
The girlfriend used dental floss to steal money from the piggy bank 14 times, stealing a total of 5,900 yuan.

author:The covenant of the heart 109917251


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Now, there is a popular phrase called "fire prevention, anti-theft, anti-girlfriends." Why? There are many women who treat their girlfriends as confidants, and this girlfriend does things that make her more than she imagined.

Some girlfriends fell in love with her husband and tried every means to get rid of her original partner and became husband and wife with her husband, and she could only become an ex-wife.

The list goes on and on, so the word "girlfriend" has become a neutral word, and even has a little other meaning.

The girlfriend used dental floss to steal money from the piggy bank 14 times, stealing a total of 5,900 yuan.

A woman in Shenyang is very fond of dogs, buys a lot of toys for dogs, and takes them out to play when she has time.

The lady was in her 30s, her surname was Yang, we will call her Ms. Yang here, and once while walking her dog at night, she met a beautiful woman who was about her age and was holding a sheepdog in her hand.

The two got married because of the dog, and the beautiful woman claimed to be surnamed Meng, and the two chatted for a while, only to know that they were upstairs and downstairs neighbors.

As soon as I heard that it was a neighbor, the distance was much closer. The two often meet while walking their dog downstairs, and the relationship gets better and better.

Ms. Yang is a warm-hearted person, so she invited Ms. Meng to go to her house to play if she had nothing to do, and Ms. Meng was also invited, and the two slowly became best friends.

The girlfriend used dental floss to steal money from the piggy bank 14 times, stealing a total of 5,900 yuan.

Ms. Yang, because she is usually busy with work, can only walk the dog after work at night, and Ms. Meng enthusiastically said I will help you walk the dog.

Ms. Yang felt that Ms. Meng was so good that she took the initiative to help her walk the dog, and she was very grateful, so she gave her the key to her house, so that she could go to her house at any time to help walk the dog when she was free.

Ms. Meng, this person is also very diligent, anyway, one dog is also walking, and two dogs are also leading. So he led the two dogs outside with him.

When Ms. Yang saw that she helped her walk the dog, she often bought her some fruits and gifts for her to show her gratitude.

Once, Ms. Meng went to Ms. Yang's house and said that she urgently needed 300 yuan in cash, because people nowadays basically pay for everything with their mobile phones, so she has no cash.

The girlfriend used dental floss to steal money from the piggy bank 14 times, stealing a total of 5,900 yuan.

Ms. Yang felt that Ms. Meng was really embarrassed to borrow money from her for the first time, and she didn't know what to do, and suddenly thought of her piggy bank.

She hurriedly brought the piggy bank over, and after thinking about it, she didn't know how to get the money out, because the piggy bank only had a small gap, and there were no small sticks or anything like that at home.

When she was in a dilemma, she suddenly thought of dental floss, she hurriedly took out the dental floss, and with great effort, she finally used the dental floss to cut out 300 yuan.

She happily handed over the 300 yuan to Ms. Meng, who was very happy to take the money and expressed her gratitude, and left after getting the money.

Ms. Meng usually plays mahjong, but for a few days she lost money continuously due to bad luck, and she had no money in her hand, and she still wanted to play, what should she do, she suddenly remembered Ms. Yang's piggy bank.

The girlfriend used dental floss to steal money from the piggy bank 14 times, stealing a total of 5,900 yuan.

Because she had the key in her hand, she took out the dental floss when Ms. Yang's house was empty, and pulled the money out of the storage jar little by little like the first time.

The first time she took 300 yuan, after a few days, Ms. Yang didn't find out, and she became more and more bold, as long as she had no money, she went to Ms. Yang's piggy bank to get it, 14 times in a row, and stole a total of 5,900 yuan from Ms. Yang's house.

Because she stole too much, one day, Ms. Yang suddenly found that the money was much less, and she immediately suspected Ms. Meng, because when she came to borrow money for the first time, she saw the process of withdrawing money from the piggy bank with dental floss.

Ms. Yang immediately called the police, and the police found Ms. Meng, who could only confess, saying that she had stolen 14 times, a total of 5,900 yuan.

In this way, Ms. Meng was detained, which is called self-destruction if you do too much injustice, people are kind to you, you are not grateful, but you have to go to others to steal, such people are really hateful.

The girlfriend used dental floss to steal money from the piggy bank 14 times, stealing a total of 5,900 yuan.

Such a beautiful woman, but she did such a thing. At present, she has been detained on suspicion of theft, and what awaits her is the severe punishment of the law.

Note: The picture is taken from the Internet, if there is any violation, please contact the author to delete.

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