
The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

author:Persistent warmth and sunshine

On that day, the sun was warm, and the streets were full of people. In the bustling streets, a woman in tattered clothes knelt there, her hair was messed up like a chicken's nest, and she held a broken bowl in her hand, and her mouth was full of words, as if she had encountered some great difficulty, and had been reduced to begging on the streets. The woman was estimated to be in her fifties, and the wrinkles on her face witnessed the vicissitudes of time, but her eyes were as bright as stars, as if they could perceive people's hearts.

Next to her was a rag with a few big characters written crookedly: "The family is ruined, ask the well-wishers to rescue." Some of the pedestrians hurried by, some stopped, and threw a few copper plates into the bowl, but most of them didn't ask a word. At this moment, a young man named Li Ergou came from the corner of the street. Li Ergou, a young man, is warm-hearted and usually loves to help others.

When he saw that the woman was so pitiful, he stopped, took out some copper plates from his pocket, and gently placed them in the woman's bowl. The woman glanced up at him, a gratefulness flashing in her eyes, but it quickly dimmed. Li Ergou saw the woman like this, and he felt very uncomfortable. He squatted down and asked softly, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?" How did you get to this point? ”

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

The woman sighed and spoke slowly: "Young man, you have a good heart, and I will not hide it from you. My family used to be a wealthy family in the city, but my unfilial son was infected with gambling and owed a lot of debts, and the creditor came to force the debt, and my wife fell ill in a fit of anger and left in a few days. Now I have nothing at home, and I am lonely, so I can only come out to beg for food, hoping to survive this life. ”

When Li Ergou heard this, he felt even more uncomfortable. He thought for a while and said, "Auntie, how can you suffer this at such an age?" Why don't I send you to the government and ask them to think of a way for you? The woman shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Official? How can they care if we poor people live or die? Besides, the government can't control my unfilial son's gambling debts. ”

Li Ergou was speechless for a while, and he didn't know what to say. He stood up and was about to leave, when the woman suddenly said, "You have a good heart, young man, but I must tell you that you are about to be in great trouble." Li Ergou was stunned for a moment, turned around and asked, "Auntie, what do you mean by this?" The woman took a deep breath and said slowly, "Although I am a woman, I have also learned a little about face-to-face. I see that your Yin Tang is black and has a sinister face, and there must have been a bloody disaster recently. If you believe me, hurry home and prepare for it, and you may be able to escape this fate. ”

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

When Li Ergou heard this, his heart couldn't help but tighten. Although he didn't believe much in these superstitious things, he muttered a little in his heart when he saw that the woman was talking so seriously. He thought for a moment and said to the woman, "Thank you, aunt, for the reminder. I'm going to go home and see if there's anything wrong. Li Ergou slapped his buttocks, turned his head and left. He slipped all the way home, and in his heart he was overturned, wondering if what the woman said was true. He pondered as he walked, and arrived at the door of his house without paying attention. He pushed open the door and looked, nothing had changed in the house, everything was safe. Li Ergou breathed a sigh of relief, thinking in his heart, maybe that mother-in-law is.

He sat down, took a sip of tea, and was about to go out to work, when he suddenly heard a strange noise in the yard. His heart tightened, and as soon as he put down the teacup, he rushed into the courtyard in three steps and two steps. At first glance, it turned out to be a black cat, squatting in the corner of the wall, holding a mouse in its mouth, and eating it so fragrantly. Seeing this, Li Ergou fell to the ground with the stone in his heart, and he said with a smile: "I thought it was a big deal, it turned out to be a black cat catching a mouse, which scared me." ”

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he swept the corner of his eye and saw that something seemed to be flashing in the corner. His heart moved, and he hurriedly walked over to see, good fellow, there was a bloody dagger in the corner. Li Ergou was shocked in his heart, and thought, "Why did this dagger come here?" Is there really something unlucky? He looked around and found nothing. There was a doubt in his heart, but he decided to ignore it for now and go out to work.

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

But just as he turned around to leave, he suddenly felt a cool breeze behind him. His heart tightened, and when he looked back, I was obedient, and a dark figure was standing behind him, holding the bloody dagger in his hand, and his eyes were as cold as popsicles. Li Ergou was so frightened that his soul was about to fly, he yelled, and ran away. The black shadow was like a shadow, and it was in hot pursuit. He ran as hard as he could, feeling the shadow chase closer and closer.

Just when he was about to be overtaken, he saw a temple in front of him, and he was overjoyed, so he hurriedly rushed into the temple and found a place to hide. There is a statue of Buddha in the temple, with kind eyebrows and good intentions, as if he knows everything. He hurriedly hid behind the Buddha statue and said silently in his heart: "Buddha bless, Buddha bless." The shadow chased after him to the temple gate, but he did not come in immediately. Li Ergou secretly looked out from behind the Buddha statue, and the black shadow was pacing back and forth at the door, as if hesitating about something. He was so happy in his heart, and at the same time he was wondering what the hell was going on with this black shadow.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered what the woman said, and his heart tightened. Could it be that this dark shadow really has something to do with the bad luck that he is going to encounter? The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, and beads of sweat broke down on his forehead. At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps outside the temple. Li Ergou was shocked, and hurriedly poked his head out to look. I saw a group of strong men, with sticks in their hands, rushing in, looking around, as if looking for something. Li Ergou was overjoyed, walked out from behind the Buddha statue, and asked loudly, "Brothers, what are you looking for?" When one of the strong men saw him, his eyes widened like copper bells, and he shouted, "Is your kid's name Li Ergou?" Li Ergou nodded, looking confused. The strong man jumped forward with an arrow, grabbed his collar, and shouted: "You kid let us have a good meal!" Come with us! Li Ergou was frightened by this sudden scene, he struggled, and asked in a trembling voice: "Brothers, what did I do?" Why are you arresting me? The strong man snorted coldly, and his tone was cold and hard: "Don't pretend to be stupid, you kid!" We're ordered to get you! Someone accused you of stealing his family heirloom! When Li Ergou heard this, he was stunned. He hurriedly defended: "Big brother, don't wronged me!" Although my Li Ergou is poor, I never do anything like stealing chickens and touching dogs! Besides, I don't even know what that heirloom is, so how could I steal it? The strong man would not believe him, and with a wave of his hand, his men took him away. Li Ergou struggled, but to no avail. He was escorted by the group all the way to a manor outside the city.

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

The owner of the manor was a wealthy businessman named Zhao Yuanwai. As soon as he saw Li Ergou being escorted, he stepped forward and shouted, "You thief! How dare you steal my family heirloom! If you are not brought to justice today, how can my Zhao family have face! When Li Ergou heard this, he immediately understood what was going on. He hurriedly defended: "Zhao Yuanwai, you misunderstood!" I really didn't steal your family's heirloom! I've been begging on the streets today, so how can I have time to steal from your house? Zhao Yuanwai was willing to believe his words, and with a wave of his hand, his subordinates put him in prison. Li Ergou shouted injustice in prison, but no one paid attention.

Just when Li Ergou felt desperate, he suddenly remembered the woman's words. His heart moved, and he said secretly: "Could this really be my blood light disaster?" Since the woman could have foreseen this, perhaps she would have helped me to resolve it. Thinking of this, he hurriedly shouted in prison: "Is there anyone? Anyone? I have something important to say! A moment later, the cell door opened, and a jailer entered. Seeing Li Ergou's anxious look, he asked, "What are you yelling about?" Li Ergou hurriedly told the jailer what had happened, and asked the jailer to help him contact the woman. The jailer listened to him, and felt that something was wrong, so he agreed to help him contact the woman.

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

Let's talk about Li Ergou and the old woman, after they escaped from the cell, they ran all the way, and they didn't dare to stop to catch their breath until dawn. Along the way, the two supported each other, and they both knew in their hearts that if it weren't for the sudden evil mirror, they might have been unlucky. Li Ergou held the mirror in his hand, he was so grateful that he turned his head to the old woman and said, "Auntie, this mirror is really amazing, I didn't expect it to save our lives." How do you know that this mirror can ward off evil spirits? The old woman sighed and said slowly: "Ergou, this mirror is my family's ancestral treasure, which is said to be able to ward off evil spirits and keep people safe." When I was younger, I heard my grandfather say that this mirror has been passed down for generations and has always carried it with me. My grandfather said that this mirror has spirituality, can sense the danger of the owner, and shine to protect the owner. ”

Li Ergou was dumbfounded when he heard this, and his respect for the old woman went to a higher level. He thought for a moment and asked, "Auntie, since this mirror is so magical, why didn't you take it out and use it earlier?" That way you don't have to suffer so much. The old woman shook her head, sighed, and said, "Ergou, although this mirror is magical, it is not omnipotent. It can only sense the danger of the owner, but cannot prevent it from happening. When I was younger, my family was quite wealthy, and I thought that this mirror would never be needed. Who knew that something happened at home, I knew that this mirror would keep me safe, but I couldn't always carry it. Besides, wouldn't it be more noticeable if I took this mirror to beg? Li Ergou was silent after hearing this, and understood the old woman's difficulties in his heart. He looked at the mirror in his hand, and his heart was warm, knowing that this mirror was not only a treasure, but also a heavy responsibility and sustenance. We rested for a while, and then we set out on our way again. Along the way, we were both scared, for fear that something would happen again. However, God took good care of us, and in the back part of the road, the two of us were smooth sailing, and nothing happened. After a few days of tossing and turning, we finally arrived at a remote mountain village. This place is beautiful with beautiful mountains and waters, and the people are simple, so we decided to settle down here. We rented a small house and started our new life.

In order to support his family, Li Ergou began to look for work everywhere. He was a very diligent man, and he could endure any hardship, and it didn't take long for the people in the village to trust him and respect him. The woman was not idle at home, but did some needlework and helped the house. Although the two of us are poor, we depend on each other for our lives, and we live quite warmly.

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

But the good days didn't last long, one day, Li Ergou was working on the construction site, and suddenly received bad news - his sister was very sick and had to hurry up with money for treatment. When Li Ergou heard this, his heart was half cold. How can our family's savings be enough to cure the disease? Just when he was in a hurry, the woman took out the mirror and said to him, "Ergou, this mirror may be able to help you." Li Ergou was stunned and didn't understand what was going on. The woman explained, "This mirror does not heal the sick, but it does ward off evil spirits and keep peace." You take it to town and look for someone who knows how to do it, and you might be able to sell it for a good price. When Li Ergou heard this, his eyes lit up. He quickly put away the mirror and prepared to try his luck in town the next day.

Early the next morning, Li Ergou went to the town with the evil mirror. After some inquiry, I found an antique shop. When the shopkeeper looked at the mirror, his eyes were straight, and he said yes. After some haggling, the mirror sold for a good price. Li Ergou took the money, hurried back to the village, and sent the money to the hospital. Thankfully, his sister's illness was treated promptly and she got better quickly.

After this incident, Li Ergou cherished the woman and his sister even more. He knew that it was the mirror that saved their family. Since then, the days of Li Ergou and the woman have become more and more prosperous. Although we are still poor, we love each other, and the family is harmonious and beautiful. The mirror of avoiding evil has also become the most precious thing in our family, witnessing the pain and happiness of our family.

The woman begs on the street, the man kindly rescues her, and the woman says that you will soon be in trouble

That's the story we're telling you today. You say how wonderful this world is, sometimes you really have to believe something in order to live a good life in this world. However, whether to believe or not depends on our own choices and judgments. What do you say?