
Riding at the airport, I met a "god-level rider", amazing, an elderly rider!

author:Retired old aunt Sister Yun

Today is Monday, July 1, 2024, and it is the 134th day that a retired old aunt has written a diary on the headlines.

Record my 28th mountain bike ride.

Today, our cycling destination is Tangshan Sannvhe Airport.

In the morning, the sky is overcast and the weather forecast says there will be thundershowers, but look at the sky, it doesn't look like it's going to rain, it's cooler to ride in this weather, so let's go!

I agreed with my riding friend to meet at Ocean City at 7 o'clock in 10 minutes, and I arrived a little early, so I took a card first.

Riding at the airport, I met a "god-level rider", amazing, an elderly rider!

Ocean City in the morning is quiet

Today's riding is still with two big brothers, one tall and one short.

The three of us live in three different directions, and after my big brother and I met in Ocean City, we went west along Changning Road, out of the city, to Shoujia, and met with another big brother, and then, the three of us rode to the airport together.

As usual, let's show my riding data today: I started at 6 o'clock in the morning, rode 50.6 kilometers, rode for 2 hours and 37 minutes, and burned 1242 calories.

Riding at the airport, I met a "god-level rider", amazing, an elderly rider!

I remember seeing a sentence, "Whether you are a person or doing things, studying or working, it will be very easy and enjoyable to be with people of the same frequency", and this sentence is the same when applied to cycling.

Today, it is still the short rider brother who takes the lead, I ride closely behind him, and gradually I tend to be consistent with his cadence, although our riding speed today is slightly higher than yesterday, but I still feel that the more I ride, the more relaxed I am, and there is no sense of collapse and powerlessness of yesterday's big dribble and small fly.

When riding, I am so lucky to meet a companion of the same frequency.

Soon, we rode to Tangshan Sannuhe Airport.

While resting at the airport, he met a rider of the great god level.

Why do I call him a "great god level rider"?

Ask friends to take a look at the photo of this god-level rider and guess his age.

Riding at the airport, I met a "god-level rider", amazing, an elderly rider!

I took this photo with the permission of my riders

Did you guess it? The rider is 82 years old.

He has a tall figure, a loud voice, and neat movements, completely without the old age of an eighty-year-old man.

I talked to the 82-year-old rider and found that he has a clear ear, a clear mind, a quick mind, a good use of electronic devices, and a much better mental state than many people in their sixties and seventies.

The old man said that he insisted on riding every day, in addition to riding the airport, sometimes he and his friends went to Qianxi and Qian'an to ride and other places.

My eldest brother, a short rider who rode with me, said that the 82-year-old rider could ride at a speed of 35 per hour, and he couldn't even catch up.

This god-level rider is not only reflected in his age, but also in his car.

He said he has six bikes and rotates them almost every day.

The old man said that after all, he was old, and his waist and legs were not as good as before, so he had three semi-recumbent mopeds, as well as a carbon fiber bike, and a mountain bike that he assembled himself, and then there was the one he rode today, a total of six bikes.

I asked the old man, how many years have you been riding?

Riding at the airport, I met a "god-level rider", amazing, an elderly rider!

Early big water pipe bikes

The old man proudly said that from the earliest big water pipe bicycle, 28 big bars, to now all kinds of bicycles, he has been riding for a lifetime!

The ancients said: "Thirty and stand, forty is not confused, fifty and knows the destiny of heaven, sixty sixties, seventy ancient rare, eighty old."

In his eighties, this old rider can still insist on riding every day, and can also ride at a speed of 35, and can also ride a lot of mountain roads with many slopes that many riders dare not ride, and he is really a well-deserved "god-level rider"!

In recent years, several studies have shown that regular moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, such as cycling, can significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and according to the New England Journal of Medicine, every 120 minutes of cycling can reduce the risk of premature death by nearly 20%.

There is also a saying, "One hour of riding, one hour of longevity".

I think it's not just a slogan that motivates people to ride, it's also a healthy lifestyle recommendation supported by scientific research.

So friends, get on your bike, let's enjoy the wind and the warmth of the sun, and at the same time move towards health and longevity!

Let's win this god-level rider at this age, and we can live a healthy, high-quality, and meaningful life like him!


Hello everyone, I am a retired old aunt Sister Yun, every day in the headlines to record my trivial life and mood feelings, I hope you like and pay attention, but also hope that you read my immature article, leave your valuable comments and suggestions, thank you for your support!