
#社会上有真爱吗#爱情, what exactly is true love? When a man can abandon the temptation of the flesh and truly appreciate your character, the way you behave in the world, your taste in dressing, and even more

author:Liu Yizhi Psychology

#社会上有真爱吗# Love, what is true love? When a man can abandon the temptations of the flesh and truly appreciate your character, the way you behave in the world, your taste in dressing, even your slightly haggard skin, the scars on your arms, and your thoughts and tears in the wee hours of the morning, this is true love.

Love often makes people irrational. Those feelings that cannot be restrained are true love. True love is never normal, and if a person is always sober and restrained when dealing with you, it is not love. Love makes people lose their minds, makes people unable to control themselves, makes people lose their souls, makes people cranky, and makes people think about it all the time.

Love, like a raging storm, is unpredictable and irresistible. It blinds, drives people crazy, and makes people desperate. In the world of love, reason no longer exists, only that fanatical heart, in the endless thoughts and longings, burns with a raging fire. #情感PK台# #藏在日子里的爱情#

#社会上有真爱吗#爱情, what exactly is true love? When a man can abandon the temptation of the flesh and truly appreciate your character, the way you behave in the world, your taste in dressing, and even more
#社会上有真爱吗#爱情, what exactly is true love? When a man can abandon the temptation of the flesh and truly appreciate your character, the way you behave in the world, your taste in dressing, and even more
#社会上有真爱吗#爱情, what exactly is true love? When a man can abandon the temptation of the flesh and truly appreciate your character, the way you behave in the world, your taste in dressing, and even more
#社会上有真爱吗#爱情, what exactly is true love? When a man can abandon the temptation of the flesh and truly appreciate your character, the way you behave in the world, your taste in dressing, and even more

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