
Xiaohekou Town, Shanyang County: Inheriting the red gene and absorbing the strength of endeavor

author:Shaanxi era

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 26, the Party Committee of Xiaohekou Town organized all party members to go to the Yuanjiagou Party Spirit Education Base to carry out the July 1st theme party day activity of "keeping in mind the entrustment, thanksgiving and forging ahead".

Xiaohekou Town, Shanyang County: Inheriting the red gene and absorbing the strength of endeavor

In front of the monument to the Soviet Government of Yuanjiagou and Hubei Shaanxi Border District, Hu Yongyan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiaohekou Town, led all the party members of the town organs to raise their right fists and solemnly swear an oath to the party flag. This oath under the banner of the party inspires every party member to strengthen their beliefs, keep forging ahead, strive to practice the purpose of "serving the people wholeheartedly", and strive to be a qualified Communist Party member in the new era.

Xiaohekou Town, Shanyang County: Inheriting the red gene and absorbing the strength of endeavor

At the former site of the Soviet in the Hubei-Shaanxi Border District, all the party members successively visited the monument to the Soviet Government of the Hubei-Shaanxi Border District, the Red Army hut, the former site of the Soviet Government Office, and the Red Army Hospital with great reverence, tracing the revolutionary footprints of the older generation of communists such as Cheng Zihua, Xu Haidong, Wu Huanxian, Cheng Jiasheng, and Ruan Yingchen. It has deepened the understanding of the party's original intention and mission.

Xiaohekou Town, Shanyang County: Inheriting the red gene and absorbing the strength of endeavor

In the Yuanjiagou Party Spirit Education Base, Hu Yongyan gave a lecture to all party members of the town with the theme of "Sticking to the Bottom Line of Discipline and Practicing Loyalty and Responsibility". He used vivid language, around the "discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline" four aspects, in-depth explanation of the great significance of the party discipline education, the theme of the party class is clear, systematic and in-depth, with a strong political and guiding nature, for the town party members and cadres "discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline", drew a red line, gave the answer.

Through the theme party day activities, all party members of the town organs received a profound party spirit education and spiritual baptism. Everyone said that they should take this party discipline study and education as an opportunity to internalize the requirements of the party constitution and party discipline norms in their hearts and externalize them in their actions, awaken their sense of identity, start from me and start from now, transform the results of party discipline learning and education into a powerful driving force to promote work, and contribute to writing a new chapter in the high-quality development of Xiaohe. (Ning Kun)

Editor-in-charge: Liu Pengtao

Editor: Fu Mingzhu