: "I'm annoyed, I won't go!" What does it matter to me whether she dies or not? Bad luck! Don't bother me again. ”

Even though Lu Berlin hurriedly covered the earpiece, Lu Juan on the hospital bed still heard her mother's heartless voice. Lu Juan didn't say much, but at the last moment of her life, she wrote two lines crookedly: "Every day is very painful, and Dad is also very painful and uncomfortable." ”

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

Shortly thereafter, this 29-year-old girl left the world forever with deep regret.

The girl with cancer wanted to see her mother for the last time on her deathbed, but was ruthlessly refused: Bad luck, don't bother me!

It is said that mother's love is great, but not all mothers are worthy of these two words. Lu Juan's life was full of pain and regret, and at the last moment of her life, the person she wanted to see the most cruelly rejected her. This story is heartbreaking and thought-provoking.

What do you have to say about this? Please put your thoughts in the comment area below, and we'll see you next time.


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