
Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

author:Leave no trace in the Hall of Knowledge
Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun
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Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

In the Chinese film industry in the 80s of the 20th century, Zhao Na was like a rising star, quickly emerging with her beautiful temperament and solid acting skills.

She went hand in hand with powerful movie stars such as Liu Xiaoqing, Pan Hong, and Ni Ping, and became one of the most dazzling "four golden flowers" of that era. However, just when her acting career was in full swing, Zhao Na suddenly chose to retire and disappeared from the public eye.

Why did this Bayi Factory, who has frequently appeared on the covers of major film magazines, resolutely give up his beloved acting career at his peak? What caused this bright pearl to choose to retire? What kind of life trajectory is hidden behind Zhao Na's story? Let's unveil this long-forgotten acting legend.

In 1956, Zhao Na was born in Qingdao, a beautiful coastal city in Shandong. Having had a strong interest in performing arts since she was a child, she has a burning desire for the stage in her heart.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

However, the road to chasing your dreams has not been easy.

When she was young, Zhao Na signed up for the selection of Jinan Repertory Theatre with enthusiasm. Standing in front of the examiner, she tried to show her talent, but she was unable to do so due to a lack of professional training and experience.

This defeat did not extinguish Zhao Na's enthusiasm, but stimulated her to have a stronger desire to learn. She began to study her acting skills diligently and worked tirelessly to achieve her dream.

Hard work pays off. When she was 20 years old, Zhao Na finally ushered in a turning point in her life - she was successfully admitted to the Shandong Repertory Theatre. The moment she stepped onto the professional stage, Zhao Na felt unprecedented excitement and satisfaction.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

However, this is only the beginning of her acting career.

With her excellent appearance and increasingly sophisticated acting skills, Zhao Na soon attracted the attention of a bigger stage. She was transferred to Bayi Film Studio and officially became a film actress.

From the drama stage to the screen, Zhao Na's acting career has started a new chapter.

In order to continuously improve her acting level, Zhao Na seized a rare opportunity - she entered the advanced class of Beijing Film Academy with well-known actors such as Tang Guoqiang, Kou Zhenhai, and Song Chunli.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

This learning opportunity, known as the "star class" in the industry, made Zhao Na hungry to absorb professional knowledge and laid a solid foundation for her future acting career.

During this period, Zhao Na's efforts quickly paid off. In 1980, she played the role of nurse Sycamore in the movie "Death of the Marshal", a role that made her famous in one fell swoop.

Zhao Na's heroic and beautiful screen image immediately attracted the attention of the audience and won her more performance opportunities.

Subsequently, Zhao Na starred in many classic films such as "Flower Branches", "Dadu River", "Where is Not Merry" and so on. Whether it is Yue Hua in "Flower Branches" or Shen Xiaoying in "Dadu River", Zhao Na has created impressive roles with her acting skills.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

From Qingdao to Beijing, from the drama stage to the movie screen, Zhao Na used her persistence and talent to realize her acting dream step by step. However, just as she was about to reach the pinnacle of her career, fate prepared an unexpected turn for her.

While Zhao Na's acting career was in full swing, her private life also ushered in a major turning point. During the filming of "Death of the Marshal", Zhao Na got acquainted with actor Zhu Yanping, who played Ma Honghu.

The two fell in love because of the drama and soon fell in love. Although Zhu Yanping was not as well-known as Zhao Na at that time, he has become "Wu Song" in the minds of many audiences with his wonderful performance in the Shandong version of "Water Margin".

For Zhao Na, who has just entered the entertainment industry, this relationship came quickly and hotly. She chose to marry Zhu Yanping without hesitation, and was willing to wash her hands and make soup for him.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

Soon after marriage, the two were happy with a noble son and formed a seemingly perfect small family. For a time, the young actor couple became an enviable model family in the entertainment industry.

However, the reality of marriage is not so simple. As time passed, the contradictions between the two gradually emerged. In those days, most people would choose to repair their marriage, but Zhao Na made a surprising decision - she resolutely chose to divorce and raise her young son alone.

This decision undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Zhao Na. In order to escape this painful emotional experience, and in order to give her son a stable growth environment, she made an even more shocking decision - to leave Bayi Factory and give up her beloved film career.

This decision made the entire film industry regret it. Many people can't understand why an actor at the peak of his career would choose to quit. However, at this time, Zhao Na has transformed her role from a dazzling movie star to a wholehearted mother.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

She knows the greatness of mother's love, and everything is important to her son, and she is worried that the unstable family environment will bring psychological trauma to her son.

With her young son, Zhao Na returned to her hometown of Qingdao. From a high-profile movie star to an unknown single mother, this huge gap in identity makes it difficult for Zhao Na to adapt for a while.

However, for the sake of her son, she chose to be strong. She told herself that no matter how difficult the road ahead was, she would hold up a piece of the sky for her son.

In those days, divorce was still seen as a "scandal", and Zhao Na had to face the fingers of her neighbors. However, she chose to ignore these gossips and devoted all her energy to the cause of raising her son.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

She promised her son that she would never remarry until he reached adulthood and devote herself to her son's upbringing.

Zhao Na's decision not only changed the trajectory of her own life, but also left an unsolved mystery to the Chinese film industry. People can't help but ask, if Zhao Na had chosen to continue her acting career at that time, what would she have achieved in the film industry? However, for Zhao Na, the healthy growth of her son is more important than any honor.

This choice may be the most difficult but courageous decision in Zhao Na's life.

After returning to Qingdao, Zhao Na faced not only the pressure of life, but also the strange vision from society. In those days, divorced women were often the subject of discussion.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

However, Zhao Na chose to ignore these criticisms and devoted all her energy to raising her son.

During her days in Shenzhen, Zhao Na experienced unimaginable hardships. During the day, she travels to various sales outlets, trying to complete sales tasks; At night, she has to take care of the housework and take care of her son's daily life.

Despite the hardships of life, whenever she sees her son's innocent smile, Zhao Na feels that everything is worth it.

This period of hardship lasted for more than a decade. During this period, Zhao Na wanted to return to the film industry countless times, but every time she thought of her promise to her son - not to marry him before he became an adult - she suppressed this idea.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

She told herself that her son's healthy growth was more important than anything else.

After sending her son away, Zhao Na's life seems to have become even more lonely. However, she didn't stop moving forward. She began to re-examine her life and think about the direction of the future.

The growth and independence of her son finally gave Zhao Na a chance to breathe, and also made her start to think about whether she should do something for her life.

Looking back on these difficult years, Zhao Na was full of emotion. From a high-profile movie star to an obscure single mother, she has experienced an unimaginable identity change.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

However, it was this experience that made Zhao Na stronger and made her deeply appreciate the greatness of maternal love. Although life was difficult, watching her son grow up healthily, Zhao Na felt that everything was worth it.

This experience also gave Zhao Na a new understanding of life. She understands that life is not only about glory and applause, but also about responsibility and perseverance. And as a mother, she uses her actions to interpret what selfless love is.

With her son's encouragement, Zhao Na began to re-examine her life. In 2004, fate seemed to give her a chance to start over. After being introduced, she met actor Du Zhiguo, who also experienced a failed marriage.

When the two first met, they found that they had many topics in common. Du Zhiguo is a person who loves life, has a deep affection for his family, and also likes to grow flowers and plants.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

He deeply admires Zhao Na's tenacity in raising her son alone, and is full of sympathy for her experience.

Meeting like-minded partners at this age makes Zhao Na feel extremely cherished. She felt that she had finally found a shoulder to lean on and a new father for her son.

After getting along for a period of time, the two decided to enter the palace of marriage hand in hand.

However, this hard-won marriage soon encountered serious challenges. Du Zhiguo's son Du Chun was deeply dissatisfied with his father's remarriage, and his attitude towards Zhao Na was also very cold.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

Du Chun, who was already quite dissatisfied with his father's divorce from his ex-wife Yang Li, vented his inner anger on this new marriage relationship at this time.

Despite Zhao Na's efforts to fit into the new family, Du Chun's resistance has never changed. In this tense family atmosphere, the marital relationship between Zhao Na and Du Zhiguo gradually cracked.

In the end, the marriage, which lasted for more than five years, ended in failure. For Zhao Na, this is undoubtedly another heavy blow.

Soon after the divorce, Du Zhiguo quickly married his second wife, Zheng Weili. According to Du Zhiguo's later confession, when he made this decision, he also listened to the opinions of his son Du Chun, who hoped that his father could find a young and beautiful partner.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

The failure of this marriage made Zhao Na completely lose the idea of remarrying. She realized that perhaps the trajectory of her life was destined to be lonely. But she doesn't regret it, because she knows that no matter what, she has her son's eternal love.

After two failed marriages, Zhao Na finally chose to live a single life. Although she failed to get her wish emotionally, she has achieved a lot in her career.

Years of running a business have allowed her to become financially independent and no longer rely on others. This economic freedom gave Zhao Na great comfort and confidence.

With the encouragement of her son, Zhao Na also tried to return to the screen. She took over the filming of the TV series "Farewell to the Third Year of High School", in which she played a domineering mother. This role seems to be a portrayal of her real life, giving Zhao Na the opportunity to re-examine her life experience.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

However, time has passed, and she can no longer regain the glory of the past. Faced with this result, Zhao Na chose to accept it calmly.

Today's Zhao Na has faded out of the public eye. She lived a quiet and fulfilling life, maintaining a close relationship with her son. Looking back, she was full of emotion.

Although the road in life has been bumpy and tortuous, she does not regret her choice. Because in her opinion, the healthy growth of her son is the greatest reward for her.

Zhao Na's story may be the epitome of an ordinary woman seeking a balance between career and family. Her experience tells us that there are no perfect choices in life, and that it is important to face whatever difficulties you face and never give up.

Zhao Na: She once competed with Liu Xiaoqing and Pan Hong, retired from selling beer at her peak, and her second marriage was broken up by Du Chun

Today's Zhao Na, although she has moved away from her former glory, the wisdom and courage she has gained in the journey of life may be more precious than any honor.

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