
The anti-corruption book area of Changwu County Library is open!

author:Shaanxi era

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the party's clean government construction, enhance the awareness of integrity and self-discipline of the cadres and workers of the whole library, and further create a clean and upright working atmosphere of the library, Changwu County Library has set up a special area for clean government books, and selected a number of books with the theme of clean government to be put on the shelves for the majority of readers, cadres and workers to read and learn.

A total of more than 500 books on integrity have been put on the shelves in the anti-corruption book area, covering many aspects such as anti-corruption laws and regulations, work style cultivation, interpretation of the law with cases, discussion on the cultivation of Communist Party members, and advice on clean government. These books are rich in subject matter and large in information, including documentary literature reports, party history records, and classic quotations on clean government, which are relatively knowledgeable and readable, and can meet the reading needs of different readers.

The anti-corruption book area of Changwu County Library is open!
The anti-corruption book area of Changwu County Library is open!

In the process of book selection, Changwu County Library listened to the suggestions of readers and party members and cadres, inquired about the major lists, and combined with the resource advantages of the library, finally determined this batch of books. After the books arrived, the staff carried out strict acceptance to ensure that each book met the procurement requirements. Subsequently, the books are cataloged and processed by professionals, and personalized library information such as call numbers and classification numbers are pasted.

The anti-corruption book area of Changwu County Library is open!
The anti-corruption book area of Changwu County Library is open!

Through the work of putting clean government books on the shelves, it not only enriches the collection resources of Changwu County Library, but also provides an important platform for party members and cadres to learn clean government knowledge and improve their awareness of integrity and self-discipline.

In the next step, Changwu County Library will continue to strengthen the promotion and popularization of clean government books, continuously optimize the allocation of book resources, further enhance the integrity and self-discipline awareness of all library staff, and make greater contributions to promoting the construction of clean government. (Cao Rui)

Editor-in-charge: Du Pengfei

Editor: Fu Mingzhu