
Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

author:Pingtan Island Islanders

In the middle of the night, Xiucai Li Yixuan's book sounded, and when the bell rang, he was disturbed by a mouse. The mouse was not simple, and actually said: "We know the topic of the township test, in Cuiyun Town in the south, there is a talent named Li Yixuan." Li Yixuan's family is poor, but his brain is good, he has read more than 10,000 books since he was a child, and he is determined to be a champion in the exam and glorify his ancestors. He reads every day, and his eyes are spent, just for the annual exam.

That night, in the dead of night, Li Yixuan sat alone in the study, the candle head dangling, shining on his firm face. The moon was bright outside, the insects were screaming happily, and the night was as quiet as something. But just when Li Yixuan was immersed in hard reading and preparing to overcome the problem, a rustling sound broke the silence of the night. He looked up and saw a large rat slipping out of the corner, staring at the leftovers on the table.

Li Yixuan smiled, didn't take it seriously, and waved his hand lightly to let the mouse go. But the mouse didn't buy it, and jumped up on the desk and went straight to the candle. Li Yixuan was startled, and hurriedly protected the candle, but accidentally got the book on the ground. He was so angry in his heart, and was about to bend down to pick up the book, when he heard the mouse speak: "Li Yixuan, don't worry, I know the topic of the township exam." When Li Yixuan heard this, he almost threw away the candles, his eyes widened, and he looked at the mouse, whose eyes turned like small wheels, and he looked confident.

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

Li Yixuan steadied himself and asked suspiciously, "Can you speak?" How do you know the township test questions? The mouse shook his head proudly and said, "I am a rat fairy, and I know human language, so I naturally know the topic." But I can't tell you in vain, you have to promise me a condition. Although Li Yixuan was skeptical, he thought that the exam was just around the corner, if he could know the question in advance, wouldn't he win? So, he suppressed the surprise in his heart and asked, "What conditions?" As long as I can do it, I will definitely say yes. ”

The mouse smiled and said, "After the township test, you have to give me half of your fame, so that I can enjoy it in Cuiyun Town." Li Yixuan listened, and was a little hesitant. This fame is something he can only hope to obtain after years of hard study, and if he gives it to others easily, isn't it in vain? But then he thought, without the help of rats, how can he guarantee to excel in the exam? After thinking about it, Li Yixuan finally nodded and agreed to the mouse's conditions.

The mysterious little mouse also disappeared into the night silently, as if nothing had happened. But Li Yixuan knew in his heart that all this was true, and he had to take the blessing and expectation of the mouse to meet the upcoming challenge. At the beginning of the exam, Li Yixuan looked at the question and was surprised in his heart, isn't this question exactly the same as what the mouse said! He secretly rejoiced in his heart, and admired the ability of the mouse.

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

He steadied himself, picked up the pen and wrote, pouring out all the things he had learned. Time passed little by little, Li Yixuan's pen never stopped, and he wrote so intoxicated, as if he was alone in the examination room. When the gong sounded at the end of the exam, Li Yixuan came back to his senses and let out a sigh of relief. He knew that he had done his best, and the rest was up to God's arrangement.

As soon as the results of the township test came out, Li Yixuan really became a blockbuster and became a star in the eyes of everyone. He was happy, but he didn't forget the promise he made with the mouse. When he got home, he prepared a pile of gold and silver jewelry, which he wanted to give to the mouse and fulfill his promise. But the rat, as if it had evaporated from the world, never appeared again. Li Yixuan waited at home for several days, but he didn't see the shadow of the mouse, he began to get anxious, wondering if the mouse was in trouble.

So, he asked around to find out where the rat was. Just when he was in a hurry, a mysterious old man came to the door. The old man said that he was the master of the rat and came to receive Li Yixuan's promise. When Li Yixuan heard this, he was nervous in his heart, and hurriedly took out the prepared gold, silver and jewelry. The old man looked at it, but shook his head, and said, "My disciple is not the kind of person who covets wealth and wealth, and he does not want these mundane things. ”

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

Li Yixuan was stunned for a moment and asked, "Then what does he want?" The old man smiled and said, "What he wants is your kindness and integrity." He saw that you were studying hard day and night, and he couldn't bear it, so he decided to help you. Now that you have achieved fame, I hope you can not forget your original intention and continue to work for the welfare of the people. Li Yixuan listened to the old man's words, and his heart was bright. He understood the mouse's intentions, and he knew what he was going to do next.

However, the good times don't last long. Li Yixuan's talent and integrity aroused the jealousy and dissatisfaction of some traitorous officials in the court. They began to plot a framing in secret in an attempt to expel Li Yixuan from the imperial court. Although Li Yixuan was aware of the conspiracy of these traitors, he did not back down. He firmly believes in his faith and justice and continues to benefit the people. With wisdom and courage, he defused crises again and again, and finally succeeded in bringing those traitors to justice. Li Yixuan's deeds quickly spread throughout the South, and people praised his talent and integrity. As a result, he became a hero and role model in the hearts of all.

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

Despite this, Li Yixuan is not complacent. He has always maintained humility and prudence, constantly learning and improving. He knows he still has a long way to go and more challenges ahead. On a sunny afternoon, Li Yixuan sat in the study, looking out the window at the verdant bamboo forest and gurgling water, and his heart was full of emotion. He remembered the mouse and the mysterious old man, and their help and teachings to him. His heart was filled with gratitude and respect, but also with anticipation and longing for the future.

Just then, a mouse suddenly jumped in from the window and landed on his desk. Li Yixuan saw that it was the mouse that had helped him. He exclaimed in surprise, "You're back!" The mouse nodded and replied, "Yes, I'm back." I'm glad to see that you've achieved fame now. Li Yixuan asked, "Where have you been all these years?" I've been looking for you. The mouse smiled and said, "I have traveled far and wide, and have seen many new things. Now that I'm back, I want to continue to work with you for the good of the people. Hearing the mouse's words, Li Yixuan felt extremely moved in his heart. He knew he had another right-hand man and partner.

Together, they discussed their future plans and goals to create a happier life for the people. Since then, Li Yixuan and the rat have worked together for the benefit of the people, and their story has also become a good story in people's mouths. They proved with their actions that the power of kindness and integrity is infinite, and that as long as there is faith and courage in their hearts, they can overcome all difficulties. Since then, Li Yixuan has become a folklore figure along with the rat, and their story has inspired generations of people. Hey, these two buddies have not drifted when their fame is big, but they are more low-key, just like the potatoes in our northeast, buried deeper and deeper. They are on that country road, helping the people solve those headaches and brain fevers.

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

It is said that early one morning in Cuiyun Town, Li Yixuan was shopping in the market, wanting to get some pen, ink, paper, inkstone or something. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and the people in the market gathered in a circle and began to talk about it. As soon as Li Yixuan's curiosity came up, he squeezed into the crowd and saw an old woman in tattered clothes standing in the middle, holding a tattered bag tightly in her hand, her eyes full of eagerness and helplessness. "Hey, what's going on?" Li Yixuan thought so in his heart, so he squeezed over and asked the old woman softly: "Auntie, what's wrong with you?" As soon as the old woman looked up and saw that it was Li Yixuan, a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and her voice trembled and said, "Xiucai, you have to save my poor baby!" With that, she opened the package, revealing a sick child. When Li Yixuan saw it, his heart tightened, and he quickly took the child and put it on the ground to check it carefully.

He found that the child was very sick and needed to be treated quickly. He turned to the old woman and said, "Auntie, don't worry, I'll go to the doctor." As soon as the words fell, the mouse came out of Li Yixuan's sleeve, circled around the child a few times, and then said to Li Yixuan: "I can cure this child's disease." Li Yixuan was stunned for a moment, but immediately reacted, and hurriedly said to the mouse: "Then hurry up, this kid can't afford to wait." The mouse nodded, closed its eyes, and muttered words in its mouth, and in a few moments it began to glow. Li Yixuan and the old woman were stupid, and they didn't know what this rat was doing.

Suddenly, a white light shot out of the rat and shone directly into the child's body. The child's pale little face slowly turned red, and his breathing became steady. Li Yixuan and the old woman screamed in surprise, but they didn't expect the mouse to really hit twice. The rat took it all away and said to Li Yixuan: "The child is poisoned, and I have already cleaned up the poison." However, he is still weak and needs to take good care of himself. Li Yixuan nodded again and again and said, "Thank you, I'll take him home to raise." The mouse waved his hand and said, "Don't bother, just let me leave the child here, and I will take care of it myself." Li Yixuan was stunned for a moment, and understood that the mouse wanted to use his mana to raise the child. He was so grateful that he said to the mouse, "Thank you very much, and I will come to see him in two days." After saying that, Li Yixuan said goodbye to the old woman and the mouse and went home.

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

He told his family and neighbors about the market, and they were amazed at the mouse's magical abilities. Time slipped away day by day, and the child's body grew stronger day by day under the care of the mouse. Every time Li Yixuan went to take a look at them, he could see that the kid was having fun with the mouse. Li Yixuan sighed in his heart, how could he have thought that he could be so iron with a mouse.

In the blink of an eye, the day of the imperial examination has come again. Although Li Yixuan is already an editor of the Hanlin Academy, he still wants to pick a few more capable people for the imperial court. He personally went to the examination room to invigilate the exam and secretly observed the performance of the candidates. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he found a familiar shadow - the mouse actually turned into a human form, sitting in the pile of candidates, and the pen walked away from the dragon and snake. Li Yixuan was shocked, he never expected that the mouse also had the intention to participate in the imperial examination.

As soon as the exam was over, Li Yixuan found the candidate who had become a rat and asked him why he wanted to get involved in the imperial examination. The mouse smiled slightly and said, "Although I am a mouse, I also have my own dreams and pursuits. I want to prove my ability and worth through the imperial examination. When Li Yixuan heard this, he admired it in his heart, he knew that this mouse was not an ordinary mouse, it had extraordinary wisdom and courage. He patted the mouse on the shoulder and said, "I believe in you, you can do it." ”

Xiucai was reading late at night, and was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse: I know the topic of the township exam

Sure enough, on the day of the release of the list, the candidate who became a mouse became a blockbuster and became the champion of the new session. Li Yixuan and everyone cheered for his achievement. Since then, Li Yixuan and the mouse have become iron buddies who talk about everything. Together, they worked for the welfare of the people and selected talents for the imperial court. Their stories spread throughout the south and became people's after-dinner stories and legends.

This is the bizarre story of the Xiucai who was reading late at night, was woken up by a mouse, and the mouse told him the exam questions, and finally the two worked together for the welfare of the people. Although it sounds a little unreliable, it is full of fantasy colors and the local flavor of our Northeast.

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