
Japanese media: It's too late to repent, and China has no place to stand when it returns to fuel

author:Ray viewpoint

Since the beginning of 2024, Chinese auto brands have continued to show strong momentum in the market, constantly refreshing sales records and market recognition. However, a recent Japanese media article pointed out that although China's new energy vehicles have made remarkable achievements, in fact, more than 90% of the world's mainstream market still belongs to fuel vehicles, and the main market players have not changed. At the same time, it is further predicted that China's "corner overtaking" strategy in recent years has caused the abnormal development of the industry, and even if it now "repents" and returns to the fuel vehicle track, there will be no "foothold".

Japanese media: It's too late to repent, and China has no place to stand when it returns to fuel

However, the Japanese media apparently selectively "ignore" some key facts. First of all, the global automotive industry is undergoing a profound change, and the development of new energy vehicles has become an irreversible historical trend. Chinese enterprises have a clear understanding of this trend and have responded positively in terms of industrial support, technological innovation and market expansion. The rapid development of China's new energy vehicle industry not only meets the needs of the domestic market, but also shows strong competitiveness in the global market.

Japanese media: It's too late to repent, and China has no place to stand when it returns to fuel

Secondly, China's "corner overtaking" in the field of new energy vehicles is not a blind biased development, but based on a deep understanding of the development trend of the global automotive industry and strategic layout. Through continuous technological innovation and product upgrades, China's new energy vehicle companies have made important breakthroughs in battery technology, intelligent networking and autonomous driving. These technological advances have not only enhanced the product strength of China's new energy vehicles, but also pointed out the direction for the development of the global automotive industry.

Japanese media: It's too late to repent, and China has no place to stand when it returns to fuel

Moreover, since 2023, China has become the de facto number one exporter of automobiles in the world. Among the exported automobiles, fuel vehicles and new energy vehicles both occupy an important share, and both show strong market competitiveness. The in-depth cultivation of Chinese auto brands in the field of traditional fuel vehicles, as well as the innovative breakthroughs in the field of new energy vehicles, have constituted a diversified competitive advantage in China's auto industry.

Japanese media: It's too late to repent, and China has no place to stand when it returns to fuel

Finally, the development of Chinese auto brands in the new energy wave is the epitome of the transformation and innovation of the global auto industry. Chinese auto brands have gained a first-mover advantage on the new energy vehicle track and are expected to play a greater role in the global auto market in the future. With the global emphasis on environmental protection and sustainable development, CA will continue to lead the way in the new energy wave and lead the development of the global automotive industry.

Japanese media: It's too late to repent, and China has no place to stand when it returns to fuel

As for the opinion of the Japanese media, it is actually a manifestation of "weakness". Once upon a time, Japan, as a traditional power of automobiles, occupied a pivotal position on the world automobile stage with its exquisite craftsmanship and innovative technology. However, with the rapid development and change of the global automotive industry, it has begun to rely on "nonsense" to cheer itself up. However, empty words and public opinion cannot bring actual sales, and companies that dare to innovate and break through can win their place in this global competition. I hope that the Japanese industry will work more hard and be less noisy, otherwise the sunset of Japanese cars may be in the near future.

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