
The pig killer strayed into the netherworld and saw the woman lighting the lamp during the day, so he quickly took out the pig killing knife

author:Brilliant Star Han, hehe

We are a big country, with a lot of land and resources, and there are many talented people hidden in the corners of the town. Let's take Li Erniu in our town as an example, his body is as strong as a cow, and the pig-killing knife in his hand is called a slippery, and he is nicknamed "One Knife Determines the Universe". Li Erniu has a bold personality and is righteous, and the people in the town respect him very much.

That day, Li Erniu, as usual, got up before dawn to sharpen his knives, preparing to go to the market to show off his skills. But on this day, it is said that change will change, obviously the sun is old and high, and suddenly there are dark clouds and strong winds. Li Erniu's heart tightened, feeling that something was not quite right today. He quickened his pace, trying to get the job done quickly. But as he walked, he found himself in a strange place. It was desolate all around, a lonely house, with doors and windows closed, but a little light. Li Erniu muttered in his heart, who still lights up in this broad daylight? Curious, he knocked on the door to see what was going on. Unbeknownst to him, the door opened by itself as soon as there was a knock. He boldly walked in, the room was simply furnished, but it was clean. In the center of the table, an oil lamp flickered, emitting a faint light.

Li Erniu looked around, but there was no shadow in sight. He was about to turn around and leave, when he suddenly heard a woman's low sobs from the back room. He followed the sound and saw a woman in white sitting on the edge of the bed, crying with pear blossoms and rain. Li Erniu was shocked, how could there be a woman crying here in this broad daylight? He plucked up the courage to ask, "Girl, why are you crying?" Where is this? The woman looked up, her face stained with tears, her eyes full of horror and despair. She said in a trembling voice: "Big brother, you don't know, this is not the human world, it is the netherworld. I was unrepaid before I was born, and I can't be reincarnated after death, so I can only wander here. ”

The pig killer strayed into the netherworld and saw the woman lighting the lamp during the day, so he quickly took out the pig killing knife

Li Erniu was stunned when he heard this, he never thought that he had broken into the netherworld by mistake. He steadied himself and asked, "Girl, what grievances do you have?" Maybe I can help. When the woman heard him say this, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. She slowly told her story and what had happened to her. It turned out that her name was Xiaocui, and she was originally a good girl in the town, but her family was poor and she was forced to marry a bully. The bully did all kinds of evil and tortured Xiao Cui in every way. Xiaocui couldn't stand it and finally chose to commit suicide. After her death, she found herself trapped in the netherworld, because her grievances were unresolved and her soul was not at peace.

Li Erniu listened to Xiaocui's story and was so angry that his teeth itched. He clenched the pig-killing knife in his hand and said to Xiaocui: "Girl, don't worry, although I, Li Erniu, am just a pig-killer, I also know what is right and what is wrong." Your grievances, I will definitely help you find an explanation! When Xiao Cui heard this, she was moved to tears, and she told Li Erniu that if she wanted to leave the netherworld, she had to find an exit. Okay, we Northeast people speak straightforwardly, let's change this little paragraph to make it more flavorful of our Northeast.

The exit is in our backyard, but you have to take a treasure knife that can split yin and yang to open it. When Li Erniu heard this, his heart blossomed, the pig-killing knife in his hand was not this treasure knife. The two of them went to the backyard with a smoke, and when they saw that there was a stone door in the courtyard that was closed tightly. Li Erniu held back his strength, raised the pig-killing knife and slashed at the stone gate. only heard the sound of "bang", and the stone gate collapsed with a "bang", revealing a road that led directly to the world.

The pig killer strayed into the netherworld and saw the woman lighting the lamp during the day, so he quickly took out the pig killing knife

Xiaocui was so excited that tears were about to come out, she took Li Erniu's hand and said, "Big brother, thank you!" I'll be able to get out of this damn place. Li Erniu waved his hand and said, "You're welcome, girl, let's go quickly." I have to hurry back to the world, or my stall will be cold. The two looked at each other and smiled, and Xiao Cui turned around and walked towards the world. Li Erniu was also about to leave, but the moment he turned around, he found that something was wrong with Xiaocui's back. He rubbed his eyes, and when he looked again, Xiao Cui actually had a pair of black wings on her back! Li Erniu sighed in his heart, remembering what the old people said, those unjustly killed ghosts will become powerful ghosts if they stay in the netherworld for a long time, with black wings on their backs, and they can fly to the yin and yang worlds. Could it be that Xiaocui is ...... The ominous premonition in Li Erniu's heart came up. He hurriedly chased after him, wanting to grab Xiaocui and ask for an understanding. But just when he was about to touch Xiao Cui, a gust of wind blew and swept Xiao Cui up to the sky. Xiao Cui turned around and gave Li Erniu a sad smile, and then disappeared into the dark clouds. Li Erniu stood there stupidly, looking at the sky, with mixed feelings in his heart, sympathizing with Xiaocui, but also curious and afraid of the unknown world. He shook his head, sighed, and turned to walk out into the world. But just as he was about to step out of the netherworld, he suddenly felt a suction pull him back. When he looked back, the stone door was closed again! Li Erniu was in a hurry, brandishing a pig-killing knife and wanted to split the stone gate, but no matter how hard he tried, the stone gate just didn't move.

Li Erniu was in such a hurry, looking around, trying to find a way out. At this moment, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw a large vat in the corner of the house. The tank was full of water, and the surface of the water was as calm as a mirror, reflecting the sky and the scenery in the house. Li Erniu's heart moved, walked to the tank, looked down, and saw that his face in the tank was pale, and his eyes were full of horror. He suddenly realized that the water in this vat might be the key to leaving the netherworld. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and plunged headlong into the vat. When Li Erniu's head was completely submerged in the water, he felt a strong suction, as if he was going to swallow his entire body into it. It was pitch black all around, and all he could hear was the sound of gurgling water and his own heartbeat. He struggled to surface, but felt that his body was firmly bound by an invisible force and could not move. Just when Li Erniu felt desperate, a warm current suddenly poured in from the top of his head, and his body suddenly became light, and then surfaced. When he opened his eyes, he found himself lying in a familiar room, with the sun shining outside the window, the birds singing and the fragrance of flowers, a beautiful scenery on earth. Li Erniu took a deep breath and realized that he had finally returned to the human world.

He touched his soaked clothes, the pig-killing knife in his hand, and couldn't help but feel a little scared. Recalling his experiences in the netherworld, he was filled with emotion. Li Erniu decided to tell the villagers in the town about this experience, so that they could also understand that good and evil in the world will be rewarded in the end. He went to the bazaar, found his stall, and began to tell about his adventures. The villagers listened attentively, some were amazed, some were embarrassed, and some were skeptical. But in any case, Li Erniu's story left a deep impression on them. From then on, his reputation in the town became even greater. He is not only a skilled pig slaughterer, but also a hero with a legendary experience. His story was passed down by word of mouth and became a good story in the town. And the woman named Xiaocui has also become a topic of conversation after dinner. Some say she's a poor ghost, some say she's the embodiment of a terrible ghost, and some say she's a mysterious being. But no matter what, Xiaocui has become an eternal pain in Li Erniu's heart.

The pig killer strayed into the netherworld and saw the woman lighting the lamp during the day, so he quickly took out the pig killing knife

Time flies like a white horse, and years have passed in the blink of an eye. Li Erniu is over half a hundred years old, but he still gets up every morning to sharpen his knife and prepares to go to the market to kill pigs. His sword skills are still sharp, and his eyes are still firm. But he could never forget the woman named Xiaocui in his heart. One day, at the bazaar, Li Erniu met a Taoist priest. The Taoist priest glanced at him, then sighed and said, "Donor, you have a yin qi on your body, have you encountered anything unclean?" Li Erniu was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "The Taoist is really as wise as a torch." I did meet a woman named Xiaocui......" After listening to Li Erniu's story, the Taoist priest sighed and said, "Donor, don't you know, that woman named Xiaocui is actually the incarnation of a powerful ghost. Because she was unresigned during her lifetime, she could not be reincarnated after death, and could only wander in the netherworld. And you strayed into the netherworld and had an intersection with her, so your body will be contaminated with yin energy. Li Erniu was shocked when he heard this, and then asked, "Is there a way for that Dao chief to help me expel the yin qi on this body?" The Taoist priest nodded, then took out a piece of rune paper from his arms, handed it to Li Erniu, and said, "This rune paper can expel the yin qi from your body, but you have to remember that you don't have to deal with those unclean things in the future." Li Erniu took the talisman paper, his heart was full of gratitude, and then asked, "Dao Chief, do you know the whereabouts of Miss Xiaocui?" After a moment of silence, the Taoist priest slowly spoke: "She has left the netherworld and has been reincarnated. The injustice of her life has been revealed, and she can say goodbye to this world with peace of mind. Hearing this, Li Erniu felt a warm current in his heart, and he was full of emotion: "That's good, it's good like this......" Since then, Li Erniu's life has returned to peace. He still gets up early every morning, sharpens his knife, and prepares to go to the market to slaughter pigs. But whenever he bathes in the sun, he can't help but think of the woman named Xiaocui, and her experience in the netherworld and her life in the human world. He understands that there are too many injustices and grievances in the world, but he also firmly believes that good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and justice will eventually triumph over evil.

Li Erniu stood in the bazaar, holding the talisman paper given by the Taoist priest in his hand, and his heart was full of emotion. This rune paper can dispel the yin qi on his body, but it can't dispel the worry in his heart. Xiao Cui, the woman who had crossed paths with him in the netherworld, her fate and encounters were like a heavy stone, pressing on his heart, making him unable to let go. Li Erniu sighed, carefully took the rune paper into his arms, and turned around to continue his daily routine. As the days passed, he still got up early in the morning to sharpen his knives, and still slaughtered pigs and sold meat at the market. But whenever night fell and the surroundings were silent, he would always think of Xiao Cui, her loneliness and despair in the netherworld.

Early every morning, our buddies get up from the kang, first recite the "Meditation Formula", and then go to sharpen the knife Huo Huo to the pigs and sheep. As time passed, his heart became more and more stable, and he was not as easily disturbed by the mess in the outside world as before.

The pig killer strayed into the netherworld and saw the woman lighting the lamp during the day, so he quickly took out the pig killing knife

One night, Li Erniu was sitting in the courtyard to enjoy the shade, and suddenly felt a familiar breath wafting from a distance. As soon as he looked up, good guy, a woman in white clothes was Xiao Cui! When Xiao Cui saw Li Erniu, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then it dimmed: "Brother Erniu, why do you still remember me?" Li Erniu smiled slightly and said, "Miss Xiaocui, we have always had you in our hearts, but we have also learned to let go." We know that your fate has been decided, and we can't change anything, but we hope that you can live happily over there. ”

When Xiaocui heard this, her tears almost didn't fall, and she said, "Brother Erniu, thank you." Actually, I've been reincarnated, but I can't let you go, so come back and take a look. Li Erniu's heart was hot, and he asked, "Miss Xiaocui, how are you doing now?" Xiao Cui nodded and said, "It's good." I now have a loving husband and a lovely child, and I'm so grateful that you helped me over there. ”

When Li Erniu heard this, the stone in his heart fell to the ground, and said, "Then we will rest assured, and we will be happy for you." Xiaocui looked at Li Erniu and said, "Brother Erniu, I have to go." I hope you can continue to practice the Meditation Technique, keep a calm mind, and face everything in life. Li Erniu nodded and said, "Don't worry, Miss Xiaocui, you go all the way." ”

The pig killer strayed into the netherworld and saw the woman lighting the lamp during the day, so he quickly took out the pig killing knife

Xiao Cui smiled slightly, turned into a white light, and disappeared into the night sky. Li Erniu stood there, not moving for a long time, his heart was full of emotion and blessings. Since then, Li Erniu has become more attentive to practicing "Meditation Tips", his heart has become more and more calm, and he has become more and more calm in the face of challenges in life. His pig-killing skills are also becoming more and more popular, and he can attract a large group of people in the market every day.

Many years later, Li Erniu became a respected old man. He still gets up early every morning to sharpen his knives and kills pigs and sells meat in the market. But everyone knows that he is not only a pig killer, but also a wise man with legendary experience and Taoist minds. Whenever someone mentions Xiaocui, Li Erniu always smiles slightly and says: "That is a beautiful woman who has brought us a lot of concern and made us learn to let go and grow." ”