
Xunyang paper-cutting

author:Shaanxi era

Xunyang paper-cutting is an ancient traditional folk art, which has both the rough atmosphere, freehand and bold of paper-cutting in the north of the mainland and the ingenious and meticulous and realistic characteristics of paper-cutting in the south, and has a unique artistic charm.

Xunyang paper-cutting
Xunyang paper-cutting

Paper-cutting, also known as paper-cutting, is a kind of hollowing art. Its carrier is paper, gold and silver foil, bark, leaves, cloth, leather, leather and other sheet materials.

Xunyang paper-cutting

Finished paper-cut products can be divided into four categories according to their specific uses:

The first is to post, that is, directly posted on doors and windows, walls, lights, and color tie for decoration, such as window flowers, wall flowers, ceiling flowers, smoke lattices, lantern flowers, paper flowers, and door notes.

The second is to place the lining, that is, to decorate gifts, dowries, sacrifices, offerings, such as happy flowers, offering flowers, ceremonial flowers, candlestick flowers, bucket incense flowers, Chongyang flag.

The third is the embroidery base sample, which is used for clothing, shoes and hats, pillows, etc., such as shoe flowers, pillow flowers, hat flowers, saliva flowers, sleeve flowers, and strap flowers.

The fourth is for printing and dyeing, that is, as a printing plate of blue calico, used for clothing, quilts, curtains, bags, bibs, headscarves, etc.

Xunyang paper-cutting

Xunyang folk paper-cutting skills embody the most basic aesthetic concepts and spiritual qualities of human art, with distinctive artistic characteristics and interest in life, and are treasures in folk art.

Xunyang paper-cutting has been included in the second batch of intangible cultural heritage list of Ankang City. (Li Dan)

Editor-in-charge: Du Pengfei

Editor: Fu Mingzhu

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