
Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The medical heart is to keep the original intention of the party, and the health is the mission for the people

author:Shaanxi era

On June 28, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the Communist Party of China, the Party Committee of Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Party Branch of China Telecom Baihe Branch joined hands to go to Xunyang Hongjun Town to carry out party building and red education theme party day activities. Through the form of party building and joint construction, we will deepen the party spirit education of party members on both sides, jointly inherit the red gene, and drum up the enthusiasm for entrepreneurship.

Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The medical heart is to keep the original intention of the party, and the health is the mission for the people

After arriving at the Red Army Memorial Hall in Xunyang Red Army Town, under the leadership of the commentator, all party members climbed up the stairs, and the heroic relief wall told the glorious revolutionary deeds of the Red 25th Army. Subsequently, they visited the Historical Museum, the Weapons Museum, the Life Museum, the Comprehensive Museum and other theme exhibition halls, and recorded and witnessed the fighting process and glorious revolutionary history of the Red 25th Army in Xunyang. Through the detailed explanation of the commentator, all party members were baptized and inspired by the revolutionary spirit of the martyrs who were not afraid of life and death and bravely moved forward.

Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The medical heart is to keep the original intention of the party, and the health is the mission for the people

In front of the solemn monument to the heroes of the Red Army, the party members participating in the activities lined up neatly and solemnly to lay flowers for the heroes of the Red Army and mourn silently. All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party and deeply cherished the memory of the revolutionary martyrs.

Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The medical heart is to keep the original intention of the party, and the health is the mission for the people

Zheng Xiaodong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, combined with the history of "three disciplines and eight attentions", gave a special party class entitled "Party Discipline Learning to Know in the Heart, Stand in the Body, and Transform in Action". The majority of party members and cadres are required to conscientiously study the history of China's revolutionary war and the fighting spirit of the revolutionary ancestors, improve their party spirit, and cultivate a fine work style; Deeply comprehend the main tone of "strict" party discipline and party rules, put yourself in the rules, always maintain a sense of awe of party discipline, accurately grasp the essence of its "strict", strictly abide by political discipline, strict sense of rules, strict self-requirements, take the initiative to put yourself in, put your responsibilities in, put your work in, consciously use party discipline and party rules to restrain your words and deeds, let discipline and rules become a "pressure pump" in the world, and transform the results of party discipline learning and education into a powerful driving force to promote the high-quality development of various work. After the class, everyone watched the anti-corruption warning education film.

Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: The medical heart is to keep the original intention of the party, and the health is the mission for the people

Comrades said that through this theme party day activity, they have a deeper understanding of the fearless spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who are righteous and awe-inspiring and not afraid of life and death during the period of the red revolution. As a young party member and cadre, we must have the courage to take responsibility and act in the new era and new journey, and practice the original mission with practical actions. (Contributed by: Baihe County Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine)

Editor-in-charge: Liu Tao

Editor: Wang Yang

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