
How to avoid computer data being copied (teach you 7 tricks, tricks are used!)

author:Li Xiang, Enterprise Security Engineer

In the digital age, data security has become the focus of attention for businesses and individuals. The confidentiality of computer data is not only related to personal privacy, but also related to the business secrets of enterprises. In order to prevent unauthorized copying and data leakage, we need to take a series of measures to protect our digital assets.

How to avoid computer data being copied (teach you 7 tricks, tricks are used!)

Basic policies for data copy prevention

  1. Use strong passwords: Setting up complex passwords is the first step in protecting your computer. Passwords should contain uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters, and be at least 12 characters long.
  2. Update your operating system and software regularly: Keeping your operating system and all software up-to-date can reduce security vulnerabilities and prevent hackers from exploiting known vulnerabilities.
  3. Use data encryption tools: Encrypt sensitive data so that even if it is copied, it cannot be read by unauthorized persons.
  4. Set access permissions: Allocate access permissions to files and folders based on the user's roles and needs.
  5. Use copy protection software: There are several copy protection software on the market that can prevent data from being copied or moved to other devices.
  6. Physical security measures: Make sure your computer is placed in a safe place to avoid data breaches that could result from physical access.
  7. Data Backup: Back up your important data regularly in case it gets lost or corrupted.

Introduction to the Insight Eye MIT System

How to avoid computer data being copied (teach you 7 tricks, tricks are used!)
How to avoid computer data being copied (teach you 7 tricks, tricks are used!)
How to avoid computer data being copied (teach you 7 tricks, tricks are used!)
How to avoid computer data being copied (teach you 7 tricks, tricks are used!)

The InsightEye MIT system is an advanced data protection technology that provides an additional layer of data security by monitoring and controlling the access, use, and transmission of data. Here are just a few of the key features of the Insight Eye MIT system:

  1. Behavior analysis: The system is able to learn and identify normal user behavior patterns and alert when anomalous behavior is detected.
  2. Real-time monitoring: The Insight Eye MIT system provides real-time monitoring capabilities, which can instantly detect and respond to potential security threats.
  3. Access control: The system can automatically allow or deny access requests to sensitive data based on preset rules.
  4. Data tracking: Even if the data is copied, the Insight MIT system can track the whereabouts of the data and help recover or delete the leaked data.
  5. Audit logs: The system records detailed logs of all data access and operations for post-event audit and analysis.
  6. Integration: The Insight Eye MIT system can be integrated with other security solutions to form a comprehensive security network.

Expand your knowledge

  • Digital watermarking technology: Embedding an invisible watermark in a file, once the file is illegally copied or distributed, it can be traced back to the original source through the watermark.
  • Data loss prevention (DLP) :D LP technology identifies, monitors, and protects sensitive data from being leaked through a variety of channels.
  • Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI): VDI allows users to remotely access virtualized desktop environments, reducing the risk of local data storage and copying.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Add a second factor, such as biometrics or one-time passwords, in addition to passwords to improve account security.
  • Security Awareness Training: Conduct regular security awareness training for employees to increase their importance in data protection.

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