
The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

author:Bug University Hall
The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

In July 2017, Shenzhen's financial center was jubilant. BGI's listing bell ringing ceremony is in full swing, however, the company's founder Wang Jian is quietly absent.

Just behind the hustle and bustle, Wang Jianzheng stared intently at a special tombstone engraved with "Wang Jian's wonderful life".

This entrepreneur with a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, his eyes flashed with a vision for the future, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, as if he had seen his 120-year-old appearance. Not only that, Wang Jian also secretly preserved his cells, hoping to one day regain his life through cloning technology.

How did this once hungry rural teenager in Hunan get to the pinnacle of business step by step? And why are you so obsessed with the continuation of life? Let's unravel the mystery of this legendary figure together.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

Wang Jian's life story began in Huaihua, Hunan Province in 1954. During his childhood, he lived a relatively prosperous life and was able to taste imported high-quality condensed milk. However, a twist of fate struck him unexpectedly when he was 14 years old.

After his parents were laid off, Wang Jian was sent to the countryside in the mountainous areas of Xiangxi and began a difficult life.

During those hungry years, Wang Jian had to try his best to satisfy himself. He carefully punctured rice bags with bamboo sticks to steal rice, picked leaves and bamboo shoots, and even had to catch rats to feed his hunger.

Recalling that experience, a trace of bitterness flashed in Wang Jian's eyes, but it was more about the tenacity of life. "The real pain is not having enough to eat and not being warm," he said, with a slight heaviness in his voice, "but these experiences have taught me the value of survival."

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

Despite the hardships of life, Wang Jian never gave up his thirst for knowledge. He was admitted to Hunan Medical University with his own efforts, showing amazing learning ability and perseverance.

During his time at the school, Wang Jian not only excelled academically, but also was good at coping with challenges. In the face of doubts and exclusion from his classmates, he proved his worth with his strength and won respect.

In this way, a grand dream sprouted in Wang Jian's heart: to return to China to start a business and show his strength in the field of gene technology. This decision turned a new page in his life.

In 1994, 40-year-old Wang Jian resolutely returned to China and began his entrepreneurial journey. Faced with the choice of his peers to pursue a stable life, Wang Jian said passionately: "What about forty? I'm still young and this is just the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

Wang Jian's experience tells us that the predicament is not terrible, but the terrible thing is the loss of the courage to struggle. From a rural teenager suffering from hunger, to an ambitious scientific research worker, to an entrepreneur with dreams, Wang Jian has used his actions to interpret what perseverance and pursuit are.

His story is not only a model of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of an era, showing the power of knowledge to change destiny.

In 1999, Wang Jian returned to his homeland with enthusiasm for gene technology and founded his own company. However, the road to entrepreneurship is anything but easy. Problems such as lack of funds and lack of authoritative support followed, but Wang Jian's eyes were still firm, and the corners of his mouth always hung a confident smile.

"Even if we do everything we can, we have to do this well," Wang Jian said to the team, his voice sonorous, "It's not only about our cause, it's about the future of the country."

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

This dedication is infectious to every team member, who works day and night to chase that seemingly unattainable dream.

In 2000, Wang Jian faced a huge challenge: competing with a Japanese team for rice gene sequencing. In the face of a strong opponent who has invested in research for 10 years, Wang Jian did not back down.

His eyes burned with fighting spirit, and he said to the team in a firm tone: "We have only one choice, and that is to win."

In order to motivate the team, Wang Jian pasted inspirational slogans on the walls of his office, among which the four big words "Loyal to the Country" are particularly eye-catching. He even used white lies to motivate the team, telling them that the Japanese team was about to finish sequencing.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

However, before the joy of victory has dissipated, new challenges have followed. In 2003, the SARS epidemic ravaged the country. Wang Jian once again showed his courage and determination.

In order to obtain precious samples of the virus, he did not hesitate to risk mixing into the SARS prevention and control team meeting.

"As long as we are given the opportunity, we will be able to crack the virus genome in the shortest possible time," Wang Jian said earnestly, his eyes flashing with determination and expectation. In the end, Wang Jian successfully obtained the samples and led the team to decipher the whole genome sequences of the four SARS viruses within 36 hours.

They also produced 300,000 diagnostic reagents and donated them to the state free of charge.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

This series of achievements has made Wang Jian's company gradually valued. In 2003, the company was included in the national establishment and managed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences. However, life within the system did not satisfy Wang Jian.

He found that in this rigorous system, innovation was often restricted.

In 2006, when Wang Jian applied to purchase a second-generation high-throughput sequencer, he was questioned and rejected. This made him deeply disappointed, and it also made him realize that only by being truly independent can he achieve his dreams.

In 2007, Wang Jian made a bold decision: to leave the establishment system and lead the team to Shenzhen to seek new development. In a humble inn, he announced the decision to the team.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

This Hunan guy, who once suffered from hunger, is rewriting the history of science and technology in his own way, and is also reshaping his life trajectory. His story shows us that with strong faith and unremitting efforts, even in the face of great difficulties, amazing miracles can be created.

After coming to Shenzhen, Wang Jian's career was like a rocket and developed rapidly. He made a jaw-dropping promise to Shenzhen's leadership: to publish ten influential Nature and Science papers within five years.

Wang Jian's eyes flashed with confidence, as if he had seen the glory of the future.

As it turned out, Wang Jian not only fulfilled his promise, but also far exceeded expectations. Seven high-quality papers were published in the first year, twenty-three in the third year, and an astonishing fifty-one in the fourth year! This achievement not only broke the record in the Pearl River Delta region, but also allowed Wang's team to make a name for itself in the international academic community.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

In 2010, Wang Jian made a bold decision: he took out a loan to purchase 128 advanced second-generation genetic detectors. This move catapulted his company to the world's most capable research institute for gene sequencing.

Wang Jian's eyes flashed with ambition and confidence, and he knew that he was changing the landscape of the entire industry.

In 2013, Wang Jian once again demonstrated his strategic vision by acquiring the world's third-largest gene sequencing company. This move not only consolidated the company's market position, but also allowed Wang Jian to occupy a favorable position in the fierce competition.

His face was full of satisfaction and anticipation, as if he had seen a more brilliant future.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

On July 14, 2017, Wang Jian's subsidiary, BGI, was successfully listed, which should have been the highlight of his life. However, unexpectedly, Wang Jian chose to be absent from the bell-ringing ceremony.

He arranged for several patients who were deeply affected by the disease and representatives of the caring community with disabilities to participate, showing his reverence for life and deep understanding of social responsibility.

On the day of listing, Wang Jian's net worth has reached tens of billions of yuan. In the face of everyone's congratulations, he behaved unusually calmly and said: "People must have a meaningful life, and they can't just care about calculating money.

Wang Jian's eyes flashed with the pursuit of a deeper meaning in life, as if money and success were only a beginning for him, not an end.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

From a poor boy in Hunan who was once hungry to eat mice, to a gene technology giant with a net worth of tens of billions, Wang Jian's success is no accident. It embodies Wang Jian's wisdom, courage and persistence, and also interprets the infinite possibilities of scientific and technological innovation.

Wang Jian's story tells us that success is not accidental, but comes from continuous efforts and the right strategic decisions. His company has grown from a small entrepreneurial team to a world-leading genetic technology company, and every step is embodying Wang Jian's wisdom and the sweat of the team.

Success did not stop Wang Jian, but prompted him to put forward higher requirements for himself and his team. His standards for his employees are almost harsh, requiring them not to have any birth defects, and even stipulating that all employees must live to be at least 100 years old.

These seemingly impersonal requirements actually reflect Wang Jian's pursuit of quality of life and his vision for the future of science and technology.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

Wang Jian resolutely opposed fatalism, and he often said: "Destiny is not predestined by God, but in our own hands." This positive attitude towards life has allowed him to show extraordinary courage and perseverance in the face of challenges.

When the article "Huada Cancer" questioned the company, causing the market value to plummet by 80 billion yuan, Wang Jian was not defeated. His eyes were still firm, and he said confidently: "Failure is not terrible, the key is whether we can learn from it and get back on our feet."

Wang Jian's philosophy of life can be summed up in one of his words: "Always believe that you can achieve victory and do your best." This self-confidence and persistence not only helped him go from a hungry poor boy to a genetic tech giant, but also allowed him to remain calm and determined in the face of great challenges.

Wang Jian's story tells us that success requires not only talent and opportunity, but also firm belief and unremitting efforts. His respect for life, his love for technology, and his tenacity in the face of setbacks constitute his unique philosophy of life and become the driving force for him to keep moving forward.

The poor boy is so hungry that he eats mice, but now he has assets of 10 billion and a market value of 20 billion

Despite the great success, Wang's dream is far from over. His dedication to 120-year-old lifespan and his desire to preserve his cells for future cloning technology demonstrate his love for life sciences and his vision for the future.

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