
Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

author:520 I love you thank you 1314

After Sha Tou and the two won the championship, Sasha changed the shot in advance, took Biao'er in her left hand, and stretched out her right hand, obviously wanting to shake hands with Brother Tou to celebrate!

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

And the head brother also hurriedly greeted him and shook hands with Sasha directly.

It can be seen from this scene that Sasha wanted to shake hands with the big head to celebrate, but did not want to hug.

However, the big head obviously felt that this was not enough, and he had to hug him, but he was very clever and did not go against Sasha's wishes, but also fulfilled his own wishes.

He excitedly stretched out his right hand, but instead of letting go immediately, he directly pulled Sasha one step closer, and then let go again, at this time, Sasha was already within his control.

At this time, the big head directly used his left hand to take Sasha into his chest, which was not enough, he also put his right hand on Sasha's shoulder and patted it gently.

And when Sasha was pulled into her chest by the big head, she didn't know how to put her right hand, so it was natural that she could only wrap it around the big head's waist.

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

Therefore, the whole picture is very heartwarming to look at, but this scene is all deliberately created by the big head.

Perhaps according to Sasha's idea, a simple handshake between the two can also express the excitement of the two.

However, the big head didn't do it, he just wanted to take his little bean bag into his arms in order to express his excitement at that time!

Because that was the Youth Olympic Games, only the two of them participated, so there was no audience cheering for them on the sidelines.

During the period, there was a famous scene, the big head shouted Xiaodoubao, come on!

There is also a big head shouting a lot of English in a magnetic voice, these are the slogans of the big head cheering for Sasha!

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

When the big head was shouting, Sasha was very calm and composed, and didn't shout, but when the big head went to warm up, Sasha found that the head brother was gone, so he began to release it and began to shout cheers by himself!

In other words, Sasha is not a little confused, she is very accustomed to relying on the big head when the big head is around, so everyone thinks she is a confused shark.

But when the head brother was away, Sasha was an independent powerhouse both on and off the field, so when the big head left, Sasha immediately began to shout, letting her momentum crush the opponent.

Everyone is thinking, if the big head comes back, then Sasha may become quiet again, this is the performance of dependence, when you are there, I behave differently, when you are away, I behave differently!

You see, when Datou didn't go to Incheon, Sasha still took her small team to bomb the street, and the scene of bombing the street was definitely no less than Datou's bombing of the street.

So where is Sasha a little confused, it's just that netizens like her too much, and there is something she doesn't understand, so everyone gives her the title of little confused!

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

Of course, he also knew that the head brother was willing to take care of Sasha, so he deliberately portrayed Sasha as a little confused Sha, so that the big head of the domineering president could take care of her.

Doesn't this just reflect everyone's favorite domineering president, who manages his little wife?

Of course, this is not enough, some people want to see the story of the big heroine and the little husband!

However, this kind of plot is also very common among the two of Shatou, so it is easy to portray such a plot!

From the beginning, the big head was the domineering president, and Sasha was the image of a little wife, and now the big head is a little coquettish husband, and Sasha is the image of the big heroine, and they can be exchanged at any time.

They are not static, and they can swap roles at will in every period, in every period.

Why is this so? Because their souls are very interesting, whether it is a partner or a brother or sister, it is very interesting to get along in this way, and I think life is very interesting.

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

If it is a couple, such a relationship between husband and wife is also very happy, because you can find bright spots in your daily life, and you can switch roles with each other, so that both parties are in a very comfortable and harmonious state!

Let's just say why Brother Tou was not limited to shaking hands at that time?

Because in 18 years, the big head was fascinated by Sasha, and at this time he must show his momentum, circle Sasha, and keep Sasha by his side!

What to keep Sasha by her side is to tell Sasha with the momentum of this domineering president, I have the ability to protect you, and I also have the ability to take you to the championship.

And you can also tell the other team members, Sasha is mine, I have already called her Xiaodoubao, we have won the championship of the Asian Games in Jakarta together, and we have also won the championship of the Youth Olympic Games, we have gone all the way, and the relationship between the two sides cannot be compared with yours.

and also told Sasha that since I circled you with the gold medal, then I will be responsible for you, and also told my teammates that I have circled my little bean bag with the gold medal, and she is mine, so don't think about it anymore.

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

So there is a reason why the big head is big, every action he makes is well-thought out and has meaning, which the players of the national table tennis know.

When Sasha was the domineering president of the big head, he would rather be a little wife and let the big head pinch his face into his arms.

After Sasha grew into a big heroine, the big head would rather become a little husband, and she was very happy when she watched her big heroine win the championship in every station.

Let's just say that the friendship between these two boys is really beautiful, as netizens said, the synonym for beauty is Shatou, and I wish them a bumper harvest in career and love!

Sasha said: Just shake hands, the big head says no, you have to hug it

I wish Sasha and Datou a crazy rise during the training period! Win every competition at the Paris Olympics! Climb to the top of Paris! Complete the big dreams of the two of them! #头条首发大赛#

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