
The man went home and drank with the old stranger all night, and the next day he quit drinking

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

In our northeast Gada, there is a place called Qingshan Town, don't look at the small town, the scenery is very beautiful, and the people are sincere. Today, let's talk about a strange thing that happened in Qingshan Town. There is a family surnamed Li in the town, and there is a young man in the family named Li Ergou. This young man is quite strong, but he has a bad problem - he loves to drink, and if he doesn't drink a few glasses a day, he will be very uncomfortable. The family persuaded him, but he just couldn't quit the addiction.

Once, Li Ergou came back from working in other places, and as soon as he entered the house, he saw an old man he didn't know sitting in the yard. This old man is dressed in a green robe, with white hair and beard, and he looks quite fairy. Li Ergou muttered in his heart, who is this old man? Why are you sitting in our yard? He stepped forward and wanted to ask the old man what was the matter. But before he could speak, the old man greeted him happily: "Young man, are you back?" Come on, come on, drink two with me. Li Ergou saw that the old man was still carrying a wine jug in his hand, and the wine was fragrant. His heart moved, thinking that he was also thirsty, so he sat down and drank with the old man.

I can't stop drinking. Li Ergou found that the old man's alcohol consumption was really bottomless, and he drank it for a while, but the old man's face still did not change, as if he was fine. And the more you drink this wine, the more fragrant it becomes, and the more you drink it, the more it tastes, making Li Ergou feel as if he is floating in the sky. The two of them drank cup after cup and drank until it was dark. Li Ergou felt as if he had flown up, and the whole world was blurred. He thought it was so beautiful, he had never drunk such a fragrant wine.

The man went home and drank with the old stranger all night, and the next day he quit drinking

I don't know how long it took, Li Ergou fell asleep in a daze. By the time he woke up, it was already the next day. He rubbed his eyes and found himself lying on his bed, and the old man was long gone. Li Ergou sat up, his head still a little dizzy. He thought back to last night's events and wondered. Who the hell is the old man? Why did you suddenly appear at our house? And the wine...... Why does it smell so good?

He walked out of the house and saw a mess in the yard, with jugs and glasses thrown everywhere. He shook his head, thinking to himself that he must have drunk too much last night. He went to the well to fetch a basin of water and washed his face, and when he sobered up, he suddenly noticed a strange mark on his hand. The mark is like a wine glass, deeply imprinted on the palm of the hand. He washed it with water, and no matter how much he washed it, he couldn't wash it off. He was shocked, could it be that this mark had something to do with the old man? Just as I was thinking about it, I heard a commotion outside. When he went out to look, the people in the village were talking about a stranger who had broken into the village last night, and every family had a good drink. In our northeast Nagada, there is a group of people who say that they have seen a fresh face with their own eyes, that skill, swishing, like a wall on a cornice, and walking like a flat ground. As soon as Li Ergou heard this, he had a little count in his heart, and eight or nine was not far from ten. As soon as he entered the house, he sat there, thinking about what happened last night. Who the hell is that old man? Why are you looking for me to drink? And that strange print...... What's going on? Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly felt a wave of nausea, like a tide. He hurriedly ran into the yard and vomited, and all he spit out was black liquid! He was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, and the black water ...... Could it be the same wine you drank last night? He sat on the ground and gasped for breath, and suddenly it dawned on him. That old man wasn't human at all! It's a ghost! It wasn't the wine I drank with him last night! Be...... It's ghost wine! Thinking of this, Li Ergou was cold. He knew he had run into something unclean. He quickly got up, went back to the house to pack his belongings, and planned to leave the village. He knew that if he stayed in this place, he would be killed by that demon sooner or later!

Just as Li Ergou was about to leave, he suddenly remembered the strange Yin'er. He wondered if the seal might have something to do with the old man, and maybe he could tell himself something. So he decided to ask the old man in the village first what was going on with this Yin'er. After inquiring, Li Ergou finally found an old man who knew about this Yin'er. The old man told him that this mark was a ghostly change, and that it was only found on people who had drunk with ghosts. The old man also said that if you have this mark on your body, you have to quit drinking, otherwise the ghost qi will accumulate more and more, and you will die in the end! When Li Ergou heard this, his face turned white. He quickly thanked the old man and hurried out of the village. Since then, he has never drunk a drop of wine, nor has he seen the mysterious old man again. The mark on his hand slowly faded with time......

After leaving Qingshan Town, Li Ergou seemed to be a different person, and the whole person was depressed a lot. He no longer ran around to work as before, but found a remote mountain village and lived incognito. He regarded the humble hut as a safe haven, and sat at the door in a daze all day except for farming, as if he was thinking about something, and as if he was hiding something. When the people in the village saw him like this, they thought that something sad had happened to him, and they didn't dare to ask more. Occasionally, a few enthusiastic neighbors would come over to chat with him, bring him some home-grown vegetables, or help him with some farm work. Li Ergou didn't talk much, but he would accept it with a smile every time, and then silently reciprocate their kindness. Time passed day by day, and Li Ergou's life slowly calmed down. But in the dead of night, he still thinks of that strange old man, and of the night that changed his life. Oh, this thing is really choking, he can't understand it himself, why did he put up this mess, why did he become this virtuous now. After that, he didn't even dare to touch the wine bottle, and he was disgusted when he smelled the wine. One night, Li Ergou squatted at the door as usual, stunned. Suddenly, he heard a rush of footsteps in the distance. As soon as he looked up, good fellow, a figure rushed towards him like a fly. Take a closer look, this is not the old man Zhang in the village. Zhang Laohan ran out of breath, grabbed Li Ergou's hand as soon as he came up, and roared urgently: "Ergou, you have to save my little cub!" Li Ergou was startled by this sudden scene, and hurriedly asked, "Uncle Zhang, what's the situation?" What's wrong? Zhang Laohan wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked anxious: "My little cub didn't know what was going on, and he suddenly fell ill." The doctors in the village all said that there was no way. I've heard you've seen the world out there before, can you help me see what's going on with that little cub in my house? When Li Ergou heard this, his heart was up and down. He remembered the mark on his hand, and the legends about ghost wine. He hesitated for a while, but looking at Zhang Laohan's anxious appearance, he still decided to take a look.

When he arrived at Zhang Laohan's house, Li Ergou saw the child lying on the bed, his face was as pale as paper, and he felt uncomfortable. He carefully examined the child's body and found that the child also had that strange mark on his body! He immediately understood, this kid also drank that ghost wine! Li Ergou took a deep breath and said to Zhang Laohan: "Uncle Zhang, your baby has hit an evil spirit." He drank something he shouldn't have drunk, and the ghost got entangled. I'll see if I can help him get rid of it. After speaking, Li Ergou closed his eyes and began to silently recite the exorcism spell he had heard from the older generation. He folded his hands and muttered in his mouth, and a strange light gradually emanated from his body. After a while, he opened his eyes and said to Zhang Laohan, "Okay, the ghost qi has been driven away by me." Your baby will wake up soon. Sure enough, it didn't take long for the child to slowly open his eyes. He saw Li Ergou and Zhang Laohan standing by the bed, and asked a little confused: "Grandpa, Uncle Ergou, what's wrong with me?" Zhang Laohan was so excited that he hugged the child: "Baby, you finally woke up!" You hit the evil, thanks to Uncle Ergou who saved you! When the child heard this, although he was a little confused, he saw that his grandfather was so happy, so he didn't ask any more questions.

Li Ergou looked at this scene and breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but he knew that this matter was not over yet. Since then, he has been studying the method of exorcism, and has read all the legends and books he has heard before, trying to find a solution that can completely solve the ghost spirit. We have a buddy named Li Ergou in Nagada in the northeast, he knows very well in his heart, although he saved the grandson of Zhang Laohan's family, but there are still many like that baby, who are entangled by that ghostly spirit, waiting for him to help. This Li Ergou, he is really a caring person, after a few years, he finally figured out a way to completely drive away the ghost. He used his own blood and a strange herb to concoct a miracle medicine. As soon as this medicine is used, people immediately become energetic, and all the ghosts are far away.

The man went home and drank with the old stranger all night, and the next day he quit drinking

Li Ergou, this buddy, not only did he know that this method was good, but he also told everyone in the village about this trick and asked them to help spread it. No, it didn't take long for everyone in all walks of life to know, and those who were haunted by ghosts and miserable were all treated. Li Ergou's reputation has risen with the tide and has become a "miracle doctor" in everyone's mouth.

But Li Ergou is not proud, he knows that he can figure out this method, thanks to the mysterious old man he met back then. He always felt that the old man was testing him, and he was also showing him the way to take the right path. Therefore, Li Ergou decided that the rest of his days would be used to help those who needed help. He traveled north and south, and used his own methods to treat countless people who were haunted by ghosts. His fame, that was so loud, spread even far away.

But the mysterious old man hasn't been seen since. But Li Ergou believed that the old man must be in a corner, silently watching him and guiding him. In this way, Li Ergou used his own way to live his own wonderful life, and also added a strong stroke to his life.

The man went home and drank with the old stranger all night, and the next day he quit drinking

In that remote mountain village, Li Ergou's reputation is well-known. When people mention him, they have to give him a thumbs up, saying that he is a living bodhisattva and a savior of those who are suffering from hard work. But the greater the fame, the heavier the burden on Li Ergou's shoulders. He knew that he could do all this because of the old man and the prescription that he had obtained by chance. But the herbs in that prescription are not found everywhere, and some have to risk their lives to go deep into the mountains and forests to pick them. As for his own blood, although he doesn't use it much each time, it has been a long time, and it also makes him feel that his body is a little unbearable.

But every time he saw those people who were haunted by ghosts, he could laugh out loud again, and whenever he heard those words of gratitude, he felt that his efforts were really worth it. He told himself that as long as there was one person who needed him, he would have to hold on.

Until one day, a young man named Wang Xiaohu came to the door from far away. This young man, the village on his other side, is also being infested by ghosts. He heard that Li Ergou could exorcise ghosts, so he traveled thousands of miles to ask for help. Wang Xiaohu came, Li Ergou was a little surprised, he didn't expect his reputation to spread so far. But when he saw Wang Xiaohu's firm eyes and eagerness, he knew that he couldn't refuse. Oh, Li Ergou, this kid, followed Wang Xiaohu back to the village. That place, tsk, a glance is terrifying, the whole village is as if it is being pressed by something, lifeless, the expression on everyone's faces, either panic or despair. As soon as Li Ergou saw this situation, he immediately got busy, and tried his best to use his own method to drive away evil spirits for the people in the village. But this time the evil spirit is fierce, although Li Ergou's prescription works, but there is no way to completely clean up this evil spirit.

The man went home and drank with the old stranger all night, and the next day he quit drinking

He knew in his heart that he had to find that mysterious old guy, maybe someone could give him some tricks. So, with the help of the villagers, Li Ergou began to look for the old man everywhere. He walked all over the mountains and rivers, and asked people to come and go, but he didn't find the shadow of the old man. But he didn't give up, there was a thought in his heart, persistence is victory, and he will definitely find it.

Finally one day, Li Ergou climbed to the top of a desolate mountain, and his eyes lit up, isn't that an old man? The old man was sitting on a big rock, with a flask in his hand, and he was drinking merrily. Li Ergou was so happy that he ran over in three steps and two steps. "Senior, I've found you!" He said excitedly. The old man looked up and smiled: "When you came, I knew you would come." Li Ergou told the old man about his difficulties, and the old man pondered for a while after hearing this, and then said: "To completely drive away the evil spirit, it is not enough to rely on the prescription and blood alone, there must be one more thing." "What's that?" Li Ergou asked eagerly. The old man pointed to the flask: "This is the wine." This wine is made in a special way, and drinking it can dispel evil spirits in people. But to make this wine, you have to use a rare herb, and the process is quite complicated. Do you dare to try? Li Ergou nodded without thinking about it: "Dare!" ”

Under the guidance of the old man, Li Ergou began to learn to brew this wine. After countless days and nights of hard work, he finally made this wine. With this wine, he returned to Wang Xiaohu's hometown and helped the villagers dispel the evil spirit. Since then, Li Ergou's reputation has become even more famous, he is not only a miracle doctor, but also a master brewer. He used his wisdom and courage to help many people find hope in life.

The man went home and drank with the old stranger all night, and the next day he quit drinking

That's the thing, one day, Li Ergou felt that his life was coming to an end, so he passed on his set of secret recipes for curing diseases and saving people, as well as the craft of winemaking, to his apprentices. Let them continue to do this. As for the mysterious old guy who once turned Li Ergou's life upside down, he has never shown up since then. But Li Ergou knew in his heart, he felt that the old guy must still be in a corner, silently looked at him, showed him the way, and let him take the right path.

In this way, Li Ergou used his own method to live a colorful life, drawing a successful end to his own life. This matter, we have to think like this, Li Ergou's life is worth it.