
In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

author:Osmanthus in autumn


Text/Osmanthus Material/Wang Rong

(This article is created based on the life experience of the people around you, in order to complete the structure of the article, some plots are slightly fictionalized, please read rationally)

When I was three years old, my father didn't come back from a job trip, and my mother married away after two years of vacant housing. At the age of 5, I first went to live with my grandmother, and after my grandmother passed away, I lived with the seventh uncle, who delayed the marriage many times for me, and later became an older youth.

It wasn't until he was 32 years old that a girl named Cuilian appeared, she didn't dislike Uncle Seven's poverty, nor did she dislike Uncle Seventh had a niece to raise, Miss Cuilian ignored the opposition of her family, and resolutely married my Uncle Seven, and Uncle Seven ended his single life for many years. Uncle Seven's kindness to me, I will never forget it for the rest of my life.

In 1980, my father was introduced by a relative to marry a girl from a relative village, this girl is called Honglian, and they got married on January 15, and this girl became my mother.

At the end of the year, my mother gave birth to me, a new father, my father was very happy, he loved our mother and daughter very much, and my father was all responsible for the heavy work, and he was reluctant to let my mother do it.

Father's tolerance made her mother feel that she was married to the right person in her life, although her father's family was just an ordinary farmer's family, but she had a husband who loved her, and her mother was very content.

But when I was three years old, such happy days never existed again. My father never came back from a work trip with someone else.

In the spring of 1982, the village began to divide the fields into households, and each population received only 5 points of land.

At that time, in order to solve these living expenses, families with a lot of labor at home would send people to work, and there were not many types of work at that time, and they were masons, but this was a technical job, and not everyone could do it.

Some people go to the mine to be miners, some people choose to cut pine resin, the miners are led by a team leader, the leader of the miners is Uncle Liu, and the leader of the pine resin is an uncle of our family.

At that time, the leader of the village miners approached my father and asked him whether he would go to work as a miner or follow another foreman to other provinces to harvest pine resin. My father wanted to work as a miner, and the construction site was closer to home and it was easy to come back.

Later, I discussed with my family, and my mother said that it was dangerous to go down the mine, so it was better not to go to the mine and go to pine resin, because my father had two years of experience in pine resin. It is more cost-effective to do the type of work that you are familiar with.

In this way, in February of the year when I was three years old, my father followed an uncle of the family to the province to cut pine resin. My mother took me to live with my grandmother, sister-in-law, and seventh uncle.

The work of harvesting pine resin generally begins in February of the year, and it is done in October of the lunar calendar, when the rain is less, the pine oil can not be harvested, and the work of this year comes to an end.

In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

It is more cost-effective to cut pine resin than to be a miner in the mine, so there is more labor in the village, and most of the people who can cut pine resin, most of them will go to cut pine resin, of course, some people think that the salary in the mine is high, and it is not bad to do this job, so which one to choose to do depends on their actual situation.

After his father went out to work, because it was inconvenient for them to work in the mountains, he usually wrote a letter back once a month or so, telling his mother and family about his situation outside.

The mother was worried, although the grandmother was illiterate, but every time the father wrote back, she asked the sister-in-law to read it to her, and the father said in the letter that he was very good outside, and the grandmother was relieved.

The time soon came to the 10th month of the lunar calendar, and the day of my father's return was approaching, and the family was looking forward to his return soon. When the pine resin is sold, the foreman will give the money to the workers. After receiving the money, you can play locally or go home, and the rest of the time is in the hands of the individual. (Explain that in the place where they went to work, the foreman did not work for nothing, he received more errand money than the workers, because the work they received was only done after the foreman negotiated with the local people)

On October 15 of the lunar calendar, the boss paid the workers' money, and my father also received the money, so he and another villager came back first, and the place where they worked was to the local county seat, and there were dozens of kilometers to change trains. My father and the villager stayed in the local county seat for one night, and planned to take a stroll there, get a taste of the local customs, and then take a long-distance bus back the next day.

That night he drank a little wine with the villager, and then continued to walk outside, and the villagers said that he was tired, so he went back to rest first, while my father continued to wander outside, and he drank too much, and I don't know whether he fell into the sewer or the river, and he did not go back to the hotel to rest that night.

The villager got up the next morning and was going to ask my father out for breakfast and then take a ride back. It turned out that he was not in the hotel room. I saw that the luggage was still there, but the person was gone, and I didn't see him come back after waiting for a long time.

The villagers later called the police, but there was no monitoring at that time, and my father disappeared without knowing where he went. The police did not find out where they had gone, and in the end they were treated as missing.

Fortunately, my father was very shrewd at the time, and did not bring the money with him, after dividing the money, he remitted the money back at the local post office, and the father's money would come back, but the person was gone, and the family was very sad when they heard the news of their father's disappearance, and they all hoped that the father would suddenly come back one day and appear in front of the family.

Later, Uncle Tang and Uncle Seven went to the local area to look for it, but after searching for more than ten days, they found no trace of their father, and they could not find it, so they could only return disappointed.

After my father disappeared, my mother was very sad, and she didn't have any thoughts about the New Year, and washed her face with tears every day. The night was even more sad, lying on the bed in the room, thinking of the warmth with her father in the past, and she often looked at the pillow that her father slept on in a daze. Sometimes my heart hurts so much that I can't breathe.

After two years, my father did not return, and my mother accepted the fact that my father was gone.

One day, on my grandmother's birthday, my mother prepared a simple gift and took me to my grandmother's house.

In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

At the dinner table, my grandmother looked at her mother's haggard face and said, "Red Lotus, my mother has seen that you have aged a lot, Wang Xiaocheng has been gone for more than two years, you are waiting so hopelessly, when is it a head, aren't you afraid that he will not come back after waiting for a lifetime?" ”

"You don't have a son, who do you rely on when you're old, listen to Mom, while you're still young, find another person to marry. Alas, my poor grandson Wang Rong. My grandmother looked at me and said to my mother worriedly.

"Mom, Wang Rong is too young, if you want to find someone who can accept her, how can it be so easy to find, let's talk about it if there is a suitable one."

Not long after my mother came back, my mother's lobby sister, my aunt, found a candidate for my mother. The other party is the cousin of the great uncle, who is a factory worker. His wife died of hemorrhage during the birth of her second child, and he wanted to find a stepmother for his son.

After meeting him, my mother agreed to marry him, but it was a little far away, he was a few hundred kilometers away from the provincial capital, and my mother would definitely be with him after getting married, and he agreed that my mother would take me to marry him.

However, it was grandma's turn to disagree. Grandma said that my father left my bloodline, and I told my mother that I would not be a member of this family in the future. My grandmother didn't agree with my mother taking me with her.

My grandmother said my mother, you can continue to have children over there, and I am this granddaughter, how can I be willing to let you take it? At that time, my aunt was already married, and my sister-in-law was of marriageable age.

Grandma reassured my mother that she and Uncle Seven would take good care of me. With the promise of my grandmother and seventh uncle, my mother was relieved to hand me over to the two of them and married my uncle's cousin.

At the end of the year, my sister-in-law also got married, and there were only three people left in the family: me, my grandmother and my seventh uncle. When I was in the first grade, Uncle Seven was 25 years old, and my grandmother asked the matchmaker to introduce him to Uncle Seven.

But the first girl I introduced heard that she was going to raise me in the future, and she immediately disagreed, the girl was from the town next door, and she said that she would be a mother to the little girl if she had a door, and she didn't want to play that role.

Later, two more were introduced in a row, and the girls said the same thing, but they didn't want to. Although Uncle Seven's appearance is the type that girls like, no one is willing to pay for the task of raising me together after getting married.

The girl's critical eyes made Uncle Seven a little angry, and he told his grandmother that he was only 25 years old, and he was not very old, so he didn't care about it if no one took a fancy to it, and someone would always take a fancy to it in the future.

But Uncle Seven is overconfident, thinking that people's hearts are good, and the person who is destined for him has not yet appeared, and it is difficult to hold hands on the other side without fate.

In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

I don't know who spread the word, if you want to marry Uncle Seven, you will have to raise me, those matchmakers know, and there will be no matchmakers to introduce objects to Uncle Seven.

Life events did not go well, but the open-minded seventh uncle was not discouraged, he worked at home, and often tutored me to study when he came home, he told me that if you want to have a career, you must study hard in order to jump out of the farm, and he asked me not to be a farmer all my life like him.

With my uncle's tutoring, I was able to take home the award every semester. When I was in fourth grade, my award was plastered all over the wall of our hall. Uncle Seven looked at those awards, and he often had a knowing smile on his face.

In the winter when I was in the fifth grade, my grandmother suddenly fell ill, and she was worried that no one would take care of me after she left, so one night she called Uncle Seven to the bedside and said to Uncle Seven, "Old Seven, your brother hasn't come back for so many years, maybe I won't be able to watch him come back for the rest of my life." After I left, the people I was most worried about were your uncle and nephew. ”

"Promise my mother, I will get married in the future, at your age, you don't have to pick someone, just be a woman, and you must raise Wang Rong and not abandon her. Of course, if you have the ability to train her to become a talent, that's even better. Grandma let out a long sigh of relief.

"Mom, rest assured, you are only in your 60s, how could you leave so soon, don't think nonsense, I promise you, I will definitely raise Wang Rong well, as long as I have a bite to eat, I will not starve her." Uncle Seven said.

"This is my good son, I am relieved to have your words." After grandma finished talking to Uncle Seven, she said that she was going to sleep, and Uncle Seven thought that Grandma was really sleepy, so he walked out of the room without disturbing her anymore.

When I woke up the next morning, Uncle Seven made breakfast and called Grandma to get up for breakfast through the curtain, but I didn't see Grandma respond after calling a few times, nothing would happen to my mother, Uncle Seven thought like this, and walked into the room to see Grandma.

Walked into the room, lifted the mosquito net, and called grandma a few times, but there was still no response, and the seventh uncle touched her nostrils, only to find that grandma had long since lost her breath.

That night, I don't know when, my grandmother had passed away peacefully in her sleep, and when I heard this unfortunate news, I couldn't even go to school that day, and I cried bitterly with Uncle Seven holding my grandmother's body.

After taking care of his grandmother's funeral, Uncle Seven turned his grief into strength, and he worked more diligently than before. In order to take care of me, he went to the surrounding area to do odd jobs to make ends meet.

After graduating from elementary school, I was admitted to the town's junior high school with excellent grades. On the first day of school, my uncle sent me to school to register, and he told me that I must study hard and leave the rest alone.

In the first year of junior high school, I lived on campus, went to school on Monday, and only went home on Saturday afternoon, so Uncle Seven had more time to do odd jobs.

One Sunday, my sister-in-law brought back a woman with a little lame legs and feet, and I later learned that my sister-in-law had introduced her to Uncle Seven.

In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

After Uncle Seven met the woman, the woman fell in love with Uncle Seven, but Uncle Seven didn't like it very much at first, and the sister-in-law enlightened Uncle Seven and said, you are more than 30 years old, and you can only beat a single person after picking and choosing.

Later, I heard that the woman's family was also worried about the burden after the seventh day, and one person would have to support several people, and her family also advised her: "You think clearly, he has a niece, who is now in junior high school, and she has the ability to go to high school and college, so you also have to provide for it!" The reminder from the woman's family is to let her be mentally prepared and think clearly before remarrying.

Later, with the mediation of the sister-in-law, the seventh uncle and the girl finally came together and became husband and wife. A year after they got married, Aunt Seven gave birth to a little cousin. Because Aunt Qi's legs and feet are not dexterous, most of the farm work is done by Uncle Qi.

However, since the family has been managed by Aunt Seven, Uncle Seven's small family has become more and more warm, and when I come back on Sunday, I try to help with farm work.

In the third year of junior high school, I was very nervous about studying, and I had to pay more tuition and miscellaneous fees.

One night, I heard Aunt Seven say to Uncle Seven, "You see that Wang Rong's tuition and miscellaneous fees are getting more and more, for her to study, when will we be able to rebuild the house." Either let her stop reading and go out to work. ”

"How can you have this idea, the last time I went to school to see Wang Rong, her homeroom teacher said that her grades are very good, each subject is balanced development, she is a good seedling for reading, so I must cultivate her well. If you ask her not to read it, isn't that a mistake for her life? ”

I can hear that Uncle Seven is a little dissatisfied that Aunt Seven has this idea. Then I heard Aunt Qi say, "Didn't I discuss it with you?" So why are you so loud, if you want to send her to read, I can't stop it. ”

They stopped arguing, I went back to my room and went to sleep, and they didn't talk about it anymore, as if it hadn't happened.

The second semester of junior high school is coming to an end, and my studies are even more intense. Once, the school had a day and a half off for students to come back and rest. At noon that day, the class teacher brought another teacher to visit the home of the student with good grades.

Uncle Seven warmly welcomed them, and the head teacher said to Uncle Seven: "Wang Rong's grades in various subjects are developed in a balanced manner, and the chance of being admitted to key high schools and technical secondary schools is relatively high. At this last critical moment, you, as her relatives, should encourage her more, don't let her have too much burden on her mind, and think lightly, so that she can perform at her best in the exam. ”

After the head teacher went back, Uncle Seven told me again, and I listened carefully and took his words to heart. Soon the day of the high school entrance examination came, and I walked into the examination room with confident steps.

After the high school entrance examination, the next days are waiting for the announcement of the results of the high school entrance examination. When I go home, in addition to doing farm work, I also read books in my spare time.

One day after doing farm work, when I came home, I was playing with my little cousin in the yard, and the head teacher came in and saw me, and said to me with a smile on his face: "Wang Rong, you have taken the third place in the total score of the school this time, and you have lived up to the teacher's expectations of you." ”

Uncle Seven, who was resting in the room, heard my conversation with the head teacher, he came out of the room, and after greeting the director, the two began to analyze my scores.

In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

Uncle Seven asked the head teacher: "Teacher Li, like our Wang Rong's score, she can apply for a key high school if she goes to the middle school line, which do you think she is better to study?" ”

"According to her grades, she will go to high school and college, and she will have more opportunities for employment in the future, her future will be more limitless, her knowledge will be higher, and of course she will see a broader world."

"But in view of the actual situation of your family, I think it is better to let her study in secondary school or middle school, it costs less money to study these majors, and after graduating in a few years, you can eat national food, and it can also help your family reduce the burden, which is more cost-effective than high school"

Later, at the suggestion of my teacher, I studied as a middle school teacher, and after graduating, I was lucky because my class was the last class to be assigned to the package. However, most of these graduates are assigned to teach in remote areas of the townships. I went back to teach at the primary school in my village and became colleagues with my former teacher.

Later, when my cousin was in elementary school, I taught him and became his homeroom teacher, and my cousin was very afraid of me, and under my strict education, my cousin also excelled, and later he was also admitted to university (now he has a good job). )

A few years later, I found a like-minded boyfriend and got married, and after getting married, I continued to teach in our village's primary school for more than 20 years.

Dramatically, my father came back suddenly in '09, and one day at noon, Uncle Seven was resting on a bench in the yard after lunch, and suddenly a middle-aged man appeared in front of him.

This man looked familiar, and when he looked closely, he looked like my father again. Uncle Seven thought that he was dazzled, and he thought he was dreaming, but he rubbed his eyes and pinched himself again, not dreaming.

At this time, my father spoke: "Seventh brother, it's me, don't you know me?" His voice did not change, and it was still the same as when he was young, and Uncle Seven finally believed that it was his eldest brother who was standing in front of him.

Uncle Seven got up from the bench at once, hugged my father, and said with tears in his eyes, "Brother, where have you been all these years?" We all thought you weren't in this world anymore. ”

The two brothers hugged and cried, and the father told him what he had experienced that year, and it turned out that he had drunk a little wine that night, and wanted to go back to the hotel to rest after being sober outside. As a result, in a daze, he fell into the city river.

Luckily, he went down on his back, and in the process of falling, he hit a hard object in the back of his head, causing a concussion, and he lost his memory.

Later, he kept his back posture and floated with the river all night, and the next day he went to another place and was rescued by an old man who got up early to fish.

But after he was rescued, my father didn't remember anything, the old man asked him where he was, and he didn't remember either, the old man had no children and no daughters, and he usually made a living by fishing.

The old man thought, this young man doesn't know where he is, so he just accepts him as his godson. Later, my dad lived with the elderly, and at that time the information was relatively closed.

In 88, Uncle Seven missed the marriage for me, and I will never forget his words for the rest of my life, and then I treated him like this

Later, my dad learned to fish with the old man, and a few years later, the old man saw that my dad was very filial to him, so he found a daughter-in-law for my dad. And my dad didn't know anything about what was going on at home.

He lived there for many years, and after he got married, he often dreamed of the place where he lived as a child, but it was not the same place where he lived now.

As the number of dreams increased, he felt more and more that he was not from this place, and the mountains, rivers, grass and trees of his hometown often appeared in his dreams, and became clearer and clearer.

One day his memory suddenly recovered, and he asked the old man who saved him, and the old man told him what he had experienced, and my father suddenly realized that everything in the dream was true.

So he decided to go home, and there was the touching scene when he met my seventh uncle many years later. The news of my father's return soon spread throughout our small mountain village, and strange things that everyone thought could only happen in TV dramas happened in our family.

When my aunt and sister-in-law heard that their eldest brother had returned, they also came back to visit my father, and the brother and sister saw each other, and there were tears, but more joy.

After a short reunion, the brothers and sisters went to Grandma's grave and told her that your eldest son was not missing, he had returned, so that Grandma would not have to worry about it.

Since my father and mother have formed a new family, and later they came back to go through the divorce procedures, my father in order to repay the old man for saving his life, he has been there to support the elderly, he told me, let me be filial to the seven uncles and seven aunts, because without their cultivation, there would be no happy life for me today. I took my father's words to heart, and we moved to the county seat two years ago, but in my free time, I often came back to see my seventh uncle and seventh aunt. When I go on a trip, I will take the two of them on a trip and let them see the outside world.