
The pig killer gave meat to his wife and sister, and when he saw that there was something strange about the light during the day, he pulled out the butcher's knife

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

It is said that in our small town in the south of the Yangtze River, there is a pig slaughterer named Zhang Dazhu, whose craftsmanship is amazing, and the knife under his hand is as fast as thunder and as accurate as a star, and the old and young masters in the town praise him for his good craftsmanship. However, Zhang Dazhu is very sincere, and he usually doesn't talk much, so he knows how to work hard.

Zhang Dazhu's family has a wife and sister named Xiaocui, who married in the next village. This Xiaocui looks smart and has a lively personality, but her body is a little weak, so she has to make up for it. Zhang Dazhu feels sorry for this little sister, and every time he celebrates the New Year or kills pigs, he always has to leave some good meat for Xiaocui to send.

On this day, it happened to be the winter solstice, and every family was busy preparing for the festival. Zhang Dazhu slaughtered a fat pig, picked out some good meat, put it in a basket, and went to Xiaocui's house. He crossed the field path, crossed the small ditch, and saw that he was at Xiao Cui's house. From a distance, Zhang Dazhu saw that the door of Xiaocui's house was open, but the house was as dark as something. He wondered in his heart, why is there still a lamp in the house in broad daylight? Could it be that Xiaocui is sick? In a hurry, the pace quickened.

The pig killer gave meat to his wife and sister, and when he saw that there was something strange about the light during the day, he pulled out the butcher's knife

When he arrived at the door, Zhang Dazhu put the basket down, pushed the door and entered. Sure enough, there was a lamp in the room, and Xiao Cui sat at the table, her face as white as paper, and she looked like she was sick. Zhang Dazhu hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Xiaocui, what's wrong with you?" What kind of lights do you light in the daytime? Xiaocui looked up and saw that it was her brother-in-law, barely squeezed out a smile, and said, "Brother-in-law, you are here." My body is not angry, and I can't lift my energy. This lamp is lit and my heart is steady. When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he muttered even more in his heart. He looked around, and the house was neatly tidy, but he just felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, he saw a bruise on Xiao Cui's wrist, as if she had been pinched. He was shocked, could it be that something happened to Xiaocui's family? He pretended not to care and asked, "Xiao Cui, what's wrong with your wrist?" Is it stumbling? When Xiao Cui heard this, she quickly shrank her hand into her sleeve and said, "No, it's okay, I just accidentally bumped into it." How could Zhang Dazhu believe what she said, he already had points in his heart.

When he looked again, he saw a dark shadow hovering in the corner of the room. He turned around suddenly, waved his hand, and the butcher's knife came out, and he shouted: "Who? Come out for me! The black shadow was frightened by him, a little panicked, and slowly moved out of the corner of the house. Zhang Dazhu saw that it was a fresh face, dressed in black, and wearing a mask on his face. Seeing Zhang Dazhu holding a knife in his hand, this person was not only not afraid, but also sneered: "You are quite clever." However, since you are here today, don't try to get out alive. When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he was furious. He took Xiao Cui behind him and shouted, "Who are you?" Why do you want to hurt my wife and sister? The man didn't say anything, and with a shake of his body, he threw himself at Zhang Dazhu. Zhang Dazhu looked at the posture and understood in his heart that this matter could not be ambiguous, so without saying a word, he waved the butcher knife in his hand and rushed forward. Inside the house, swords and swords, the two of them come and go, and the fight is so lively that it is difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser. Xiao Cui watched from the side, her face was as white as paper with fright, and she screamed again and again. Zhang Dazhu was competing with the man in black, and at the same time he had to comfort Xiaocui: "Don't be afraid, brother-in-law is here." At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside, Zhang Dazhu was overjoyed, and thought: "Did the villagers hear the movement and come to help?" He took the opportunity to force the man in black back with a knife, turned around and rushed to the door. But as soon as he opened the door, he was stunned, and it was not the villagers standing outside the door, but a group of people wearing official uniforms and holding weapons. As soon as they saw Zhang Dazhu, they shouted: "Take it!" Before Zhang Dazhu could react, he was surrounded by the tolerances, pressed them randomly, and fell to the ground. He struggled to raise his head, only to see that the man in black had already taken the opportunity to slip away. He was so anxious in his heart that he shouted repeatedly: "Misunderstanding! I'm innocent! But the men listened to his explanation, and tied him up and put him in the carriage.

The carriage left the town slowly, and Zhang Dazhu's heart was called a turbulent wave. He couldn't figure out how he kindly gave meat to his wife and sister, how he ended up like this. Is there a bigger conspiracy behind this? The carriage was bumping, and Zhang Dazhu's heart was also fluctuating. He secretly observed the tolerances around him, all of them expressionless, and did not speak, just like wooden people. He was even more bottomless in his heart, and he didn't know what would happen next. Suddenly, the carriage stopped, and Zhang Dazhu looked up to see that in front of him was a magnificent mansion, and two people in official uniforms were standing at the door, waiting for them. The tolerance officers escorted Zhang Dazhu out of the car and went directly to the house. Entering the mansion, Zhang Dazhu was taken to a spacious hall, and in the hall sat a middle-aged man in an official robe, who looked extraordinary and majestic. As soon as the servants saw the middle-aged man, they immediately saluted respectfully and said, "My lord, the prisoner has been brought." The middle-aged man nodded, asked the people to step back, and then looked at Zhang Dazhu carefully, and asked, "You are Zhang Dazhu?" "It's the villain." Zhang Dazhu replied, his voice trembling a little. "Are you guilty?" The middle-aged man asked again. "The villain is wronged! The villain just went to deliver meat to his wife and sister, how did he know that this would happen? Zhang Dazhu hurriedly defended. The middle-aged man listened, was silent for a while, and then said, "Okay, I'll give you a chance to prove your innocence." However, you have to think clearly, if you lie, then the sin is even greater. When Zhang Dazhu heard these words, his heart suddenly lit up with the light of hope. He replied eagerly: "I will tell you the truth, and there is no falsehood." Immediately, the middle-aged man began to inquire in detail about the ins and outs of Zhang Dazhu's matter. Zhang Dazhu unreservedly recounted the whole process, including the appearance of the man in black and the abnormal situation that happened in the house. After listening to this, the middle-aged man nodded slightly and said, "I have written down your words." But your words alone are not enough to fully prove your innocence. I'll have to send someone to investigate further. Zhang Dazhu said gratefully: "Thank you for your discernment and justice. The middle-aged man waved his hand lightly, signaling that Zhang Dazhu did not need to be polite, and then turned to the tolerance next to him and ordered: "Take Zhang Dazhu to the cell, temporarily detain, and make a decision after the investigation is clear." After the commissioners answered, they took Zhang Dazhu to the cell.

The pig killer gave meat to his wife and sister, and when he saw that there was something strange about the light during the day, he pulled out the butcher's knife

The cell was dim and damp, and the air was filled with a pungent smell. Zhang Dazhu was placed in a corner of the cell, but his heart was like a wave. He worries about his fate and the safety of his family. Just as he was anxious, the door to his cell was suddenly pushed open. A man walked in, carrying a pot of wine and a few steamed buns, handed it to Zhang Dazhu, and told him, "This is a reward from the adults, eat it quickly." Zhang Dazhu took the food, his heart was full of doubts, and he asked, "Why do you want to reward me with this?" He smiled and replied, "Your Excellency thinks you are an honest person and will not lie." He believes in your innocence, so he rewards you with some food first. Hearing this, Zhang Dazhu felt a warm current in his heart. He said gratefully: "Thank you, sir, thank you, big brother!" After a few more words, he left.

Zhang Dazhu sat in the corner, enjoying steamed buns and wine, thinking about how to prove his innocence. He knew that if he couldn't prove himself, he would be trapped in this cell forever. At this time, the door to the cell was opened again, but this time it was not the tolerance who came in, but the middle-aged man. He walked up to Zhang Dazhu and announced: "Zhang Dazhu, after investigation, the man in black is indeed a fugitive who is trying to mistreat your wife and sister. You have shown your bravery and wisdom by spotting and resisting in time. On behalf of the government, I apologize to you and prepare a bounty for you. When Zhang Dazhu heard this, he almost couldn't believe his ears, and thanked excitedly: "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The middle-aged man continued: "In addition, your wife and sister Xiaocui have been rescued by us and are now recuperating at home. You can go home. Hearing the news, Zhang Dazhu was overjoyed, jumped up excitedly, and said repeatedly: "Great, great!" He hurriedly expressed his gratitude to the middle-aged man and promised to be more careful in the future to avoid similar incidents. The middle-aged man nodded slightly, then turned and left the cell. Zhang Dazhu looked at his back, and his heart was full of gratitude and respect. He understood that he was able to get out of this difficult situation thanks to the middle-aged man's wise judgment and impartiality. Since then, Zhang Dazhu has cherished his life and family even more, and he has created a happy living environment for his family with diligence and wisdom. As for the man in black who had put him in trouble, he was also hunted down by the government and received the punishment he deserved.

Zhang Dazhu was rescued by the middle-aged man in the cell, and when he learned that his wife and sister Xiaocui were safe and sound, the burden in his heart was finally let go. He was so excited that he almost cried, after all, he had just walked from the brink of death. As he left the mansion, the sun was shining so brightly that he could barely open his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and took a deep breath of fresh air, his heart swelling with indescribable emotion. Despite the complexity of the world, there are always righteous people.

The pig killer gave meat to his wife and sister, and when he saw that there was something strange about the light during the day, he pulled out the butcher's knife

The tolerance guide Zhang Dazhu back to the town and show him the way home. After Zhang Dazhu thanked him, he eagerly embarked on the journey home. He was worried about his sister Xiaocui, and he was eager to see her and confirm her safety. Along the way, Zhang Dazhu's thoughts kept echoing the scene of that day, and the more he thought about it, the more he wondered, not understanding why the man in black appeared in Xiaocui's house, why he lit the lamp, and whether there was any secret hidden behind it. However, these doubts are no longer important, the important thing is that he and Xiaocui are safe and sound, and that is enough.

Zhang Dazhu quickened his pace, his heart full of anticipation and joy. Eventually, he returned home. Pushing open the door, seeing that his wife was busy, Xiao Cui's face was slightly pale, but her spirit had improved. When the two saw Zhang Dazhu coming back, they both stood up in surprise. Although Xiao Cui's voice trembled, it was full of joy: "Brother Dazhu, you are back!" Zhang Dazhu asked about her condition with concern, and Xiaocui replied gratefully, thanks to his timely awareness. Zhang Dazhu's wife also came over, took his hand, and expressed her worries and thoughts about him. Zhang Dazhu comforted his wife with a smile and told her that the man in black had been arrested by the government, and there would be no similar thing in the future. Hearing this, Xiaocui and his wife were relieved. Looking at their expressions, Zhang Dazhu also felt comforted in his heart. He understands that despite all the hardships that the family has been through, it is the greatest happiness in itself to be able to be reunited. Zhang Dazhu, this buddy, has not yet unraveled the knots in his heart. He pondered for a moment, and felt that he had to talk to the adult. In this way, he said hello to his daughter-in-law and Xiaocui, and set foot on the road to the mansion again. When I arrived, I was busy with business. Zhang Dazhu stepped forward, saluted in a proper manner, and told him everything he meant.

When the adult heard this, the corners of his mouth raised, and he said with a smile: "I expected you to come." Okay, then I'll tell you the ins and outs of this. "It turns out that the man in black is not an ordinary fugitive, but a famous villain in the rivers and lakes. He fell in love with Xiaocui's beauty, so he secretly followed, planning to abduct her. He appeared at Xiaocui's house that day, and he was still lighting the lamp, but he was actually doing evil, using evil magic to charm Xiaocui's heart. Fortunately, Zhang Dazhu's sharp eyes and timely action did not let that guy succeed. The adult also told Zhang Dazhu that he was able to catch the tail of the man in black in time and rescue Xiaocui because he had already laid a secret line in the town. These dark lines are all his henchmen, who are responsible for collecting information and protecting the people.

The pig killer gave meat to his wife and sister, and when he saw that there was something strange about the light during the day, he pulled out the butcher's knife

Zhang Dazhu heard these words, and he understood in his heart. He thanked the adults gratefully, and promised to be careful not to let similar things happen in the future. Out of the mansion, Zhang Dazhu was in a good mood. He knew that this time he was able to save the day, not only because of his bravery and wit, but also because of the silent support of those righteous people. He felt as if he was alive again, full of confidence and anticipation for the future.

Since then, Zhang Dazhu has cherished his life even more, and has created a happy home for his family with diligence and wisdom. The man in black who gave him a headache was also arrested by the government in the end and got the punishment he deserved. This incident spread in the town, and everyone praised Zhang Dazhu's bravery and wit. Zhang Dazhu has also become a legend in the town, and his story has been sung from generation to generation. Whenever someone mentions this, Zhang Dazhu always smiles modestly: "It's nothing, it's just catching up." There are a lot of good people here! ”