
The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

author:Gentle grape vCA

With the recent acceleration of Russia's situation in the Middle East, the United States is also carrying out a rapid strategic layout in Europe. It is said that the economic base determines the superstructure. At present, Japan's debt accounts for 250 percent of GDP, and Japan is currently the largest holder of US debt. The current debt of the United States is around 150 percent. Even Europe has not been freed from the occasional debt that doubled its debt.

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The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

All the contradictions in the world are nothing more than interests. Driven by interests, conflicts are occurring all over the world. The game between countries is played out every day. The world has largely stagnated, and this situation will continue unless there is a new round of scientific and technological advancement.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

Interests are linked to the economy. The economy has a lot to do with the global system, that is, the international system. The international system is a whole composed of many interacting international actors. International actors refer to political entities or political forces that can independently participate in international affairs, exercise international rights, and assume international responsibilities and obligations, and are divided into two categories: state actors and non-state actors. State actors are sovereign states, and some national liberation organizations can also be considered state actors; Non-state actors include intergovernmental international organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), multinational corporations, international political movements and individuals.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly
The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly
The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly
The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly
The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly
The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

All actors are inevitably involved in direct or indirect interlinkages within the international system. Its main features include the inclusion of all State and non-State actors in the international system; There is a direct or indirect link between all actors in the system; The difference in overall strength between countries leads to power disparities, and there is no equality between large and small countries; The international system exists objectively, and its formation and development are influenced and constrained by a variety of factors.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

In this way, the international system has gradually developed with the global expansion of capitalism. The international system, which can also be called the dollar system. As the world's main reserve currency and settlement currency, the United States can reduce its debt burden by issuing additional dollars. The additional issuance of US dollars circulates around the world, causing the US dollar assets held by other countries to depreciate, thus realizing the disguised transfer of debt.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

If we want to solve economic problems, we must first look at debt. The way to solve the debt, we know that what the United States is doing at the moment is debt transfer. As the global economic leader, the United States has almost reached the state of a leader in terms of debt. The U.S. sells Treasury bonds to domestic and foreign investors, attracting large amounts of capital into the U.S. and spreading the debt burden to global investors.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

Subsequently, through the trade deficit, the export of dollars to other countries and the acquisition of a large number of goods and services have caused the trading partner countries to accumulate a large amount of US dollar foreign exchange reserves, and these countries often buy US Treasury bonds in order to maintain and increase their value, thus indirectly assuming the debt of the United States. The United States has also used its dominance in international financial markets and complex financial derivatives to transfer and diversify debt risk.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

If the United States continues to operate like this, if the Associated Press does not cut interest rates, not only will governments be unable to bear it, but there will also be a large-scale thunderstorm in their own economies, and the global economic trend will become more psychedelic.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly

China maintains that sovereign states are the main and basic actors of the international system, that unipolarity and multipolarity are the basic characteristics of the current international system, and that the world builds the mainstream values of the international system through diversity and dialogue among civilizations, and promotes the building of a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity is the direction of development of the international system. At the same time, the international community firmly upholds the international system with the United Nations at its core, gives full play to the central role of the United Nations in international affairs, and practices true multilateralism, an international order based on international law, and basic norms governing international relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, so as to jointly address global challenges.

The global situation is acute, and a big war may become the only answer, and a gunshot rang out in Central Europe, and the international community is evolving rapidly