
Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

author:Gentle grape vCA

The Taiwan Strait issue has always been a matter on the minds of our motherland, and recently, a small wave has once again set off in the Taiwan Strait. Once again, all eyes are on the area. So what kind of truth is hidden behind the Taiwan Strait issue? What momentous decision was suddenly announced by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? What is the direction in which the future situation in the Taiwan Strait, which the people of the whole country are concerned about? Next, follow the pace of the editor to see what has happened recently!

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Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

And our beautiful Taiwan is not only rich in terrain, but also has a variety of landforms. And as an island, it is still very rich in natural resources, not to mention mineral resources, the island and its surroundings are very diverse, such as the mineral resources that we are very interested in - gold. Speaking of gold mineral resources on the island, everyone must be interested.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

And there is also a very good atmosphere of multiculturalism, such as some Han people, Gaoshan people and so on. Diverse culture also means diverse cuisine, and the editor said that everyone must be familiar with a meal, that is, braised pork rice. It's such a beautiful and nice place, but it's often harassed by bad people who are uneasy and well-intentioned.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

Here we have to mention a country, everyone may know, that is, the United States, which has always been against other countries, this United States, usually idle and has nothing to do, but likes to meddle in the internal affairs of other countries. If you don't make trouble, you're itching all over.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

No, this time, he has extended his black hand to Taiwan, China. According to relevant reports, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has announced two batches of arms sales to Taiwan with a total value of up to $360 million. To put it in layman's terms, it is to help the "Taiwan independence elements" resist China by directly disregarding others. And everyone may not understand this, the arms sales plan.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

Among them, in the US arms sales plan, there are actually two very lethal high-tech unmanned aerial systems. The name is "Switchblade", you may not know this system, Xiaobian to tell you about it. After this system is launched, it can change its form at will, and can directly realize the tasks of cruising and precision strikes, which is not only fast, but also powerful. To put it simply, it's a flying little plug-in.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

The U.S. has submitted an application for the promulgation of this plan, and the process is underway. Judging from this behavior of the United States, the United States has ill intentions towards China. Why do you always like to meddle in other people's affairs? When I think about what the United States has done, I am very angry. After US President Joe Biden took office, he has launched a plan to sell weapons to Taiwan as many as 15 times! What a terrible number, and how many lives would wither if there was a real fight?

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

The time for the ill-intentioned United States to announce its plan to sell arms to Taiwan this time was specifically chosen at a time when Lai Ching-te frequently made remarks provoking the mainland and indiscriminately talked about the fallacy that "the two sides of the strait are not subordinate to each other." The United States is really very rampant already. But will China give up? What major decision did the Chinese Foreign Ministry announce regarding this incident? Let's move on.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

For such an act, China launched a counterattack at the first time, we Chinese do things have a charter, first of all, according to the law, according to the "People's Republic of China Anti-Foreign Sanctions Law", China immediately countered Lockheed Martin related entities and senior management. Take control of all the places in their technical labs where high-density instruments are studied. The backhand is to freeze domestic assets, so that they will not escape.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said that such an act by the United States is a serious violation of the three Sino-US joint communiques, and it is also a disregard for the one-China principle.

Try Taiwan again! The Foreign Ministry suddenly announced a major decision, and this time even Biden did not expect it

Zhang Ronggong, former deputy secretary general of the Chinese Kuomintang, also pointed out that "peaceful reunification and one country, two systems" was originally our guiding principle, but with regard to the Taiwan issue, the "Taiwan independence elements" on the mainland have dealt with the "Taiwan independence elements" in accordance with "one country, one rule." It fully demonstrates China's determination. We all believe that the end of the "Taiwan independence elements" is not far off! What do you say?

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