
Move! The wandering uncle wandered for ten years, crossed 3,000 kilometers, and finally returned home

author:Brother Laughter

【Impressed! The wandering uncle wandered for ten years and crossed 3,000 kilometers and finally returned home]

In late autumn, the fallen leaves return to their roots. And today, the hero of this story, an uncle who has been wandering for ten years, has finally crossed a distance of 3,000 kilometers and returned to his long-lost hometown.

Move! The wandering uncle wandered for ten years, crossed 3,000 kilometers, and finally returned home

I remember that it was a sunny afternoon, and I met this uncle on the street. He was dressed in a shabby camouflage uniform, and his face was carved with the marks of time, but his eyes were unusually bright, revealing an unyielding tenacity. We chatted and he told me his story.

Ten years ago, he was separated from his family in an accident and began a long career of wandering. He walked through the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas, tasted the warmth and coldness of the world, but never gave up the belief of going home. In the dead of night, he would always look up at the stars and imagine the direction of his home.

Move! The wandering uncle wandered for ten years, crossed 3,000 kilometers, and finally returned home

It wasn't until recently, with the help of well-wishers, that the uncle finally found his long-lost family. The moment he learned the news, he was so excited that he burst into tears. He said, "It's been ten years and I can finally go home!" ”

Spanning 3,000 kilometers, the uncle did not stop, running all the way, just to see his long-lost relatives as soon as possible. The moment he stepped into the house, all the hardships and dedication turned into tears of happiness.

Move! The wandering uncle wandered for ten years, crossed 3,000 kilometers, and finally returned home

What's even more surprising is that this uncle turned out to be a veteran! He once gave his youth and blood for the country, but now he is living on the streets, which is embarrassing. But it was this tenacity and perseverance that made him not give up in the most difficult moments.

Friends, let's praise this uncle together! His story tells us that no matter how many difficulties and setbacks we encounter, as long as we have faith and courage, we will be able to overcome everything!

Home is the warmest harbor for us to cherish every moment with our family. At the same time, I also hope that the society can give more care and help to these homeless, so that they can find their own home as soon as possible.

#感动瞬间 #流浪大叔回家 #退伍军人 #家的温暖 #社会关爱

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